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Applied to the Navy

The guys I'm living with have been waiting for their clearance (comm rsch) since July, and MCpl on PAT said it's likely to take a year and a half!

Could be longer than that. I waited for 3 years to get mine.
Just try to stay positive about the wait, and not fall into the bitterness about it that some people do.
I'm sure you have already noticed how everyones story about their wait is alway worse than everyone elses...lol.
My SQ/BMQ-L was quite easy in Valcartier, had awesome weather and easy going staff. First couple of weeks were the worst, having at least 10 inspections per night to get a standard going (yeah right...). We were CBed on those first weeks. At least we got to play sports on the week-ends with our 2LT. Field exercise was 3-4 days, way too short, not enough attacks (low on PAT personnel). In the end, I'll miss that course... fun times!

I've been back in Kingston for a month now, and it's gotten worst... inspections now require parade boots on the bed, most are closed closet fortunately. But they are speaking of making a layout for inspections, like in St-Jean. And now we can't polish our combat boots with Kiwi, new RSM wants us to use the Goretex polish and have matte boots.

Phase 1 is starting on May 17th, that's somewhat exiting! Still juggling with doing an occupational reassignment for an hard sea trade... I also have to decide on what I'll be doing during my security clearance wait. I've heard reserve units have the best opportunities training-wise. Will have to talk to 2EW tasked people about what they're doing over there.

Summer is finally at our door in Kingston, love this city but not fond of CFSCE eh :P
freakerz said:
Will have to talk to 2EW tasked people about what they're doing over there.

You mean 21 EW, right?  ;D

Here's hoping your wait doesn't suck too hard!
Thought I'ld update this thread since it's been quite a while!

A month ago, I completed Phase 1. I'm now waiting on PAT for my security clearance, thankfully I have a gucci tasking with the Air Force, so no PAT bullshit (inspections, roll calls, non-credited PLQ classes).

I requested an EWAT, got approved by all parties, got cancelled yesterday... will figure out why on Monday. (Update: was approved without them realizing I was being tasked to Wainwright, so it's still approved if I want to EWAT once I get back... still stupid since they've got like 200 people to pick from, have to find out why they chose us and if we can't be replaced)

Plan B, tasking to Shilo (731 Sqn - Comms) for 4 months. Possible tasking to CMTC (Wainwright) for 4 months...

Plan C, training requests (404s - opens doors to new taskings).

Plan D, EWAT request for 21 EW or a Kingston reserve unit.

Plan E, VOR to a hard Sea trade (HT, Bos'n) or Medic.

Also, before being tasked out, I requested and was authorized morning time to train for the Army Run with PSP... but can't follow through because of new timings.

In the end, I personally find it hard to be on a long-term tasking, so I'm trying to get out of mine and get back to short-term taskings. You learn about diff trades, how the system works, meet new people and get the chance to travel! And keep in mind that if one avenue fails, there's a bunch more opportunities in the Forces... and asking doesn't hurt (Army Run request... did not expect to be approved)!