Recruiting Centre: Edmonton
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Sonar Op
Trade Choice 2: EO Tech
Trade Choice 3: Veh Tech
Application Date: January 2, 2010
First Contacted: Mid-February 2010
CFAT Completed : May 2010
References Contacted: No
BackCheck Completed: Yes
Medical Completed: May, 2010
Interview completed: May, 2010
Position Offered: Pending
Sworn in: Pending
Basic Training Begins: Pending
As you can see, I applied last year. I applied for Sig Op, Combat Eng and Artillery, had to change those a number of times due to trade filling up, and ended up with Sig Op, Med Tech and Sonar Op. I was declined for medical reasons (food allergy and back problems) and my file was closed. I spent the last year rectifying those problems and submitted the required medical information again on March 14, 2011; the RMO sent me a letter clearing me on the 31st (never received it, change of address). I went in today and spoke with my recruiter, was told I am medically cleared and was provided with a list of trades I qualified for (Pure Math 30 really, really helped me there) that are currently hiring. As of right now I am being processed with Sonar Op, EO Tech and Veh Tech as my trade choices; the PO I spoke with told me that I would be very competitive with my math 30 and although he never said so, I am expecting a call or email of some sort in the next couple weeks. Waiting was a real pain in the ass, but finally stuff is coming together for me.
TL;DR, patience is a virtue; make yourself stand out, even a little and your chances improve. I'm not the type of person to get excited about anything, but I am truly excited now, I can not wait for a phone call.