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Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

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Recruting Center: London
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: NCI OP
Trade Choice 2: NAV COM
Trade Choice 3: - - - - -
Application Date: May 11, 2010
First Contact: May 11, 2010
CFAT completed : May 12th 2010 ( All Trades )
Medical completed: ((Waiting))
Interview completed: ((Waiting))
Position Offered: ((Waiting))
Basic Training Begins: ((Waiting))

Just got call for Interview, but had to turn down the date. Need to have Med and Interview booked for the same day. Told me to expect a call by the end of the week.

Application Date: Sept. 2, 2009
Trade 1: AC OP
Trade 2: Med Tech
Aptitude/medical/interview: April 7th, 2010

Trade change due to vision V4
Trade 1: ATIS (filled within a week), then LCIS
Update interview: April 26th
Merit Listed: Sometime in the second week of May, 2010
Job Offer: LCIS - May 25, 2010
BMQ: July 26, 2010 - St. Jean

Not sure when various checks were done.
Wow... Crazy how you get an offer after a bunch of us, and you leave in July...
Your one lucky person!!!

Recruiting Center- Mississauga CFRC
Regular/Reserve- Regular
Officer/NCM- NCM
Trade Choice 1- Med Tech-SEP
Application Date- March 30
First Contact - March 30
CFAT- Completed April 14
Medical- Completed May 11
Interview- May 27
Back Check- Completed
Merit Listed- May 27
Position Offered-
Sworn In-
BMQ Starts-

**I was told to expect "the call" in the next week or two.  Finges crossed till then.
Recruiting Center: CFRC/D St. John's
Regular/Reserve: Reg
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Sig Op
Trade Choice 2: Infantry
Trade Choice 3:  Comm Research Op
Application Date: May 27, 2019
First Contacted: ----
References contacted: tba
CFAT completed : tba
Medical completed: tba
Interview completed: tba
Position Offered: tba
Merit listed: tba
Swearing in: tba
Basic Training Begins: tba

I didn't realize until last night that there are no Combat Arms positions open, so I guess I'll have to change Infantry out later.
Recruiting Center:Edmonton
TRade Choice 1:Combat engineer
Trade Choice 2":Sig op
TRade Choice 3:armored Recce
Application date:late april
First Contact: I phoned one week later
CFAT:previously written dont have to do it again
MEd/Interview/PT:June 21, 2010
offer: heres hoping
Basic starts: ?
Recruiting Center: Kitchener Ontario
Trade Choice 1:LCIS
Trade Choice 2:COMM RSCH
Trade Choice 3:armored Troop
Application date:May 27 2010
First Contact:Pending
Basic starts: Pending​

Recruiting Centre: Barrie
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Signal Operator
Trade Choice 2: Infantry
Trade Choice 3: Military Police
Application Date: April 8th, 2010
First Contacted:  April 8th, 2010
CFAT Completed : May 25, 2010
References Contacted: Unsure
BackCheck Completed: Unsure
Medical Completed: April 29, 2010
Interview Completed: Pending
Medical Received: April 29, 2010
Merit Listed: Pending
Position Offered: Pending
Sworn in: Pending
Basic Training Begins: Pending
cn said:

Recruiting Center- Mississauga CFRC
Regular/Reserve- Regular
Officer/NCM- NCM
Trade Choice 1- Med Tech-SEP
Application Date- March 30
First Contact - March 30
CFAT- Completed April 14
Medical- Completed May 11
Interview- May 27
Back Check- Completed
Merit Listed- May 27
Position Offered-
Sworn In-
BMQ Starts-

**I was told to expect "the call" in the next week or two.  Finges crossed till then.

best wishes! what school will you be going to? Georgian? Gerogian was my second choice but I decided to go to humber.
Good Luck!
Recruiting Center- Kitchener, On
Regular/Reserve- Regular
Officer/NCM- NCM (SEP)
Trade Choice 1- Med Tech-SEP
First Contact - January 5
Application Date- March 29
CFAT- Completed April 5
Medical- Completed April 19
Interview- April 22
Back Check- Completed
Merit Listed- May 18
Position Offered-
Sworn In-
BMQ Starts-

Humber if I get the SEP.
BMQ wont likely be possible until after the 2 year program, because the paramedic program runs until the end of May, because of ride-outs.

