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Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

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Recruting Center: London
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: NCI OP
Trade Choice 2: NAV COM
Trade Choice 3: - - - - -
Application Date: May 11, 2010
First Contact: May 11, 2010
CFAT completed : May 12th 2010 ( All Trades )
Medical completed:  June 3 2010
Interview completed:  June 3 2010
Position Offered: NAV COM
Sworn In Date: Dec 16th 2010
Basic Training Begins: Jan 10th 2011

Now to prep for a winter BMQ on the east coast.

**edit dates**
Heimdall said:
Recruting Center: London
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: NCI OP
Trade Choice 2: NAV COM
Trade Choice 3: - - - - -
Application Date: May 11, 2010
First Contact: May 11, 2010
CFAT completed : May 12th 2010 ( All Trades )
Medical completed:  June 3 2010
Interview completed:  June 3 2010
Position Offered: NAV COM
Sworn In Date: Dec 16th 2010
Basic Training Begins: Jan 10th 2010

Now to prep for a winter BMQ on the east coast.

Congrats, when do you actually fly out to st jean?
Heimdall said:
Basic Training Begins: Jan 10th 2010

Umm, won't that be a little difficult without a time-travel machine?    ???

Guess you meant 2011.    ;)
Shhh, the time travel sector is hush hush!

Also they aren't sending me to St Jean, which surprised me.  I swore he said NS. Have to double check that in the morning.
western_welder said:
you do your basic in st. jean

In most cases true, but they do run BMQs elsewhere..  Borden for example, and also res BMQ is done all over. 
cn said:
In most cases true, but they do run BMQs elsewhere..  Borden for example, and also res BMQ is done all over.

The recruit school at Borden is a satelite of CFLRS ST. JEAN........ besides they would not send a Reg Force applicant on to a PRes BMQ as the course structure is different.
Recruiting Centre: Toronto
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM - Semi Skilled
Trade Choice 1: Military Police
Trade Choice 2: NavComm
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: May 2010
CFAT Completed : June 2010
References Contacted: July 2010
BackCheck Completed: July 2010
Medical Completed: July 2010
Interview completed: July 2010
MPAC Date: (Merit Listed, unknown date - November 2010 or 2011)
Merit Listed: Pending
Position Offered: Pending
Sworn in: Pending
Basic Training Begins: Pending
Delta26 said:
Recruiting Center: Kitchener Ontario
Trade Choice 1:LCIS
Trade Choice 2:COMM RSCH
Trade Choice 3:Armoured Troop
Application date:May 27 2010
First Contact:May 31 2010
CFAT- Completed: Pending
Medical- Completed: Pending
Interview: Pending
Back Check: Pending
Merit Listed: Pending
Position Offered: Pending
Sworn In: Pending
BMQ Starts: Pending

FIle closed 20/07/10, will re-apply after academic upgrade.

Recruting Center: Edmonton
Regular/Reserve: Reserve
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Medical Technician
Trade Choice 2: Armored Recce
Trade Choice 3: Combat Engineer
Application Date: Late April, 2010
First Contact: Early May, 2010
Med, aptitude completed : June 21, 2010
PT Test completed: June 21, 2010
Interview completed: June 21, 2010(since changing trades to Med Tech new interview scheduled for July 26,2010 and assuming that goes well nothing left but the offer!!!
File complete:July 6, 2010
Position Offered: Still Waiting
Basic Training Begins: Fall, 2010 

Recruiting Centre: Oshawa
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: LCIS
Trade Choice 2: Combat Engineer
Trade Choice 3: Marine Electrician
Application Date: October ?, 2009
First Contacted:  October ?, 2009
CFAT completed : November 4,2009 ------------------------- Re-taking CFAT July 26th, 2010.
References Contacted: November 4, 2009
Medical Completed: November 6, 2009
Interview completed: November 16,  2009
Medical Received: January 15, 2010
Position Offered: Pending
Sworn in: Pending
Basic Training Begins: Pending

Could have retaken the CFAT dis-morning but I slept in and would also like the waiting period to do more math and IQ tests and prep more for the CFAT. So I called around 3ish, seems I got the ok to re-take the test and MCpl had a look over my GED or HS Diploma and things looked good. Hoping that I can score high enough and be given a chance at BMQ and prove I can do this!

