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April 28th BMQ

Cosmo said:
"If you do not meet the standard of one or more of the three items, you will join a specialized fitness training program that is also offered at the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School (CFLRS). The program integrates overall health coaching, diet and a rigorous personalized fitness program that lasts a minimum of 28 calendar days and a maximum of 90 calendar days. From the moment you achieve the standard after the 28-day period, you are reintegrated onto a BMQ/BMOQ course. If unsuccessful at the end of 90 calendar days, you will be released from the CAF. "

As far as I'm concerned, you can also be re-coursed at any time throughout your BMQ if instructors feel the need to re-course you. Could be due to poor fitness, failing too many tests (drill, firearms etc..)

Thanks! That answered a few of my questions! Re-coursing wasn't even something I figured possible in that circumstance. I figured it would be "your in bad shape, go home, don't come back," mentality.
DAHOK987 said:
Re-coursing wasn't even something I figured possible in that circumstance.

Keep in mind, it's not an endless loop.  If someone continually fails at {insert standard here}, they will eventually get the boot.
Skeletor6669 said:
I'm on Warrior right now so I'll answer some of your questions.

1 - First, the new platoons coming in April will be doing the FORCE test which is pass/fail so if you fail that and the retest, you get released from the CAF so you probably won't need to worry too much about going to W.

2 - Now a question for you: When you got the call, did they tell you how long the course is? There's rumours that BMQ is changing to 9 weeks but that could just be bs.

1 - Official sources (following passage, plus recruiter) say otherwise, and we're getting a broken down version of FORCE.

"During the first week of basic training, you will take a fitness test to assess your level of physical fitness.  You must pass the test to continue with basic training.

This test includes three components:
an 80-metre sprint, dropping to a prone position every 10 metres;
a 20-metre sandbag drag, during which you must carry one 20-kilogram sandbag and pull a minimum of four sandbags on the floor; and
a 20-metre shuttle run to measure aerobic fitness.
The chart below outlines what will be expected of you when tested.


If you do not meet all three of the fitness test objectives but can meet one or more of the three items, you may be able to take additional training as part of the Warrior Preparation Company at the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School. You will have a maximum of 90 days to meet all three of the test objectives.

If you are unsuccessful in meeting the three fitness test objectives at the end of the 90 calendar days, you will be released from the Canadian Armed Forces.

This fitness test will be in effect for all candidates who commence basic training on or after February 1st, 2014."

2 - Our BMQ is scheduled to run 12-13 weeks.
Cosmo said:
What platoon is everyone in? I know our course has 2 R0033E AND R0034E

Does it say which Platoon we will be in inside the information we were given? Didn't see it anywhere, will have to look again xD
DAHOK987 said:
Does it say which Platoon we will be in inside the information we were given? Didn't see it anywhere, will have to look again xD

It'll be halfway down the single sheet of what looks like a bunch of codes and things with your personal info sprinkled into it. "BMQ _ _ _ _ _"
Jayrickson said:
It'll be halfway down the single sheet of what looks like a bunch of codes and things with your personal info sprinkled into it. "BMQ _ _ _ _ _"

Mine says BMQ 0033E. Is that the Platoon ID or the course ID though?
DAHOK987 said:
Mine says BMQ 0033E. Is that the Platoon ID or the course ID though?
It's the platoon, or serial. The other platoon (0034E) is taking the same course (BMQ), but is a different group with their own instructors/CoC below the Coy level. A course ID refers to BMQ, and not the people taking it.
Hey, I'll be on the BMQ starting tomorrow. Going in as AVS Tech as well.
Hope everyone's ready!