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Application Story of discouragement (Long Read)


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First of all I want to say I have been a long time reader of this site which has a ton of info.

Friday,January 23, 2009 was the day I submitted an online application. I received a phone call from the recruitment office in Vancouver the following Monday from my recruiter saying that they have received my application and now need me to send in some more documents along with transcript. I was very excited that I got a call so quick and thought to myself "holy shit, I could be through this in no time". Boy, was I wrong.

I sent in everything then emailed my recruiter about 3 weeks later just to see if they received everything and they did. After that I did not hear a thing from them for a couple months. Finally I called to see when I would be scheduled for the CFAT and they told me that when testing teams get sent out my way (North Coast of BC) I would be scheduled.

Finally during the month of June I got a call and email from another recruiter saying I am scheduled for one day processing early July. I shit my pants I was so excited! I was prepared to show them the best that I've got. They told me that if I don't get a call to confirm the date of my processing in the next two weeks to call them. Well they never phoned to confirm so I called my recruiter and left messages and emails but never got back to me at all. I called the recruitment office just to get a hold of anyone and I finally did. They told me that I was not scheduled and the town I was supposed to go to for the processing wasn't even going to happen there anymore. I was so discouraged after I heard that.

I have been trying to get a hold of my recruiter ever since for information on what I should do next but I am getting nothing. No phone calls or emails. Has this happened or is happening to anyone? Should I just keep trying to call or just wait?

A little info: I am applying for regular force Infantry. Doesn't matter where I get posted. I did not choose 2 other trades just Infantry. And I am asking for 3 years. If I was willing to sign up for 5 or even career would this push me through faster? I understand that infantry is full till April, I am willing to wait. Gives me more time to get my ass in top shape.

Thanks for reading. I just needed to write this down so someone might understand my frustration. 
Take my advice and don't get discouraged. I live in the interior of B.C. and when I was waiting for my one day processing I was told that the trade I was applying for was low priority for booking and that applicants that chose 'hot' trades were being booked first. Knowing this I knew that it would be a long time until I would get booked for a remote here because they only come every month or two. I decided to pay out of my own pocket and booked an interview and medical at the CFRC in New Westminister. I paid for my own bus ticket to and from and arranged my own accommodations. Doing this most likely sped up my application time drastically, I just received an offer 2 days ago whereas I may full well be still waiting for an interview and medical booking here if I did not go down on my accord.

Stick with it and you will get what you want.. it is definitely worth the wait or else you would not have been waiting so long already, you also would not be willing to wait until April for an offer.

Good luck
rex said:
A little info: I am applying for regular force Infantry. Doesn't matter where I get posted. I did not choose 2 other trades just Infantry. And I am asking for 3 years. If I was willing to sign up for 5 or even career would this push me through faster? I understand that infantry is full till April, I am willing to wait. Gives me more time to get my *** in top shape.

Thanks for reading. I just needed to write this down so someone might understand my frustration.

This is the key. Your recruiting centre is aware that you want to go infantry, and is also aware that no matter what they do, they can't get your application processed until April at the very earliest. So, until that date starts drawing nearer, your file will always take a back seat compared to someone who they have a chance of shipping off to BM(O)Q before the end of the fiscal year.

It's not that they've forgotten about them, or are ignoring you. They just know that due to your choice in trades, there's not really too much they can do to get you out of the door at the moment. Be patient, get fitter, and expect a flurry of activity come April.
Just a few things. 

1.  Why is he being told that come April things will happen?  April 2010?  Are you kidding me?  That's 15 months from when he applied.  It should take 6-8 months tops....and that's if he's never been in the Military before.  15 months is complete garbage...especially for a trade as common as Infantry. 

2.  Was just kinda curious.....why Infantry?...and why for only 3 years?
Ice97 said:
Just a few things. 

1.  Why is he being told that come April things will happen?  April 2010?  Are you kidding me?  That's 15 months from when he applied.  It should take 6-8 months tops....and that's if he's never been in the Military before.  15 months is complete garbage...especially for a trade as common as Infantry. 

2.  Was just kinda curious.....why Infantry?...and why for only 3 years?

Simply put. Infantry has no more open positions until April 2010 because they reached the quota for the year. I'm waiting too ;D
Ice97 said:
Just a few things. 

1.  Why is he being told that come April things will happen?  April 2010?  Are you kidding me?  That's 15 months from when he applied.  It should take 6-8 months tops....and that's if he's never been in the Military before.  15 months is complete garbage...especially for a trade as common as Infantry. 

2.  Was just kinda curious.....why Infantry?...and why for only 3 years?

I am choosing infantry because that is all I can see myself doing. It's hard to explain. I don't want to be a "rambo" or "nija sniper" I just want to do something that is going to push me to the limits and something I well be proud to say I have done. Plus infantry soldiers get to do a lot of cool things.

I only want to sign on for 3 years initially just in case its not for me. I think it makes sense because I can always sign another contract. If I like it I go career.
You don't have the choice of how long you initially sign up for. The Terms of Service (TOS) are directly linked to the occupation you chose. Some are three, four or five years. That's why your first TOS is called Variable Initial Engagement (VIE). Use the search function for more details. Best of Luck.