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April 28th BMQ

Sharp said:
During your fitness training (as part of the 28-90 days) do they regularly give you the PT test to see if you can pass it or do you just ask to take the test again when you think you're ready?

I'm hoping someone else will be able to shead some light on this, I have no idea!
Sharp said:
During your fitness training (as part of the 28-90 days) do they regularly give you the PT test to see if you can pass it or do you just ask to take the test again when you think you're ready?

It seems they would test you again at day 28, after reading that passage.

You've got lots of time, run, run, run!
I'm on the treadmill daily or every other day plus weights on off days (if there are any) PLUS a strict diet and I'm not progressing as NEARLY fast as I need to be, considering this BMQ is in 6 weeks.

I hope they see that I work my *** off, at least.
Jayrickson said:
It seems they would test you again at day 28, after reading that passage.

You've got lots of time, run, run, run!
I'm on the treadmill daily or every other day plus weights on off days (if there are any) PLUS a strict dirt and I'm not progressing as fast as I need to be, considering this BMQ is in 6 weeks.

I hope they see that I work my *** off, at least.

Likewise to all of the above, running every day and weight training as much as possible. Still not progressing quick enough. I guess we'll have to bust our *** together and hope it pays off!  :nod:
During the first week of basic training, candidates will undergo a physical fitness evaluation that will determine if they can go on with their Basic Military Qualification (BMQ) or Basic Military Officer Qualification (BMOQ) course.

Until January 31st 2014, the CF Express Test will be conducted as the initial physical fitness evaluation. For additional details about this test, visit the Canadian Forces Recruiting Group website.

As of February 1st 2014, the initial physical fitness evaluation will consist of the following three consecutive items:

20M Rushes
Sandbag Drag
Shuttle Run

The 20m rushes are way too easy. I tried them recently, and I followed every rule exactly. I finished it no problem.

The Sandbag Drag was a little tricky because... I don't have any sandbags, so I used those bags of salt that we throw in the water softener. They weigh just over 40 LBS. Finished that too with no problem, following the rules.

The shuttle run I haven't done recently. But I would assume it's somewhat easy. I'll check it out.
I don't work out or anything, but I'm not out of shape.
Cosmo said:
Likewise to all of the above, running every day and weight training as much as possible. Still not progressing quick enough. I guess we'll have to bust our *** together and hope it pays off!  :nod:

I guess so.

I am looking forward to it.
I'm on Warrior right now so I'll answer some of your questions.

First, the new platoons coming in April will be doing the FORCE test which is pass/fail so if you fail that and the retest, you get released from the CAF so you probably won't need to worry too much about going to W.

Right now you have to spend a minimum of 28 days on Warrior before you can do your retest. If you don't pass that then you'll usually retest once a week until you pass or your 90 days are up. Once you pass the retest your clock stops, so you don't have to worry about the 90 day countdown. You usually won't get put on platoon as soon as you pass, most people have to wait a week or two except the officers, they have to wait til May.

If you can reach the minimum standards then good for you, but you'll have to go further because you will not be fresh and relaxed the day of your test. Make sure you're in shape before you get here so you don't waste the CAFs time and money.

Now a question for you: When you got the call, did they tell you how long the course is? There's rumours that BMQ is changing to 9 weeks but that could just be bs.
For Applicants (like myself) check out Basic Up on youtube, I am on season one right now - i think they are very informative
Skeletor6669 said:
I'm on Warrior right now so I'll answer some of your questions.

First, the new platoons coming in April will be doing the FORCE test which is pass/fail so if you fail that and the retest, you get released from the CAF so you probably won't need to worry too much about going to W.

Right now you have to spend a minimum of 28 days on Warrior before you can do your retest. If you don't pass that then you'll usually retest once a week until you pass or your 90 days are up. Once you pass the retest your clock stops, so you don't have to worry about the 90 day countdown. You usually won't get put on platoon as soon as you pass, most people have to wait a week or two except the officers, they have to wait til May.

