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Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

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srvn2sv said:
Loachman, you're quite correct I have no experience in recruiting, but would greatly appreciate your professional experience and recommendation.  From your expedience in recruiting what is the average timeline for the return of these documents from DnD?

Different occupations have different recruiting ctriteria, so the application processes for each, devoid of any other variables, will take varying times.

Different occupations will have different numbers of vacancies, if they have any vacancies at all, and therefore be more or less competitive than other occupations. That will vary the length of the application/acceptance process.

Different people will have different personal characteristics and backgrounds that can influence the duration of the application/acceptance process.

Some variables will change over time. War can speed the process up, especially for in-demand occupations. It can also slow it down, as more applicants compete for the number of slots available. Economic conditions can slow it or speed it up as well.

With all of the possible variations and combinations thereof, it is impossible to give an average length of time that has any meaning whatsoever. It takes as long as it takes per individual applicant.

srvn2sv said:
And folks, there should be a standard.  There's a standard for everything else, why not this?

There are standard processes, but no standard durations thereof as there cannot be.

What do you want?

"X" business days or an application is rejected outright? "X" business days or an applicant is accepted without security checks or special medical considerations being completed?

Be patient.

There should be a standard for that.
Recruiting centre: Ottawa, ON
Regular/ Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (DEO)
Trade choice 1: Engineer Officer
Trade choice 2: EME Officer
Trade Choice 3: MARS Officer
Applied: April 09 2013
File sent to CFRC: May 13, 2013
First contact: May 21, 2013
Dropped off forms: May 24, 2013
CFAT: Feb 2006
TSD Test: June 11, 2013
Medical: June 19, 2013
Interview: June 19, 2013
Position offered:
swearing in:

I added MARS officer to my choices before my interview. Now everything is done as far as the recruiting process goes. I was cleared medically on the spot too which is good. Now I wait until July 25th for selections. Hopefully off to basic in September.
I have a question about how competitive combat trades are. From reading these forums I had gotten the impression that combat trades were very competitive. At my interview (for the navy) my recruiter was saying how there weren't a lot of spots open in my trades so I may want to re interview if I don't get an offer this summer. He told me that there were 120ish spots open for infantry and 80 for armoured. I was shocked there were that many open, when I told him I thought they were hard to get in to he said that they weren't hard to get in to at all. Whats the deal?
Stiman said:
I would believe what the recruiter says above what you hear on these forums.

that's what I was thinking, it was just strange because it was complete opposite from what people were saying but I guess it was just rumours.

Thank you.

"Recruiting Centres should issue the waiting-period-appropriate quantity of sedatives to all applicants."  How many sedatives should I be prescribed?  lol
theforcewithin said:
Great thread. Thanks for posting, everyone. Really helps me gauge the process time. Here's mine thus far:

Recruiting Centre: Online/Toronto
Regular/ Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade choice 1: Public Affairs Officer
Trade choice 2: Training Development Officer
Applied: Online, January 14, 2013
File sent to CFRC: January 2013
First contact: February 28, 2013
Contact for secondary paperwork: March 7, 2013
CFAT: May 2, 2013
Reliability Screening/Interview: May 21, 2013
References contacted: May-June 2013
Background check: May-present (Extra background check needed because I lived in the UK.)
Medical: TBD
Interview: TBD
Merit listed: TBD
Position offered: TBD
Swearing in: TBD
Basic Training: TBD

Next step for me as of the end of my RS/Interview is to wait for a call if more information is needed and/or to schedule the Medical and Interview.

Several things to note here as well. As I lived in another country for more than 6 months, there's an extra background check that has to be done. On paper, it says that it can take from 10-18 months, but my counsellors have informed me it shouldn't take that long, especially if the country is willing to provide that information. The CFRC in Toronto, particularly the counsellors I've been working with, have been doing their very best in putting my app through and, since it's England specifically, I don't think it should take that long. Nevertheless, I'll keep my eye out on the timeline for the background check with the extra step and update the post just in case anyone else has to have a further BG check. (What might also help is to provide your own criminal background check from the foreign country and submit it to the RC when appropriate.)

Another thing to keep in mind, as my counsellors have told me, is that the two positions that I applied for a) rarely open up - one or two just get hired here and there and b) only have one or two intakes per year. (If I miss the PAO deadline for June, the TDO opening is in November, which isn't too bad since I still have a lot more steps to go through anyway. For the case of TDO, I've been informed that Basic will most likely start after December, around the spring of 2014.) So I guess if your application is taking a while, the factor might not be related to your credentials or experience, but related to when the hiring time is for your trade(s).

From some of the other applicants I spoke to, the timeline for their application pretty much matched mine. Not sure of the intake dates, frequencies, and quantities of their chosen trades, but it's good to know that my app's process is similar to others'. Keeping my fingers crossed I'm still found suitable to serve and prepping hard in the meantime!

