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Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

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I'm currently a MSEOp at 36 Svc Bn. Right now I'm finishing my Biology degree and I'm starting nursing in the fall. Thanks for the luck.
The top is for myself...

Recruting Center: Ottawa
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: SIg Op/ACISS
Trade Choice 2: Combat Eng
Trade Choice 3: x
Application Date: July 2010
First Contact: July 2010
Aptitude completed : 22 Jan 2011
Medical Completed: 22 Jan 2011
Interview completed: 22 Jan 2011
Medical Approved: Pending
Security check completed : Pending
Merit Listed: Pending
Position Offered: Pending
Basic Training Begins: Pending

Recruting Center: St. Johns NL
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Mar Eng Mech
Trade Choice 2: Nes Op
Trade Choice 3: Son OP
Application Date: January 6 2011
First Contact: March
Aptitude completed : 17 March 2011
Medical Completed: 17 March 2011
Interview completed: 17 March 2011
Medical Approved: Yes
Security check completed : Yes
Merit Listed: Yes
Position Offered: Pending
Basic Training Begins: Pending

Recruiting Centre: Edmonton
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Sonar Op
Trade Choice 2: EO Tech
Trade Choice 3: Veh Tech
Application Date: January 2, 2010
First Contacted:  Mid-February 2010
CFAT Completed : May 2010
References Contacted: No
BackCheck Completed: Yes
Medical Completed: May, 2010
Interview completed: May, 2010
Position Offered: Pending
Sworn in: Pending
Basic Training Begins: Pending

As you can see, I applied last year. I applied for Sig Op, Combat Eng and Artillery, had to change those a number of times due to trade filling up, and ended up with Sig Op, Med Tech and Sonar Op. I was declined for medical reasons (food allergy and back problems) and my file was closed. I spent the last year rectifying those problems and submitted the required medical information again on March 14, 2011; the RMO sent me a letter clearing me on the 31st (never received it, change of address). I went in today and spoke with my recruiter, was told I am medically cleared and was provided with a list of trades I qualified for (Pure Math 30 really, really helped me there) that are currently hiring. As of right now I am being processed with Sonar Op, EO Tech and Veh Tech as my trade choices; the PO I spoke with told me that I would be very competitive with my math 30 and although he never said so, I am expecting a call or email of some sort in the next couple weeks. Waiting was a real pain in the ass, but finally stuff is coming together for me.

TL;DR, patience is a virtue; make yourself stand out, even a little and your chances improve. I'm not the type of person to get excited about anything, but I am truly excited now, I can not wait for a phone call.
Stacked said:
Congratulations Duredain!

My first choice at the moment is also Sonar Op.  If you hear anything let me know!

And has anybody else noticed the lack of offers going out? I totally expected crazy forum spam with people getting offers.

I also thought there would be a boat load of offers going around by now.
I was told I'd  get a call in the middle of the month. Maybe well see alot by then.
Stacked said:
Congratulations Duredain!

My first choice at the moment is also Sonar Op.  If you hear anything let me know!

And has anybody else noticed the lack of offers going out? I totally expected crazy forum spam with people getting offers.

Good day,

From what I have heard, offers should be rolling in mid- late April when courses open up and when BMQ dates are set and ready. All we can do now is be to be patient and wait for them to get things set.

Sleath said:
Good day,

From what I have heard, offers should be rolling in mid- late April when courses open up and when BMQ dates are set and ready. All we can do now is be to be patient and wait for them to get things set.


I just hope that we can all be enlisted and join the BMQ that will be held during this summer XD
Stacked said:
Congratulations Duredain!

My first choice at the moment is also Sonar Op.  If you hear anything let me know!

And has anybody else noticed the lack of offers going out? I totally expected crazy forum spam with people getting offers.

Thanks Stacked, it's quite exciting to finally have stuff moving forward. From what my recruiter told me, my chances of getting processed for Sonar Op are slim to none; they already have applications being processed for that trade (hopefully you are one of them) and they will likely offer me one of the trades that require Pure Math.
Stacked said:
Sorry for the double post

I've been told now VERY few offers went out this week (which is obvious) and not to expect to hear anything until April 15th at least. Looks like we have another date to set on the calender. (This was from a Det Commander)

Good day,

Thank you for sharing what you were told, hopefully our patience pays off  ;). Ill be heading to my CFRC on April 18th to talk to my Military Career Counselor if I don't hear by next week.

Stacked said:
Sorry for the double post

I've been told now VERY few offers went out this week (which is obvious) and not to expect to hear anything until April 15th at least. Looks like we have another date to set on the calender. (This was from a Det Commander)

I wonder who got those offers... I think it would be the officers that got their offers first.
ringknocker82 said:

