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April 27th BMOQ

  • Thread starter Thread starter seawolf
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I really hope this isn't the case. I've already made all of my preparations including quitting my job, telling my friends etc. My swearing in is not until 3 days before I leave... can't wait to sign those papers and get that plane ticket solidified.

Hold on a second - we haven't heard of anyone on this site being booked on the L0013 and L0014 English BOMQs in May. If our course were to be rescheduled to September, why wouldn't we just be recoursed to the next course considering (if that's the case) that nobody has been loaded on those courses yet? We're all going to do BOMQ, it's not like it's a trade specific course. Anyone in administration - wouldn't that be the most logical thing to do?
You are all worried for nothing.

It will go ahead. They would have just held back the offers if they were worried that budget may kill the course.

I'll see all you in St. Jean. Where hopefully everyone doesn't get as worked up about polishing badges, running 5km, and eating meals in less than 15 minutes.

Ooooh the indigestion.
Good Morning everyone,
If anyone has DIN access or knows someone who does I'd highly recommend looking at this page!

Check out this link.

Click the Excel file. When the screen opens.
click in the bottom left on "Changements"

Have a great day everyone and Good Luck.
newguy91 said:
Good Morning everyone,
If anyone has DIN access or knows someone who does I'd highly recommend looking at this page!

Check out this link.

Click the Excel file. When the screen opens.
click in the bottom left on "Changements"

Have a great day everyone and Good Luck.

newguy91, aka Hockey89, aka edmontonLO, aka carolynvh.

ARE YOU FREAKIN" SERIOUS???    Creating another account just to get the last word in??

I surely hope that somene gets a grip on you before you get too much more time in.

In the immortial words of 'Spot' Norris.

"You get a grip or I'll get a grip on you like you've never been gripped before"...............'that's if you've been gripped before."
I cannot believe someone so childish and immature is an Officer in the CF.  ::)

Oh wait, yes I can.  ;)
Bruce Monkhouse said:
newguy91, aka Hockey89, aka edmontonLO, aka carolynvh.

ARE YOU FREAKIN" SERIOUS???    Creating another account just to get the last word in??

I surely hope that somene gets a grip on you before you get too much more time in.

In the immortial words of 'Spot' Norris.

"You get a grip or I'll get a grip on you like you've never been gripped before"...............'that's if you've been gripped before."

Is "barista95" the same person? Also wondering why Hockey89 isn't banned yet. I can't believe a LogO has been making a few of his potential fellow Officers panic... This is absurd and outright childish.
She/he is not.

OK Folks.....................time for some constructive posts on this thread, save the sniping/gutter crap for some other forum you wish to sully.
If you wish to post here just to carry on the same old crap you will be gone from this website, full stop.  Let's see if someone/anyone has some factual information for these young folks.

Thank you,
Again, I've spoken directly to a recruiter at the Edmonton RC. He, like most finds it inconceivable that they wouldn't have just held the offers - if there was any concern over the budget.

They didn't hold the calls to make offers, so it is still going ahead.

As a candidate for Infantry, I hope training levels some of the more panicked and/or inciteful heads on here. This is not a job to me, it is a calling. If you got an offer like me, prepare. That's is all you need to concentrate on.

@ Seawolf
I am 'in' on the 26th.

Apparently that is how the Edmonton RC keeps you on your toes.

Gives me enough time this month to watch the birth of my 3rd son, move my family into a new home, and do 5 days of PT a week.

I'm actually starting to look at basic as a vacation from the doldrums of civvie life.
RMBUTYNIEC, it's good to be confident, it's better to be prepared. There is no reason to say anyone is getting worked up or freaked out for asking questions. There is little chance that our course will be canceled, but it is something to consider. We are asking questions so we are prepared for both possibilities. If this is going to be a lifestyle for you, as it is for all of us, you'll soon find out the importance of contingency planning. I'm ready to go on course, I'm making sure I'm ready not to go on course too.

Bottom line is chill out. All the facts point to course continuing with no problems, but until we're on the ground in St.Jean, we're all playing wait and see.
Do people really think the CF only found out about the budget they have on April 1st?  Are people really that naive?

I've worked in finance for a long time and find is laughable that people think that "budget constraints" as of April 1st would cancel a course that was budget feasible in the middle of March.  Yes Changes can happen, but not that fast.

Sit tight and relax a bit, especially if you have signed contracts that say "start of employment is XXXX date"

//Disclaimer, I'm a civie that has been in and is trying to get back in but, has worked for government prior to now in finance field.  Take my words as they are above, my experience on how things work.  nothing more nothing less, they are not gospel and should not be taken as such//

Exactly. This course would have never been slated if there was any indication of a shortfall. A detail that would have certainly  been known before they processed files and merit listed most of us last year.

Sorry if I got anyones panties ruffled, but the general reaction to a person that appeared to be doing little more than fluffing a cow pie, was a little worrisome.

So is anyone else driving?

Or am I going to have to shuttle all you guys around after Indoc? Lol
seawolf said:
So is anyone else driving?

Or am I going to have to shuttle all you guys around after Indoc? Lol

My wife will be driving me in a honda civic, and picking me up after indoc. I've already warned her that, seeing how many people don't live in the area, some people might want to go into Montreal on the weekends.
Start learning the metro system, when I was there it was under $10 each way from Saint Jean to Montreal downtown.

Pretty simple stuff and the terminal is a 45min walk from the Mega.

well - i have my truck - So I'll be in Montreal by the time someone walks to the bus station :)

Just got back from a 4.58km run. Feel great! I'll be at/over 5km no prob. Pace isn't bad - 6mins a km right now avg over the whole thing. My first 2km are in the 5.5min/km range.
seawolf said:
Just got back from a 4.58km run. Feel great! I'll be at/over 5km no prob. Pace isn't bad - 6mins a km right now avg over the whole thing. My first 2km are in the 5.5min/km range.
Great!!! Keep running  :camo:
Thanks *****

edit - name removed at the request of the person that never gave the poster permission to use their name.

This just gets better and better
Re: April 27th BMOQ by seawolf

seawolf said:
Ooooh - just FYI everyone she changed her name again! Now its MrsCole

seawolf said:
Thanks *****

Your edit won't work. We saw your attempt to carry on like a child.

As a result of that action and those previous, you've reached the top rung of the Warning ladder.