Just out of curiosity, how long after your presec and ti interview were you informed that you needed a security clearance pre-assessment? I studied for a year in Australia and my file is currently being assessed on whether I need to get it done or not. It has been a little more than month since my presec interview.
Cleared my CFAT today and booked my medical and interview. CFAT was a humbling experience. I went in overconfident since I just finished Engineering and came out blaming my lack of sleep. Still pissed about it

Recruiting Centre: CFVRC
Local Recruiting Centre: Toronto RC
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (DEO)
Trade Choice 1: Aerospace Engineer
Trade Choice 2: Communications and Electronics (Air) Engineer
Trade Choice 3: EME
Online Application Date: April 7, 2013
Date Application sent to Toronto RC: June 14, 2013
Paperwork Submitted: June 20th, 2013
CFAT: June 25th, 2013
Interview: July 3rd, 2013
Medical: July 2nd, 2013
Position offered:
Swearing in:
Basic Training Begins:
Also did my CFAT today with around 10 other young hopefuls at the New Westminster, BC recruiting center. It was a lot of fun hanging out with those guys chatting it up. Then we got serious and filled out some paperwork, and did our CFATs and "TSD Personality Inventory". Then we got to hang out and relax a bit again after stressing out from the CFAT.

A few guys seemed to breeze through it, and a few were close to having panic attacks. That doesn't mean anyone reading this who is getting ready to write theirs should start freaking out. Do your best, and if it isn't enough for the trades you want, they will schedule you for a re-write down the road and you will know what you need to study more for the next time.

So this is what my timeline looks like now:

Recruiting Centre: New Westminster (Originally applied online)
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Airborne Electronic Sensor Operator (AES OP)
Trade Choice 2: Aerospace Control Operator (AC OP)
Trade Choice 3: Army Communication & Information Systems Specialist (ACISS)
Application Date: March 18, 2013
Initial Contact: May 9th, 2013
CFAT Completed : June 25, 2013
Medical : Scheduled for July 9th, 2013 (Parts 1 And 2 same day)
Hey everyone. I don't know about the rest of you, but I can't wait to leave my current boring job. Pumped to be in the CF.

Recruiting centre: ONLINE/Hamilton
Regular/ Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade choice 1: Combat Engineer
Trade choice 2: Armored Soldier
Applied: August 2012
File sent to CFRC: April 2012
First contact: April 11, 2013
CFAT: April 18, 2013
Interview: May 16, 2013
Medical: May 16, 2013
Merit listed: June 13, 2013
Position offered: waiting..
swearing in: waiting..
BMQ: waiting..
JM2345 said:
Also did my CFAT today with around 10 other young hopefuls at the New Westminster, BC recruiting center. It was a lot of fun hanging out with those guys chatting it up. Then we got serious and filled out some paperwork, and did our CFATs and "TSD Personality Inventory". Then we got to hang out and relax a bit again after stressing out from the CFAT.

A few guys seemed to breeze through it, and a few were close to having panic attacks. That doesn't mean anyone reading this who is getting ready to write theirs should start freaking out. Do your best, and if it isn't enough for the trades you want, they will schedule you for a re-write down the road and you will know what you need to study more for the next time.

So this is what my timeline looks like now:

Recruiting Centre: New Westminster (Originally applied online)
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Airborne Electronic Sensor Operator (AES OP)
Trade Choice 2: Aerospace Control Operator (AC OP)
Trade Choice 3: Army Communication & Information Systems Specialist (ACISS)
Application Date: March 18, 2013
Initial Contact: May 9th, 2013
CFAT Completed : June 25, 2013
Medical : Scheduled for July 9th, 2013 (Parts 1 And 2 same day)

We have a similar timeline location and career choices, just waiting for the medical call. I was told the ac op position was closed, so I picked Navcom. Good luck to you.
Cbbmtt said:
I was told the ac op position was closed, so I picked Navcom. Good luck to you.

AC Op is wide OPEN.  Don't know why they told it was closed.
yamahaguitarguy said:
He told me that there were 120ish spots open for infantry and 80 for armoured. I was shocked there were that many open, when I told him I thought they were hard to get in to he said that they weren't hard to get in to at all. Whats the deal?

IMO, that's still a pretty competitive trade. I've seen stats that say that the CF receive over 30,000 applications each year. If they have 120 openings for infantry, your (basic) odds are 120/30,000 (or 0.4%).

Edited: basic Math fail.
Is that 30,000 reg force or does that include reserves?

How many of the 30,000 are Officer apps?

Either way, it's a lot better odds than 120/30,000.

You gotta figure that a number of those 30,000 get cut somewhere along the way for not being competitive enough. And some quit the process along the way cause they change their minds.
Stiman said:
Is that 30,000 reg force or does that include reserves?

How many of the 30,000 are Officer apps?

Either way, it's a lot better odds than 120/30,000.

You gotta figure that a number of those 30,000 get cut somewhere along the way for not being competitive enough. And some quit the process along the way cause they change their minds.

umm.. wasn't that 30,000 total for the CF as a whole?  Also I believe DAA said that was a understatement and the number is north of 40,000
Stiman said:
Is that 30,000 reg force or does that include reserves?

How many of the 30,000 are Officer apps?

Either way, it's a lot better odds than 120/30,000.

You gotta figure that a number of those 30,000 get cut somewhere along the way for not being competitive enough. And some quit the process along the way cause they change their minds.

30,000 applicants in RegF and PRes. The article wasn't specific enough about Officers vs NCM. And yes, a number of those applicants will likely not be competitive enough.

This was posted somewhere else on this forum: http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/tml/article-eng.asp?id=28&y=2013&m=06

I agree, the odds are WAY better than 0.4%. I'm only trying to make a point that 100-200 positions is not a lot considering how many applicants there are in a given year.

Edited: because I suck at math.
Take a look at this figure:
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