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APRIL FOOLS 2008: Notice: Database problems

I'd like to think this is serious, but the way the mod.s are talking, it's just getting way to funny.  Especially Vern's new name.  Sorry girl, but someone knows you too well.  ;D
exgunnertdo said:
I saw this thread this morning and trusted the validity.

We had a prankster here at work the morning trying to mess with our Timmie's!!!!  On discussing the Tim's prank with a colleague, I little light bulb went on about this situation...

Especially since it appears the M o d s can't post - I think M i k e is having some fun!!!

Good one!

Rydu lypsi tlayrs!!!

<-----  ???

!!  :o

Strike said:
I'd like to think this is serious, but the way the mod.s are talking, it's just getting way to funny.  Especially Dominatrix's new name.  Sorry girl, but someone knows you too well.   ;D

Celticgirl said:
Did you see mine? I guess if you catch on to the April Foolishness, your posts are deleted. ;)  [This post is sure to self-destruct in moment; hold on to your lugnuts!]  :threat:

Don't think I've had one deleted yet, but it's getting annoying when trying to post something serious.  :-\
Vern, getting in to sign language now are you?  I was talking about the placement of Dominatix everywhere else where you've put your handle.

Mod.s -- Have you guys tried putting a dash or period between every couple of letters to see if your various "new" languages come out more readable?
I'm pretty sure this here computer is too old or stupid to have caught any trojan virus things. Everything is still normal. ArmyVern is ArmyVern, Mike Bobbit is Mike Bobbit, the Search function is still search.
This computer is too stoopid to catch any new virus. Score one for Midget.

Strike said:
Dominatrix, getting in to sign language now are you?  I was talking about the placement of Dominatix everywhere else where you've put your handle.

Mod.s -- Have you guys tried putting a dash or period between every couple of letters to see if your various "new" languages come out more readable?

d.o.e.s. t.h.a.t. w.o.r.k. ??

E.d.i.t.e.d.: Y.e.p.  W.h.o.o.o.o.h.o.o.o.!!

As was mine. Regarding the post of the "silly people",  who knows maybe they are all undergoing religious Ecstasy of sorts and are now "speaking in tongues"????
Dominatrix said:
d.o.e.s. t.h.a.t. w.o.r.k. ??

E.d.i.t.e.d.: Y.e.p.  W.h.o.o.o.o.h.o.o.o.!!


Yay!  She can talk!  So, have you guys figured out if this is an some sort of an A.p.r.i.l. F.o.o.l.'s thing or what?

I'm thinking yes, given that I am having so much trouble typing that word out.
uncle-midget-boyd said:
I'm pretty sure this here computer is too old or stupid to have caught any trojan virus things. Everything is still normal. Dominatrix is Dominatrix, Poncy the clown Bobbit is Poncy the clown Bobbit, the ignore function is still ignore.
This computer is too stoopid to catch any new virus. Score one for Midget.


Damn. I guess posting isn't using my old stoopid computer.

Strike said:
Yay!  She can talk!  So, have you guys figured out if this is an some sort of an A.p.r.i.l. F.o.o.l.'s thing or what?

I'm thinking yes, given that I am having so much trouble typing that word out.

U d.o.n.'.t  k.n.o.w. w.h.a.t. i.t. i.s., b.u.t. I'.m. l.i.k.i.n.g. t.h.e. n.a.m.e. i.t.'.s. g.i.v.e.n. m.e. !!  ;D

Army Vern
So, is this affecting chat at all?  Anyone want to jump in top see?

Moderators' quote boxes are unaffected whereas non-quoted text is not?
Chat's okay M.i.k.e. if you need to sort some stuff out in a private area.
Try typing D.I.N. without tha periods ... you get F.a.c.e.b.o.o.k.
whiskey601 said:
Try typing D.I.N. without tha periods ... you get F.a.c.e.b.o.o.k.

Methinks this may be someone with an inner knowledge of our m.i.l.i.t.a.r.y. (aside from this site).  If this was done as an attack and not a joke, they could find themselves in serious trouble if this is th.e. case.