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Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

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Recruting Center: Halifax
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Med Tech
Trade Choice 2: N/A
Trade Choice 3: N/A
Application Date: Sept. 2013
First Contact: Jan. 2014
CFAT completed : Exempt
Interview completed: March 2014
Medical Completed: Waiting
Merit Listed: Waiting
Position Offered: Waiting
Swear in: Waiting
Basic Training Begins: Waiting

Interview Tuesday! My broker said there is one position left for this fiscal year for Med Tech and she doesn't know anything for the coming up fiscal year. So nervous, hope my file gets to her in time!
Recruiting Center: Montreal
Regular/Reserve: Reserves
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: N/A
Trade Choice 3: N/A
Application Date: March 5, 2012
First Contact: April 25th, 2012
Aptitude Test: May 22nd, 2012
TSD: January 30th, 2013
Security forms (330-60) completed: August, 2013
Interview #1: March 3, 2014 (Engineering officer; passed interview and considered qualified for trade)
Interview #2: March 12, 2014 (Infantry reserves)
Medical: March 3, 2014
CFPFT: Scheduled for March 18, 2014
Merit Listed:
Position Offered:
Enrollment/Swear in:
Basic Training Begins:

After receiving an offer to pursue my PhD, I switched my application from regular forces to reserves on March 5th, 2014 . I decided that I still wanted to pursue a part-time career with the CF and applied as an NCM (infantry solider) with a regiment in Montreal.

Fingers crossed that I am still considered competent, and competitive, enough for consideration towards my new chosen trade.

KanD said:
Recruiting Center: Montreal
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (DEO)
Trade Choice 1: Engineering Officer
Trade Choice 2: N/A
Trade Choice 3: N/A
Application Date: March 5, 2012
First Contact: April 25th, 2012
Aptitude Test: May 22nd, 2012
TSD: January 30th, 2013
Security forms (330-60) completed: August, 2013
Interview: Scheduled for March 3, 2014
Medical: Scheduled for March 3, 2014

Merit Listed:
Position Offered:
Enrollment/Swear in:
Basic Training Begins:
Got a call yesterday heading to BMQ for April 28th

Recruiting Centre: Victoria B.C.
Regular/Reserve: Reg.
Officer/ NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Weng Tech
Trade Choice 2: Bosn
Application Date: Sept. 1st, 2013
First Contact: Sept. 17th, 2013
CFAT: Nov. 13, 2013 (Passed)
Medical: Jan. 21st, 2014
Interview: Jan. 21st, 2014
Merit Listed: Feb 21st 2014
Position Offered: Weng Tech
Swearing In: March 27th, 2014
BMQ: April 28th, 2014
Recruiting Center: Toronto
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: Nursing Officer
Trade Choice 2: N/A
Trade Choice 3: N/A
Application Date: December 2013
First Contact: December 2013
Aptitude Test: December 2012
Interview: January 2014
Medical: May 2013
Merit Listed: March 2014
Position Offered:
Enrollment/Swear in:
Basic Training Begins:
A few more days till selections, good luck to everyone and I hope you guys arent as nervous as me  :salute:
Selections? Soo with my merit listed near the end of feb I may get my call? Im dieing from even this short wait.
PopeScope20 said:
Selections? Soo with my merit listed near the end of feb I may get my call? Im dieing from even this short wait.

Yeah selections for most jobs are on the 18th if youve been merit listed according to DAA, and hes like never wrong...ever
Recruiting Center: London
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Avionics Systems Tech
Trade Choice 2: Aviation Systems Tech
Trade Choice 3: Traffic Tech
Application Date: March 11th
First Contact: March 13th
Aptitude Test: April 8th
Merit Listed:
Position Offered:
Enrollment/Swear in:
Basic Training Begins:
Recruiting Center: ottawa
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: aviation systems tech
Trade Choice 2: air weapon system texh
Trade Choice 3: aerospace control operator
Application Date: october
First Contact: november 2013
Aptitude Test:
Tsd: march 13
Merit Listed:
Position Offered:
Enrollment/Swear in:
Basic Training Begins:

I havent seen on this thread or others since its new, how long after the tsd did you get a call for the next part of the process?
kanataguy1 said:
I havent seen on this thread or others since its new, how long after the tsd did you get a call for the next part of the process?

