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Applying from outside Canada (Merged)

Hi guys,

In cCanada from 2000 to 2006, I became Canadian in 2006, was born in France from non-Canadian relatives and set sails for canada in 2000.
I am now 42 , holder of a B.sc biomedical sciences, few years of work in the pharmaceutical industry
then went back to med school in europe. 2 years left before I get my degree in medicine, however I wanna be back in Canada to join the army
question: am I allowed to join the CAF?
Will my medical degree from Belgium be recognized?
if not, can I join as a combat medic?
given that my parents are not Canadian, it is true that I must have 10 years of residence  in Canada before applying?
Thx for your assistance

Cotroni said:
question: am I allowed to join the CAF?

To apply to the Forces, you must:
1.Be a Canadian Citizen.
2.Be 17 years of age, with parental consent, or older, except:
•Regular Officer Training Plan – Junior applications must be 16 or older.
•Reserve Force - Applicants may be 16 years of age if they are also enrolled as a full-time high school student.
3.Have completed at least Grade 10 or Secondaire IV (in Quebec).
•Certain entry programs and occupations require higher levels of education.

Cotroni said:
Will my medical degree from Belgium be recognized?

If you attended and graduated high-school, college or university in another country, you may need to have your education evaluated by the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada to determine if it is equivalent to the education provided in Canada. The Forces will not pay for the cost of the evaluation.

Cotroni said:
if not, can I join as a combat medic?

Medical Technician

Entry plans

Required education

The minimum required education to apply for this position is the completion of the provincial requirements for Grade 12 or Secondaire V in Quebec with Grade 11 or Math (or Quebec equivalent) and any Biology and Chemistry course at the Grade 12 or Secondary V level.

This position also requires a valid provincial/territorial driver’s licence.

Direct entry

If you already have a college from a recognized Primary Care Paramedic program as well as a current registration, license or certification to practise as a Paramedic from a Canadian provincial or territorial regulatory authority, the CAF may place you directly into the any required on-the-job training program following basic training. Basic training and military occupation training is required before being assigned. If you have graduated in the last 24 months, no minimum experience is required. If you have graduated more than 24 months ago, at least 480 hours of cumulative experience is required as a Primary Care Paramedic with an emergency medical service in the past 24 months.

Paid education

Non-commissioned Member Subsidized Training Education Program (NCM-STEP).

Because this position requires specialty training, the Forces will pay successful recruits to attend the diploma program at an approved Canadian college. NCM SEP students attend basic training and on-the-job training during the summer months. They receive full-time salary including medical and dental care, as well as vacation time with full-pay in exchange for working with the Forces for a period of time. If you choose to apply to this program, you must apply both to the Forces and the appropriate college. For more information, see Paid education.

Reliability screening: the reliability screening and security check will take longer if you lived in another country or if you have a criminal record.

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.

Thanks a lot for your assistance this much appreciated.

Is there any age limit?
Given that my security check might take longer since I have lived in Europe for the past 10 years, any idea about how long the whole recruitment process might take?
For Canadians living overseas how can we make an appointment with a recruiting center?
will I have to fly to canada for every single steps of the recruitment process (aptitude test,fitness test,interview etc..?

Should  every candidate meet the same requirements for the fitness test regardless of their age and gender?
Cotroni said:
Thanks a lot for your assistance this much appreciated.

You are welcome. Good luck.  :)

Cotroni said:
Is there any age limit?

Age Standard

On enrolment into the Regular Force, you must be of an age where there is enough time to complete any necessary training and your first term of service before the compulsory retirement age of 60.

Reservists must be able to complete 2 years of service for each year of training before reaching the compulsory retirement age of 60.

Cotroni said:
Given that my security check might take longer since I have lived in Europe for the past 10 years, any idea about how long the whole recruitment process might take?

Security Check/Level Superthread [MERGED]
36 pages.


Cotroni said:
For Canadians living overseas how can we make an appointment with a recruiting center?
will I have to fly to canada for every single steps of the recruitment process (aptitude test,fitness test,interview etc..?

Applying from Overseas (Officer, NCM - merged )
5 pages.

Cotroni said:
Should  every candidate meet the same requirements for the fitness test regardless of their age and gender?

Fitness for Operational Requirements of CF Employment (FORCE): New PT test stds 
35 pages.

About the FORCE Program


Hi and thank you so much for your help

It's amazing how comprehensive the raplies are, very very helpful :-)

Ok here is another question, would you know by any chance how long would a security clearance take for someone born in France?

Knowing that in France we can ask for our criminal record, would you know whether adding it to my application file might speed up the application process?

I am really motivated to enroll in the CAF, howeve given that I was not born Canadian and that I am
43 there are certainly some areas where I would probably not being accepted for fair reasons, so, I am wondering whether you might know in which areas we see most Canadian "immigrants" being affected to? This might help me making my decision as to which CAF job might fit me best.