Recruiting Center: Hamilton
Regular/Reserves: Regular
NCM/Officer: DEO (RMC grad - 3B medical release)
Trade Choice 1: MARS
Trade Choice 2: LOGO
Trade Choice 3: Int Officer
Application Date: December, 2010
First Contact: December, 2010
CFAT: Completed in '99
Medical: January 18th, 2011 (no findings to support prior 3B medical release) -  Declared medically fit for service by RMO - 29 MAR 11
Interview: 11 APR 11
Merit Listed: 11 APR 11
Job offered:
Swearing in:
BMOQ: If all goes well, I should not be required to complete BMOQ
Recruting Center: Montreal
Regular/Reserve: Reserve
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Application Date: January 18, 2011
First Contact: April 11, 2011
Med, aptitude completed : to be done on April 19, 2011
PT Test completed:
Interview completed:
Position Offered:
Basic Training Begins:
Recruiting Center: Toronto
Regular/Reserves: Regular
NCM/Officer: NCM
Original Trade Choice 1: Signal Operator
Original Trade Choice 2: LCIS Tech
Updated Trade Choice 1: EO Tech (Added December 2010)
Updated Trade Choice 2: LCIS Tech
Application Date: November 2009
First Contact: December 2009
CFAT: January 11, 2010 (Completed)
Interview: January 19, 2010 (Completed)
Medical: January 22, 2010 (Completed)
Updated Interview: March 24, 2011 (Completed)
Merit Listed:
Job offered:
Swearing in:
BMQ Begins:
Recruiting Center: CFRC Vancouver, BC
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer(ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: Air Combat Systems Officer
Trade Choice 2: Logistics(Air) Officer
Trade Choice 3: Aerospace Control Officer
Application Date: January 2011
First Contact: January 2011
Aptitude completed : February 2011
Medical Completed: February 2011
Interview completed: March 2011
Medical Approved: February 2011
Security check completed : March 2011
Merit Listed: March 2011
Position Offered: Pending
Swearing In: Pending
Basic Training Begins: Pending

Just waiting for that phone call.

astecki said:
The top is for myself...

Recruting Center: Toronto, ON
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: x
Trade Choice 3: x
Application Date: 04 April 2011
First Contact: 04 April 2011
Aptitude completed : 12 April 2011
Medical Completed: Pending
Interview completed: Pending
Medical Approved: Pending
Security check completed : Pending
Merit Listed: Pending
Position Offered: Pending
Basic Training Begins: Pending

And for my wife...

Recruting Center: Toronto, ON
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: RMS Clerk
Trade Choice 2: x
Trade Choice 3: x
Application Date: 04 April 2011
First Contact: 04 April 2011
Aptitude completed : 12 April 2011
Medical Completed: Pending
Interview completed: Pending
Medical Approved: Pending
Security check completed : Pending
Merit Listed: Pending
Position Offered: Pending
Basic Training Begins: Pending

Here's hoping!

We've both obtained approval to book the medical and interview, but apparently the girl who books the medicals at CFRC Toronto wasn't there today, and there was no schedule available.  We've been told to call back tomorrow to hopefully get those booked, as my application is especially time-sensitive.

Apparently I did "exceptionally well" on my aptitude test (read: qualified for everything) and the career councillor immediately tried to talk me into a different trade.  Told him "Thanks, but no thanks, I know what I came here for".

Again, here's hoping everything continues smoothly!
Recruiting Center: CFRC Victoria, BC
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Trade Choice 1: Hull technician
Trade Choice 2: Marine Eng Mech
Trade Choice 3: x
Application Date: August 2010
First Contact: Sept 2010
Aptitude completed : March 3rd 2011
Medical Completed: March 3rd 2011
Interview completed: March 28th 2011
Medical Approved: March 28th 2011
Security check completed : March 2011
Merit Listed: March 28th 2011
Position Offered: Pending
Swearing In: Pending
Basic Training Begins: Pending

sitting..waiting...and on these forums way to often :P
I'm so excited to finally be able to add to this thread after writing the cfat today!

Recruiting Center: CFRC Vancouver, BC (new westminster)
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1:  AC OP (did really well, enough to qualify for my first choice)
Trade Choice 2: Nav Comm
Trade Choice 3:  Sonar Operator
Application Date: January 2011
First Contact: March 2011
Aptitude completed : April 12 2011
Medical Completed: First Half of medical completed April 12 2011, 2nd Half April 26, 2011
Interview completed:
Medical Approved:
Security check completed :
Merit Listed:
Position Offered: Pending
Swearing In:
Basic Training Begins:

This is my first post, and as such I want to thanks to all the regular members.  The information available on these forums has made my application process a cool breeze.  I figured I'd share it with you:

Recruiting Center: CFRC London, ON
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade 1: Infantry
Trade 2: Combat Engineer
Trade 3: Armoured
Application Date: April 5/2011
First Contact: April 7/2011
CFAT: April 15/11
Security Check:
Merit List:
Position Offered:
Swearing In:

Thanks again.  I hope the process goes smoothly.
Recruting Center: Kitchener
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: Combat Engineer
Trade Choice 3: Armoured Soldier
Application Date: July 5, 2010
First Contact: ----
Med, aptitude completed : After going in every month from July to April, booked CFAT April 3/2011 then it was canceled the same day until further notice (Not anytime soon I'm guessing)

PT Test completed: ----
Interview completed: ----
Position Offered: ----
Basic Training Begins: ----

Good to see people above me with April '11 app. dates are getting further than me already.

Recruiting Center: CFRC Halifax, NS
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Crewman
Trade Choice 2: Infantry
Trade Choice 3: Combat Engineer
Application Date: January 1st 2011
First Contact: March 14th 2011
Aptitude Completed: Pending
Medical Completed: Pending
Interview Completed: Pending
Medical Approved: Pending
Security Check Completed: Pending
Merit Listed: Pending
Position Offered: Pending
Swearing In: Pending
Basic Training Begins: Pending
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