The TSD is not new, it was implemented January 1st 2013. No one here can give you an exact this is how long you should expect to wait. Take a look at my signature, you will see I have been waiting 5 months. I wrote my CFAT/TSD in october and am still waiting. There is no concrete answer as to how long
Recruiting Center: Hamilton, ON
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Medical Technician
Application Date: Oct 2012
First Contact: Oct 2012
Aptitude Test: April 30th 2013
Interview: June 16th 2013
Medical: June 16th 2013
Merit listed: Feb 2nd 2014
Position Offered: Med Tech March 10th 2014
Enrollment/Swear in: Mar 31st 2014
BMQ Begins: Apr 28 2014
Recruiting Centre: Ottawa
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer - ROTP
Trade Choice 1: Int O
Trade Choice 2: MARS
Trade Choice 3: Logistics
Application Date (Online): Oct 2013
First Contact: Nov 2013
CFAT: Jan 7 2014
Medical: TBD
Interview: TBD
Merit Listed: TBD
Position offered: TBD
Sworn in: TBD

Was rejected from ROTP, decided to just go NCM:

Recruiting Centre: Ottawa
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: NES op
Trade Choice 2: Comms Research op
Trade Choice 3: NCI op
Application Date (updated at CFRC): March 2014
First Contact: awaiting regarding updated application
CFAT: Jan 7 2014
Medical: TBD
Interview: TBD
Merit Listed: TBD
Position offered: TBD
Sworn in: TBD
Just thought I would update just before "selections" for a few trades beings...
Good luck to everyone who is waiting. This has been a 10 month application here. I really hope this is it this time!
Funny thing is, I decided to join the CF because I heard they were in need of AVN Techs. As a Helicopter Mechanic, I thought this would be a smooth process since I have experience and "credentials." Well, I thought wrong. Just keep this in mind when you feel your application is taking a long time.  ;)

Recruiting Center: Halifax
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: AVN Tech.
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: CFVRC Submitted July 1st
First Contact: September 20 2013
Aptitude Test:November 5 2013
PT Test: November 5 2013
Interview: November 13 2013
Medical: November 5 2013
Merit Listed: February 10 2014
Position Offered: Pending...
Enrollment/Swear in: Pending...
BMQ Begins: Pending...
Recruiting Centre: Ottawa
Regular/Reserve: Reserve
Officer/NCM: NCM (CFAEP)
Trade Choice 1: Infantry Soldier
Trade Choice 2: Intelligence Operator
Trade Choice 3: Military Police
Application Date (Online): Mar 17th, 2014
First Contact: TBD
Medical: TBD
Interview: TBD
Merit Listed: TBD
Position Offered: TBD
Sworn in: TBD

Note: I had a previous "mini-interview" with recruiter in Feb 2011. He had told me to attend school then come back, as I had only met minimal requirements.
Would like to wish you all luck in the next week or two as calls go out to NCM applicants. I am sure you all are just as anxious as me. :P
I too would like to wish all of the NCM applicants luck, and for those whom are still waiting like me to get scheduled for our medicals/interviews hopefully they happen soon! For me Steward is currently in demand and still has positions open for this fiscal year, but luck has not been on my side I hope that changes soon.
J_M_J_D said:
I too would like to wish all of the NCM applicants luck, and for those whom are still waiting like me to get scheduled for our medicals/interviews hopefully they happen soon! For me Steward is currently in demand and still has positions open for this fiscal year, but luck has not been on my side I hope that changes soon.
Do not worry I am in the same boat lol i had a date for medical and interview set in April but the cancelled the same day. I keep my phone glued to me for the phone call.  :nod: Good Luck everyone
I just completed my Interview last week, and my medical yesterday morning. Passed both. Was told my application is competitive, and that I am medically fit as well. I just have to go to a optometrist on Friday for a better screening of my eyes, and have them fill out a paper I was given. Too bad they don't reimburse you haha. Although they said it is common for applicants who have a V3 for their vision. I have an appointment made for the optometrist at Walmart this Friday, which is only $80.00 and another $20.00 on top of that for them to fill out the paper...

Good luck to those who are still waiting! I am finally, after over a year of trying to complete the paper work and processing, and to just wait for that call!
My Application process has been a bit complicated, because I originally applied when I lived in St. John's, but have since moved to Halifax, so there were major delays on my part.
I have been in the CF before, and was told that  because of this, things should go a bit quicker.

Recruiting Center: Halifax
Regular/Reserve: Reserve
Officer/NCM: NCM
Application Date: May 2013
First Contact: January 2014 (was delayed due to me moving, having to transfer file, etc)
Aptitude Test: Exempted (completed in 2003)
Merit Listed:
Position Offered:
Enrollment/Swear in:
BMQ Begins:
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