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Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

Chief Stoker said:
I heard about that. I'm heading there on Thurs for a tour. My section will be doing WUP's for the class.

Harry or Margie (is it to early to be giving ships nicknames)??  I'm assuming you are going to be doing the Harry's WUPs, quite the opportunity, I'm sure plenty of sailors a jealous (I know I am).  It should be an interesting summer watching all those megablocks come together.
Underway said:
Harry or Margie (is it to early to be giving ships nicknames)??  I'm assuming you are going to be doing the Harry's WUPs, quite the opportunity, I'm sure plenty of sailors a jealous (I know I am).  It should be an interesting summer watching all those megablocks come together.

When I say doing WUP's I will giving them not the subject of them. The bow should be on in a few weeks when the first 2 sections come out. Interesting fact, when completed the ship will be moved to a heavy lift ship and put in the water in the basin.
Is that because the basin is so deep....just in case of Irving build quality?  >:D

Wouldn't want Harry to become a navigation hazard.
I refuse to call her HMCS Harry DeWolf, it will always be just HMCS DeWolf to me. Full names are a CCG or USN thing, not a RCN thing.

I really hope that our new AAW ships will be Tribals. With total consultation and buy in from the first nations community of course.
FSTO said:
I refuse to call her HMCS Harry DeWolf, it will always be just HMCS DeWolf to me. Full names are a CCG or USN thing, not a RCN thing.

I really hope that our new AAW ships will be Tribals. With total consultation and buy in from the first nations community of course.


Lumber said:

I object to naming navy ships after army heros.  Its bad enough that the JSS is named after land battles.  Just not proper....
Well seeing as it's not proper to use Tribal names anymore and if they still want to have FN connections and this is the only way... I am OK within as they're both decent men who deserve the honour and recognition.
Underway said:
I object to naming navy ships after army heros.  Its bad enough that the JSS is named after land battles.  Just not proper....

The third ship name made me chuckle despite me knowing of the battle. So weird to call a ship "Crysler's Farm". In my mind I just picture a floating wooden barn filled with farm animals... :-X What would you have liked the ships to be named after however?
jollyjacktar said:
Well seeing as it's not proper to use Tribal names anymore and if they still want to have FN connections and this is the only way... I am OK within as they're both decent men who deserve the honour and recognition.
Is that really the policy now?
I'm sure if the Navy approached the specific tribe and consulted with them respectfully we could do it again.

I just don't like the full names being used for HMC Ships
Also there was direct involvement with the ship and the actual tribe on the old Tribal class.  The CO and delegates on Athabaskan used to go out every few years to visit.

I think it'd be a pretty cool way to mend some fences and there are already existing ship names that could be used again like the Haida.  It's a good opportunity to educate people as well as you tend to get naturally interested to find out more about something when you are living on a steel box named after it.

If the tribes were asked ahead of time, and involved with designing (or redesigning) the ship's crests and the mottos, it would also be an awesome way to permanently showcase some of the amazing FN art and culture.  Plus we're more likely to get something that actually is badass enough to be a warship name and motto doing that than letting boring bureaucrats come up with something as asinine as war of 1812 battle locations for ship names.
Underway said:
Almost ready to come out and play....

It doesn't look like it will fit through the door.

A friend of my father's built a boat in his basement like that many years ago. It looked very nice while it was in one piece.

serger989 said:
So weird to call a ship "Crysler's Farm". In my mind I just picture a floating wooden barn filled with farm animals...

Like an Ark?
I think a few aspects to remember are appropriate here.

First of all, no one has taken the various FN tribal names out of contention. The simple reason for that is that, while we convene naming committees (to the extent that the government of the day gives them any say in the matter, which is the opposite of what has been done with the last two classes - namely the JSS/AOR named after War of 1812 battles and the AOPS named after alleged* Canadian naval heroes, both of which were determined by the Harper government to be the area of selection), there are no books, regulations, directives or guidance provided these committee.

Second, HMCS Haida is not available anymore. While not in commission, the last HMCS Haida is a National historic site, designated as such as it is the last existing Tribal class ship preserved as such on behalf of all the Commonwealth nations that operated destroyers of this class.