If you can reach the minimum standards then good for you, but you'll have to go further because you will not be fresh and relaxed the day of your test. Make sure you're in shape before you get here so you don't waste the CAFs time and money.

Now a question for you: When you got the call, did they tell you how long the course is? There's rumours that BMQ is changing to 9 weeks but that could just be bs.

Thank you for the information.

During my process, a change to 10 weeks was mentioned, but it was followed by "I am not sure if this is set in stone yet." By an officer speaking directly to me.
I hate to spread rumours but that's all I've heard.
Got the call last Tuesday, swearing in on March 27th, and Bmq April 28th. Hope to see some of you guys there. Can't imagine how everyone is feeling waiting for calls to come soon.
Congrats to those who got the call... I have received a call as well, April 28th BMQ here I come.

Recruiting Centre: Vancouver
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: ACS Tech
Trade Choice 2: AVS Tech
Trade Choice 3: Refrigeration and Mechanical Systems Tech
Application Date: January 15, 2013
Interview: January 28, 2014
Position Offered: AVS Tech
Swearing in: March 26, 2014
BMQ: April 28, 2014
For those who've been sworn in: did t they provide you with your itinerary and travel info?
Travel info can be found online for directions if I wasn't on my phone I would post the link but can't speak for itinerary
MacIssac said:
Travel info can be found online for directions if I wasn't on my phone I would post the link but can't speak for itinerary

Oh sorry, that was my mistake. Let me rephrase my question: Have you received your travel information regarding flight departure/arrivals.
Cosmo said:
Oh sorry, that was my mistake. Let me rephrase my question: Have you received your travel information regarding flight departure/arrivals.

I'm going for the April 28th as well! Extremely excited and nervous. Physical conditon isn't great, and while I know stuff like push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, will all happen on their own with time and detication put into them, I am mainly worried about the running. All the websites are conficting, some say 2.4k run first day, some day 3k, some say 5k! Anyone know the correct distance?

Also, if anyone knows all of the Basic "Warrior Prep" rules, could you post them as well? I don't want to end up there, but I'm not stupid enough to think its not possible. Can you only end up in Warrior by failing the fitness test, or can instructors place you in it for any reason at any time?
DAHOK987 said:
I'm going for the April 28th as well! Extremely excited and nervous. Physical conditon isn't great, and while I know stuff like push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, will all happen on their own with time and detication put into them, I am mainly worried about the running. All the websites are conficting, some say 2.4k run first day, some day 3k, some say 5k! Anyone know the correct distance?

Also, if anyone knows all of the Basic "Warrior Prep" rules, could you post them as well? I don't want to end up there, but I'm not stupid enough to think its not possible. Can you only end up in Warrior by failing the fitness test, or can instructors place you in it for any reason at any time?

"If you do not meet the standard of one or more of the three items, you will join a specialized fitness training program that is also offered at the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School (CFLRS). The program integrates overall health coaching, diet and a rigorous personalized fitness program that lasts a minimum of 28 calendar days and a maximum of 90 calendar days. From the moment you achieve the standard after the 28-day period, you are reintegrated onto a BMQ/BMOQ course. If unsuccessful at the end of 90 calendar days, you will be released from the CAF. "

As far as I'm concerned, you can also be re-coursed at any time throughout your BMQ if instructors feel the need to re-course you. Could be due to poor fitness, failing too many tests (drill, firearms etc..) 
I'm half way through week 9. People make it up to be way harder than it is. Just remember the military will yell at you they will push you but in the end everything here at cflrs is designed to be passed. It is not hard to pass either it's all in yor head. Don't have a mind set thinking everything is near impossible. The CAF is putting all this time and money into you to get you here I Gurantee their goal isn't to make as many people fail as possible. Sure your instructors jack you up and yell but it's all to better you and transition you into your new lifestyle.

Good luck all see you in a few weeks