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Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

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Recruiting Center: CFRC Vancouver
Regular Force
Trade Choice: RMS Clerk

Application Date: January 1, 2009
First Contact: Febuary 1, 2009
CFAT completed: March 11, 2009 (Officer Qualified
References (3) called: March 14, 2009

Interview: March 17, 2009 (I am the "competition to beat.")

Medical:  April 08, 2009 (2 Forms filled out)
            Vision was V2 so went to optomologist and had a form filled out - faxed in.
            Psychiatric Form filled out - faxed in.

Listed: TBD
Position Offered: TBD
Sworn in: TBD
BMQ starts on: N/A

As no phone call(s) yet concerning the 2 forms I faxed in yesterday, I am assuming my medical is on the way to Borden or where ever for review.  I hope I am just in the waiting stage now.  I'm a patient guy but still feel sick thinking they won't take me.  I don't know why...I'm usually the optimist.  I've yet to tell anyone but my family that I've enlisted and if I am accepted, this will be quite the news around my circle.
I am hesitating to ask how long 'til I know? If yes, when could I be in BMQ? ...so I won't... ;)
Good luck to all.  :salute:
Eye In The Sky said:
Reserve Cmbt Engr in Halifax/36 CBG??  Or are you in Sydney or something?

Right now i am living in Halifax, so perferred Infantry (PLFus) but if i wasnt able to do that then would of tried for Combat Engineer in Sydney because i have family that i could live with up there.
Hi Friends,

Recruiting Center: Winnipeg
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (DEO)
Trade Choice 1: Pilot later changed to AEC
Trade Choice 2: Bioscience
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: last week of Sept 2008
First Contact: 20 days after application date
CFAT: Jan 5th, 2009
Medical 1st: Jan 5th, 2009
Initial Medical Final: March 13, 2009
Air Crew Medical Final:April 3rd, 2009
Interview 1st: Jan 5th, 2009
Interview 2nd (Because of trade change to AEC): 3rd week of Jan , 2009
Listed: 1st week of April 09
Position Offered: TBA
Sworn in: TBA
BMOQ starts on: TBA

As you can see longest wait has been for the Air Factor clearance from Toronto. I love Canadian Forces, great people. I had some initial medical issues also e.g. one ear had wax so i failed hearing test, few RBC in urine but other reports showed no concern.
Recruiting Center: Montreal
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: March/09
First Contact: March 12/09
CFAT: Done in 2006
Medical: April 2/09
Interview: April 2/09
Listed: April 7/09
Position Offered: TBA
Sworn in: TBA
BMQ starts on: TBA
Recruiting Center: Calgary
Regular/Reserve: Regular (Navy)
Officer/NCM: Officer (DEO)
Trade Choice 1: MARS
Trade Choice 2: Intelligence
Trade Choice 3: Log
Application Date: April 8, 2009 (I had my application couriered to CFRC Calgary)
First Contact:
Position Offered:
Sworn in:

I would like thank everyone involved in running this site, what an excellent resource! Does anyone know how many MARS positions are open for FY 2009? Thanks in advance. Good luck to everyone.
DEO Navy MARS Officer has 49 spots for fiscal year 2009. I hope to see you at the NOAB. The name's Rohan.
I am jealous  ;D

it might be next summer (2010) for me.

I hope you'll get in the MARS program ! Let us know how was the NOAB !

Whish you the best
romeokilo said:
DEO Navy MARS Officer has 49 spots for fiscal year 2009. I hope to see you at the NOAB. The name's Rohan.

Thanks Rohan, I appreciate the information. From what I've read on this site the next NOAB course will be around the end of May (25-29) in Victoria? That doesn't give me a whole lot of time although, from what I've read about the CFRC Calgary they are an efficient group. Hopefully I'll hear from them soon and knock on wood I pass the CFAT, Medical, and Interview without any major delays. It's going to be tight I think.

See you in Victoria,

Antoine said:
I am jealous  ;D

it might be next summer (2010) for me.

I hope you'll get in the MARS program ! Let us know how was the NOAB !

Whish you the best

Thanks for the kind words Antoine I will definitely keep track of my progress on this site, good luck to you!
the dangler said:
Thanks Rohan, I appreciate the information. From what I've read on this site the next NOAB course will be around the end of May (25-29) in Victoria? That doesn't give me a whole lot of time although, from what I've read about the CFRC Calgary they are an efficient group. Hopefully I'll hear from them soon and knock on wood I pass the CFAT, Medical, and Interview without any major delays. It's going to be tight I think.