Third, I don't think that the name of the third AOR had ever been selected. I, in these forum, made a joke of the fact that if there was third one they could select Chrysler farm as the name, but it would be weird to have a ship named after a form of land occupation.

I tend to agree with FSTO: Single names for warships, though it can include compound ones, such as all the various Saints we have had in the past  :salute:. I mean, anyone ever calls HMCS VILLE DE QUEBEC by her full name? No. We all say either "the Quebec" or call her "the VDQ".

* I say "alleged" because, in at least one case, William Hall, we have a Nova Scotian born British Citizen who served only with the Royal Navy, mostly in and around India and got a VC for service to the Empire as a result, but well before Nova Scotia was ever considered part of Canada - but they had to find a way to include some visible minority in the mix, even though few if any such minority had ever served in the RCN at times of wars fought by Canada. Similarly, Frederik Rolette, from Quebec city, who served with distinction throughout the War of 1812 but onboard British warships on the Great lakes - who at least came from a Canada - Lower Canada to be precise - was selected to have a token French Canadian in there somewhere, again even though few (but some did, especially in WWII) serve in the RCN's wars.
Here she is.

Some notes from the open house today. 

Irving is very very proud of their work and the employee's that I dealt with were delightful.  Even those who were not part of the "tour staff" were happily explaining their jobs to their families and those of us who asked questions (I probably know more about ship painting now that I need too, but next paint ship evolution I'll be able to Van Gogh it properly.)

Even with the understanding of the scale of the ship from plans and pictures, standing beside the mega blocks, the HDW (unofficial acronym) is quite large.

Bow thrusters up close are way cooler than I thought.

The bow steel is about 1 1/4" to 1 1/2" thick (no they did not let me measure with calipers).  The hull gets thinner as it goes up above the waterline.  Makes sense for an icebreaker.  There is also a double hull on the bow, that I could see.  One of the staff was explaining how to get in those small spaces to finish a few welds and also painting.

She has a real flat bottom.  Once again ice breaker.  The stabilization fins were smaller than I thought but are installed already on the middle megablock.

First ship was said to be 60% complete.

Any questions I'll try and answer but those were basically the highlights.
FSTO said:
Is that really the policy now?
I'm sure if the Navy approached the specific tribe and consulted with them respectfully we could do it again.

I just don't like the full names being used for HMC Ships

I can't say if this "might" be future policy but I have seen some screaming from the 1% crowd, bitching about appropriation of FN tribes and images on the 280s etc, etc etc...  But, seeing how those in charge nowadays seem timid and run scared at the meer sniff of controversy or God forbid, offending just about everything and everyone.  I wonder if they might not be looking at a PC solution.
I was recently fortunate enough to receive a "behind the scene" tour of Harry DeWolf and she is about 60% percent complete and is now out of the assembly area and will be mated with the bow mega block #3 and stern.
First impressions is that Harry DeWolf is a very large ship and everything seems over-sized, lots of storage, large flats, a large gym area among others. The bridge is quite large with plenty of viewing area and what would be expected of a Arctic Patrol Ship. Going through the ship in the various spaces I was impressed with the quality of construction and functionality. Machinery wise the four Man diesels are immense and all filter banks, centrifuges etc are piped away from the DA which makes running maintenance quite a bit simpler, All the machinery spaces are separated by automatic doors which makes rounds of the spaces a breeze.
The Caterpillar Emergency DA is impressive as well as the main motors which are quite large and impressive. A running theme to the entire ship I have found is that it well engineered for redundancy and to be self sufficient which is a must for operating in remote areas.
Accommodations are first rate with most having its own shower and wash place. The crew dines in an all ranks cafeteria and each has there own lounge with windows! For training and riders, there is a 20 man mess.
The world class environmental systems and waste disposal systems are impressive especially when operating in environmentally sensitive areas in the Arctic or the Caribbean and her exhaust has a scrubbing system to reduce its environmental footprint. From what I have seen with areas that allow ISO containers, there could be an argument made for a humanitarian capability.
For what I have seen first hand, I have come to the conclusion that comparing Harry DeWolf with the Danish or Norwegian equivalents is like comparing apples and oranges. Harry DeWolf is better acquitted and fitted out than the other patrol ships that I been on and operated with.
CS, out of interest, what models are the main and emerge DAs?  Cat-Cat or Cat-MaK?