Can anyone tell me what life on a 2 year SEP is like? Will I be doing anything related to the army? Or does my military life basically begin after the program?

Thanks (and sorry if I missed some good threads when searching)
funkmasta said:
best wishes! what school will you be going to? Georgian? Gerogian was my second choice but I decided to go to humber.
Good Luck!

Thanks, good luck to you too!  I actually went to Humber (north campus) for 2 other programs before I decided to join the forces, but they were full for the Sept. entry and I didn't want to wait another year; so I got into the PCP program at CTS in Barrie for Sept. 

You'll love Humber, tons of good times & good people.  Just don't spend too much time at CAPs (the pub) like I did ;D
Recruiting Center: Mississauga
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer - DEO
Trade Choice 1: Aerospace Engineering Officer
Trade Choice 2: Maritime Systems Engineering Officer
Trade Choice 3: Naval Combat Systems Engineering Officer
Application Date: Mar 26, 2010
First Contact: April 1, 2010, 2010
CFAT: April 28, 2010
Interview completed: May 25, 2010
Medical Exam: Upcoming June 08, 2010
References/Security: Pending
Merit Listed:
Enrolment Date:
Position Offered:
Basic Training Begins:

Overall, it has been a  very smooth process. I was told that an Aug/Sept BOTP would not likely happen due to the timing. I should expect a Jan, 2011 BOTP if everything else falls into place.
Recruiting Center: Kitchener Ontario
Trade Choice 1:LCIS
Trade Choice 2:COMM RSCH
Trade Choice 3:Armoured Troop
Application date:May 27 2010
First Contact:May 31 2010
CFAT- Completed: Pending
Medical- Completed: Pending
Interview: Pending
Back Check: Pending
Merit Listed: Pending
Position Offered: Pending
Sworn In: Pending
BMQ Starts: Pending
Veovius said:
Hi, I just dropped my app off today, but my dad lives out-of-country, and not a NATO one either, so this could be longer than expected due to background checks.

Recruting Center: Victoria
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Military Police
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: April 23, 2010
First Contact: May 28, 2010
Med, aptitude completed :
PT Test completed:
Interview completed :
Position Offered:
Basic Training Begins:

Recruiting Centre: Barrie
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Signal Operator
Trade Choice 2: Infantry
Trade Choice 3: Military Police
Application Date: April 8th, 2010
First Contacted:  April 8th, 2010
CFAT Completed : May 25, 2010
References Contacted: Unsure
BackCheck Completed: Unsure
Medical Completed: April 29, 2010
Interview Completed: June 17, 2010
Medical Received: April 29, 2010
Merit Listed: Pending
Position Offered: Pending
Sworn in: Pending
Basic Training Begins: Pending
wow.. they're just motoring you through there, Darkskye.

just hope mine goes as fast.. not looking forwards to winter manoeuvres.. but.. it is what it is...
Delta26 said:
wow.. they're just motoring you through there, Darkskye.

just hope mine goes as fast.. not looking forwards to winter manoeuvres.. but.. it is what it is...

Well since your first choice is LCIS tech, if I were to speculate i would say that your process would be relatively quick based on my current experience, and what i understand about the current recruiting of LCIS techs. BUT don't take my word for it as everyone's process is different and who knows it could be next year when or if you get in. Jusy my :2c:
i get that, CommTech. As much as i would LOVE to wind up hitting St .Jean right around October, i don't hold my breath for it.
Recruting Center: London
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: NCI OP
Trade Choice 2: NAV COM
Trade Choice 3: - - - - -
Application Date: May 11, 2010
First Contact: May 11, 2010
CFAT completed : May 12th 2010 ( All Trades )
Medical completed:  Set for June 3
Interview completed: Set for June 3
Position Offered: ((Waiting))
Basic Training Begins: ((Waiting))

((Updating, edit function was giving me issues, no option to edit the older post. Is there a time limit?)
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