See you in Victoria,


Yup, that is when the NOAB is Jeff.
No problem on the info!
I hope you get the call, the more the merrier!
Recruiting Center: Moncton
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade Choice 1: 21 ARMD
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: April 14, 2009
CFAT: Scheduled April 28, 2009
Medical: TBD
Interview: TBD
Position Offered: TBD
Sworn in: TBD
BMQ starts on: TBD

This site has been a wealth of information.  Search function works wonders  ;D
Recruiting Center: Quebec City (awesome recruiters - Sgt. Martel and PO2 Francis)
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Hull Technician
Trade Choice 2: Boatswain
Trade Choice 3: Supply Technician
Application Date: April 14, 2009
Medical: TBD
Interview: TBD
Position Offered: TBD
Sworn in: TBD
BMQ starts on: TBD
Recruiting Center: Winnipeg
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (DEO)
Trade Choice 1: Pilot later changed to AEC
Trade Choice 2: Bioscience
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: last week of Sept 2008
First Contact: 20 days after application date
CFAT: Jan 5th, 2009
Medical 1st: Jan 5th, 2009
Initial Medical Final: March 13, 2009
Air Crew Medical Final:April 3rd, 2009
Interview 1st: Jan 5th, 2009
Interview 2nd (Because of trade change to AEC): 3rd week of Jan , 2009
Listed: 1st week of April 09
Verbal Position Offered: April 14, 2009
Sworn in: sometime in july, 2009
BMOQ starts on: August 31st, 2009

As you can see longest wait has been for the Air Factor clearance from Toronto. I love Canadian Forces, great people. I had some initial medical issues also e.g. one ear had wax so i failed hearing test, few RBC in urine but other reports showed no concern.
Recruiting Center: New Westminster
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: 031 Infantry
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: March something, maybe late feb
CFAT: March 4
Medical: March 10
Interview: March 10
Position Offered: April 14
Sworn in: April 16
BMQ starts on: April 20

Really quick.
Recruiting Center: Calgary
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade Choice 1: MARS
Trade Choice 2: Intelligence
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: April 14, 2009
Medical: TBD
Interview: TBD
Position Offered: TBD
Sworn in: TBD
BMOQ starts on: TBD

Hoping to hear from the CFRC within the next month or so, and get the ball rolling. I am kinda hoping to take the summer to work on my fitness and do my fitness test mid to late summer (give me a couple of months to lose the flab I've gained) and do BMOQ late 2009/early 2010. Then again, that's the plan. The reality could be much different :P
Recruiting Center: Ottawa
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: February, 2009
CFAT: March 11, 2009 (passed)
Medical: March 31, 2009 (passed)
Interview: March 31, 2009 (passed)
Position Offered: TBD
Sworn in: TBD
BMOQ starts on: TBD

I contacted the Cpl. in charge of my file, and confirmed that I should here from them in about two months (June) with an offer.  But it seems some people have already been given offers for the August BMOQ!  Why?  Ah, well. 
  Based on my test score and interview, I'm confident that I'll make it in and as infantry. (The Capt. who interviewed me pretty much said that it was certain.) My only concern is that I get in for the August BMOQ. 
  If anyone who reads this and has some advice (or questions), feel free to contact me.
brandon-vancouver said:
Recruiting Center: New Westminster
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: 031 Infantry
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: March something, maybe late feb
CFAT: March 4
Medical: March 10
Interview: March 10
Position Offered: April 14
Sworn in: April 16
BMQ starts on: April 20

Really quick.

wow that is really fast ! Im also going in for Infantry and will be starting the same day as you. Im flying out of Lethbridge on the 18th.


Recruting Center: Kitchener
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade Choice 1: LOG
Trade Choice 2: AEC
Trade Choice 3:
Current Application Date: 2004
First Contact:  2004
CFAT completed : 2004
Med Completed:  June, 2008
Interview completed: June 2008
Offer: April 15th - LOG
Sworn in: July/August 2009
Basic Training Begins: August 31st, 2009

Been a long go, but finally got my offer today...what a surprise it was!! w00t!
nickinguelph said:

Recruting Center: Kitchener
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade Choice 1: LOG
Trade Choice 2: AEC
Trade Choice 3:
Current Application Date: 2004
First Contact:  2004
CFAT completed : 2004
Med Completed:  June, 2008
Interview completed: June 2008
Offer: April 15th - LOG
Sworn in: July/August 2009
Basic Training Begins: August 31st, 2009

Been a long go, but finally got my offer today...what a surprise it was!! w00t!

5 years? WTF? What happened?
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