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APRIL FOOLS 2009: Announcing Changes to the MilPoints System

NL_engineer said:
Well I was going to say that about the poster below you, but he'll probably ban me  ;D  I bet he has already tried multiple times  ;D

Watchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis?
That now explains the PM I received from challenge-driven.
Heheh... APRIL FOOLS to all who hadn't figured it out already. This year so many were expecting it that it was hard to fool most!

For posterity and background reading, here is Army.ca's April Fools history:

I'm still heeeeere!!!

Would someone make me DS so I can ban myself?
Yes, it's always a bit of letdown to see that some of those "banned" are still here  >:D
Holy snappin' a**holes, Batman....I've been framed!! What little reputation that I have for probity has been erased!
What to do....what to do????  Guess it's time to load up the old AVGP and head off to NCA to rescue myself.



P.S.  "My MILPOINTS LOG" (as seen previously).....LIES!!!!
...and posting permissions are back. Sorry folks... Ran out of time and didn't fully reverse everything. Turns out the joke was on me! ;)
I read and half believed it but the announcement lost some of the believability with some of the people Banned.  Good touch on miss-direction with the directing staff alot of people.
I had been waiting for months to see what Mr.Bobbit would come up with for April Fools day, but decided to be safe (paranoid) by keeping my computer turned off to avoid the worm virus that has been on the news lately. Supposedly it was going to strike on April the First, so I stayed away from the interweb.....
I remember my first army.ca fools day.  Hoards of people leaving for good, DS leaving, the site fell apart. I fell for it then, and spent the rest of the day pissed that my favorite site had fallen apart and was pretty much gone.
I may have missed this one.... but next year, I'll be on my toes.

On a side note, I remember a news story on April 1st between five years and a decade ago about Marshmallow trees. Trees that grew marshmallows. The story was shown in a very serious matter, but after it was done...... Steve Murphey came in and said "April Fools."

I think this year was an all-time low for truly roping people in. I'll have to come up with something notably different next year to catch people off guard. :)
uncle-midget-Oddball said:
I remember my first army.ca fools day.  Hoards of people leaving for good, DS leaving, the site fell apart. I fell for it then, and spent the rest of the day pissed that my favorite site had fallen apart and was pretty much gone.

I remember that one too, you reacted better then what I did.  I went through all my posts, and tried to destroy any links to myself; I was getting there and was still quite pissed and just about to send Mike a nasty letter when I seen it  ::)

This year I just decided to play along, I never noticed the DS thing till I looked over my posts, and seen it under my user name.

actually the pay for mil points plan might be feasable if say you let people make 3 free posts per day and any posts over that cost say 1 mil point and you could buy 100 mil points for a dollar.

It might raise a few hundered in revenue a year, not a lot but I don't know what the operating costs are for the site... I'm assuming 1-2 servers with a large database... it might pay for power consumption at least.

I don't know the details like I said, so if you are running your own servers rather than leasing space, I could probably donate a Dell Precision 420 - dual 800MHz PIII with a 500 GB Raid Stripe that I'm taking offline as I have a P4 thats going to take it's place with a 2TB Raid 5 and I don't have a use for it anymore but it's too good to throw away.

Not a high powered box by today's standards, but it's yours for the site if you have a use for it.