^^So my car broke down the night before and I couldn't make my CFAT. Called and they said that I had to wait for a new spot to open for the CFAT to be re-booked. So I get a call last week on friday saying I have 1 choice, either book the CFAT in 2 weeks and apply for Marine Electrician or they close my file till next year unless a spot opens for anything else. So after a couple hours and some serious thinking, I decided to go with it. So now I'm studying my butt off again so I can pass this CFAT and move forward. I just hope something comes around shortly as I have absolutely no luck on my side =\ So this is where I stand now.
Reposting... wish editing worked....

Recruting Center: Victoria
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Military Police
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: April 23, 2010
First Contact: May 28, 2010
Med, aptitude, first interview completed: June 17, 2010
Assessment Centre completed:
PT Test completed:
Interview completed :
Position Offered:
Basic Training Begins:

Recruiting Center: CFRC Vancouver
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry Soldier
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: Sept 21, 2009
First Contact: Oct 14, 2009
CFAT: Oct 27, 2009
Medical: Oct 28, 2009
Interview: Mar 31, 2010
Merit Listed: Mar 31, 2010
Position Offered: July 19, 2010
Sworn In: August 12, 2010
BMQ Starts: August 23, 2010

I did it!!! lmao...
Well I did alright on my CFAT but Aced everything else and my interviewer loved me... But I'd say pure luck :P Now I just gotta make sure that I make the best of my opportunity and not waist a spot that could have been given to someone else.
Lando said:

Recruiting Center: CFRC Vancouver
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry Soldier
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: Sept 21, 2009
First Contact: Oct 14, 2009
CFAT: Oct 27, 2009
Medical: Oct 28, 2009
Interview: Mar 31, 2010
Merit Listed: Mar 31, 2010
Position Offered: July 19, 2010
Sworn In: August 12, 2010
BMQ Starts: August 23, 2010

I did it!!! lmao...

Congrats!  :salute: This is getting me pumped because I applied 4 days after you for the infantry and got merit listed mid April  ;D Hope I get the call soon too!
ozn0g said:
Congrats!  :salute: This is getting me pumped because I applied 4 days after you for the infantry and got merit listed mid April  ;D Hope I get the call soon too!

Good on you bro... Keep hope. I was starting to think I'd have to wait till next April. Hell i thought it was a joke phone call!  ;D
Recruiting Centre: CFRC Calgary
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: NCI OP
Trade Choice 2: LCIS TECH
Trade Choice 3: NES OP
Application date: June 18th, 2010
First contacted:  July 25th, 2010
CFAT completed : July 8th, 2010
Medical completed: July 8th, 2010
Interview completed: July 8th, 2010
References contacted: July 11th, 2010
Position offered: Pending
Sworn in: Pending
Basic training begins: Pending

I got a call from the recruiting office and was originally suppose to come in for my aptitude test/medical/interview on July 5th, Sadly when the day came I decided to sleep in and woke up 45 minutes after I was suppose to check in. I called to re-book and they told me I had to wait til July 21st to get everything done again. A day later I got a call from the recruiting office saying that a person cancelled and offered me their appointment date which was July 8th. Which I made sure to wake up for.

So I went in and done my aptitude test (which in the following interview the recruiting officer told me I scored in the 90th percentile) so I was happy about that. I aced my interview (aside from a slight infamiliarity with the trades I was applying for). And upon leaving he told me the earliest BMQ would be in January. But due to problems at home I urged him to confirm that there were no more spots left in the BMQ for November. So it turned out there were 12 spots left and they said they would get me a protected spot for BMQ in November.

Recruting Center: London
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP for 2010/2011)
Trade Choice 1: Pilot
Trade Choice 2: ACSO
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: February 26th, 2009
First Contact: March 11th, 2009
CFAT/Medical/Interview: March 24th, 2009
Aircrew Selection: Passed August 19th
Aircrew Medical: A1 - September 17th
Merit Listed: September 24th (ROTP)
Offer: ACSO, May 2010
Sworn In: July 24th, 2010!!!
Basic Training Begins: May 2011!!!
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