Thanks a lot for your assistance once again :-)
JB 11 11 said:

So I called the recruiting centre after my last post and in fact it turns out that there is a completely different office that deals strictly with Overseas applicants. The Mcpl I talked to was super friendly and helpful and got me sorted. Unfortunetly, I needed to get some documents from the Italian authorities (where Im posted) because I am "technically" a resident of Italy while here... and well, Italy being Italy, it took for bloody ever to get a silly little peice of paper and by then my trades had closed. C'est la vie!

Anyway, just thought I'd post that up in case others need that info and ar
e searching for it.


hi there,

I hope you managed to move forward with your application.
Could tell me who specifically deals with applications from overseas? I am based in France and plan to apply to teh CAF soon

Thanks for your help

Best regards,
Please note that jobs are not given to "immigrants" based on them being immigrants.  When you are trying to decide which occupation to apply to, it is linked to both your education and your aptitude.

As to how long your security clearance would take - mariomike has already provided you with resources that have questions & answers to this question; please take the time to read those threads.

mariomike said:
Security Check/Level Superthread [MERGED]

Cotroni said:
I hope you managed to move forward with your application.
Could tell me who specifically deals with applications from overseas? I am based in France and plan to apply to teh CAF soon

You've replied to a post from 2010 and the user was last online December 07, 2011.

All applications for foreign applicants are overseen by staff at Recruiting Group Headquarters.  You will be put in touch with the appropriate staff once you fill out the online application.
A very interesting read. Sometimes people don't have a choice where they live eg kids. As a former air force pilot, I now work overseas in the civilian sector. Left Canada 10 years ago and my son, then 9 years old, had no choice but to move with his family. He is now busy going through the application process to join the CAF, so in a very similar situation as a few of the contributors on here. Being Canadian is more than just living there.
Cotroni said:
hi there,

I hope you managed to move forward with your application.
Could tell me who specifically deals with applications from overseas? I am based in France and plan to apply to teh CAF soon

Thanks for your help

Best regards,

Just apply online and the OUTCAN recruiter will contact you once application is received. Busy  going through the process now.
Hello. I am very interested in the idea and the process of joining the Canadian Forces. I am doing quite a bit of research and I am finding these forums to be quite helpful.

My main concern is regarding myself and my double citizenship. I was born in Canada but shortly after our family moved to Russia where my parents and ancestors are from. I have both Russian and Canadian citizenships, and I have lived in Russia in the past 10 years for a longer time than I have lived here in Canada, second year going forward. I am fluent in both languages which can be a bonus for my career's future. I was wondering how this will affect my Application and Recruiting process. How will it affect it time-wise and will it directly change the chances of me joining the CF?

I shall thank all of the responders in advance.
Time said:
My main concern is regarding myself and my double citizenship.

See also,

Dual citizenship

How will dual citizenship affect application processing time

If you have ever lived outside Canada or have an immediate family member who currently lives outside Canada: You will be asked to fill out the “Pre-Enrolment Security Clearance Pre-Assessment Questionnaire”.  You should be prepared to provide adequate, verifiable information for the last 10 years. This information is used to determine if a Security Clearance Pre-Assessment is required, especially if you:
•have dual citizenship
•if you lived, worked, studied or travelled outside of Canada in the last 10 years for a total of at least 180 days
•if you have a child, parent, step-parent, spouse, in-laws, brother or sister (half & step) living outside of Canada

If a Clearance Pre-Assessment is required, it can take between 6 to 18 months to complete.

Reliability screening: the reliability screening and security check will take longer if you lived in another country or if you have a criminal record.

As always, Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.

I thank you for a very concise and descriptive response. The links and references are much appreciated.
Time said:
I thank you for a very concise and descriptive response. The links and references are much appreciated.

You are welcome. Good luck.  :)
I am going through the process now. Here are the steps so far for anyone interested:

Day 1 - Applied online and received confirmation e-mail almost immediately
Day 2 - Received an OUTCAN confirmation e-mail with some basic questions to fill out, which I did
Day 3 - Received an e-mail stating I am not eligible for a CF funded trip back to Canada to go through the steps (fair enough! I certainly wasn’t expecting it!). In the e-mail were instructions to e-mail CFRC Toronto for an appointment. Having done the CFAT somewhat recently (I bottled it on my application in 2015) I don’t have to do that again.
Day 15 – Waiting for a response. I am back to Vancouver to visit family in August so ideally I’d be able to do my interview and medical then. If not I can go to Toronto for work pretty much anytime and just stay an extra couple days to go through the steps.

If anyone knows a direct number to speak to anyone in the Toronto office that would be helpful as I haven’t been successful in getting through on the numbers they provided. Feel free to DM me.

I am currently living in the United states and have received the email telling me to contact the Toronto centre within 30 days. It has been 3 weeks without a response to my email and have not been able to make any phone contact and was wondering if the only way I can further my process is to go in person to the centre. I want to make sure this would help me as it will be an expensive trip to make. Thanks for you time.