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Application Process (Completed-Officers)

AncientWinds said:
See you August 31! I'm gonna be on the french platoon though. I know that french and english platoons are coupled together, but I'm curious to know if we'll have common trainings, exercices, etc. Does anyone have the answer to that question?

on our course there was virtually no interaction - you were often in the same break areas/areas of farnham/etc., but we never performed tasks alongside our 'sister' platoon
Grando said:
on our course there was virtually no interaction - you were often in the same break areas/areas of farnham/etc., but we never performed tasks alongside our 'sister' platoon

Thanks for the answer Grando.
Has any Civvie-U ROTP figured out if they have to go to St. Jean for the 2-week mini-course? (starting Aug 9th supposedly)
Grando said:
on our course there was virtually no interaction - you were often in the same break areas/areas of farnham/etc., but we never performed tasks alongside our 'sister' platoon

Exactly what he said! Platoons compete for the commandant's flag at the end, so it's competition all the way, in terms of highest scores

For you guys going infantry, hope you enjoying camping? You are going to be spending a lot of time working out and sleeping in tents :-)
@Marshall - My letter states I'll find out from the CDA (?) where I'll be going (St. Jean or Kingston) after talking to my ULO. I enroll on Saturday and have all the paperwork to do on Thursday, so I'm hoping to find more then.

My letter does not give a date of when it is, but the joining instructions state Aug. 9/09.
Heff18 said:
@Marshall - My letter states I'll find out from the CDA (?) where I'll be going (St. Jean or Kingston) after talking to my ULO. I enroll on Saturday and have all the paperwork to do on Thursday, so I'm hoping to find more then.

My letter does not give a date of when it is, but the joining instructions state Aug. 9/09.

Mine also says Aug 09. But it was just an email, it could have been a mistake to send it to me. So im hoping to find out in person. I just know that I have to meet with the ULO's from Aug 4 - 7 (or 9th) for all that. So It would be cutting it close for traveling from Halifax to St. Jean / Kingston.
Hi Ladies and Gentlemen,

I just created a private facebook group for people attending the August 31st BMOQ (R0019E & R0018F).

The group name is : 2009 QMBO / BMOQ R0018F & R0019E
And the URL : http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=122303151003
Sorry for the repost, I figured I may as well post my info under this thread as it is primarily for Officer Cadets, and I would like to share ;)

As for my workout routine, strength training 3 days a week (core circuit training, approx. 2hrs), and running 5 days a week (4 @ 5km, and 1 @ 10km)

Recruiting Center: Kitchener (began the process at the Ottawa CFRC, then to the Winnipeg CFRC, and finished at K/W)
Regular/Reserves: Reg
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade Choice 1:LOG
Trade Choice 2:HCA
Trade Choice 3:AEC
Silent 4th (MARS)
Application Date:05/04
CFAT: 08/04
Medical: 06/08
Interview: 06/08
Merit Listed: not sure when either late '08 or beginning of '09
Job Offer: April 15/09
BMOQ: Aug 31/09
Sworn in: Aug 12/09
Recruiting Center: Halifax
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (CEOTP)
Trade: Infantry
Application Date: January 2009
CFAT: March 2009
Medical: March 2009
Interview/ Screening Process: March 2009
Merit Listed: July 2009
Verbal Position Offered: N/A
Sworn in: N/A
BMOQ starts on: N/A

Decidfed to post my stuff here. I actually started my application process back in Sept 2008 but by the time I gathered all my education documents it was in December when I had everything submitted. In January I was told I had to complete new reference / personal data forms for the new BakCheck sytem. So I believe my actually aplication date was January 17th.

After several months of being patient I was finaly merit listed on July 17th 2009 and althought extremely excited that this occured, I was also told that 3 days prior to my listing InfO was officially closed until April 2010. Talk about bad luck. It actually gets worse...

After a long discussion with my MCC I decided that I would add ArtyO as a next choice as I had only listed InfO originaly. The MCC confirmed that there were 2 positions open. This was on a Thursday (July 16th to be exact).  I called my MCC back the follwing day (Friday) in hopes of establishing a date / time for another interview for ArtyO and non one got back to me. I called the CFRC everyday this week and no one got back to me so on Wedesday of this week I decide to go over in person and find someone face to face to discus my file with. I met with a really nice and helpful captain that explined my MCC was on vacation and that the systems were down nation wide early that week and that is why no one got back to me.

I was so happy to talk to someone face to face and even indicated that I was rteady to be interviewed for ArtyO right there on the spot. He kindly told me that I need to wait until next week when my MCC got back and then broke the horrible news that there were no longer positions left under CEOTP ArtyO or any other combat arms trades period.

He did tell me if I wanted to gain entry to the Canadian Forces quickly as an Officer under CEOTP plan, I should consider MARS Officer as they have 43 open positions. So now I am totally fustrated and at aq loss as to what to do. It has been almost a year since I first walked into the CFRC and it felt like forever and the thought of waiting until next April is just scary. I am sure combat arms is what I want althought I was in Navy League & Sea Cadets as a youngster. I began reading and talking to Navy members over the last 2 days and I am not opposed to this trade however Army is what I feel I want most. Even if I decided to go MARS, from what I read the next NOAB is late Sept and even if one was accepted they may not see BMOQ until January.

Have any others faced these challenges? What would you do in my shoes? At present I am still merit listed for InfO only and debating chnaging / adding trades. An old friend of my who served in the army for 17 years told me people do drop out, miss swearing in or go AWOL before BMOQ and that I should just wiat and hope for the trade I wanted. Is this at all realistic?

Any thoughts or advice is appreciated. If anyone actually reads this little book you deserve a prize. I have to vent as I am so fustrated at the moment.

Thanks in advance.
Jayson Wonder said:
Have any others faced these challenges? What would you do in my shoes? At present I am still merit listed for InfO only and debating chnaging / adding trades. An old friend of my who served in the army for 17 years told me people do drop out, miss swearing in or go AWOL before BMOQ and that I should just wiat and hope for the trade I wanted. Is this at all realistic?

Hi Jayson,

Between the beginning of of the process and the time I sworn in, more than 2 years had passed... The reason is that my first application was closed after they were unable to reach me (I was moving to my new house at the same time (and for those that ever build a new house, you know it's a lot of troubles...) and forgot to tell them the new phone/adress). My second application took more than a year between the application date and the sworn in.

My opinion is that if you really want to become an infantry officer, you should not give up and wait until they offer you such a position. It's all about determination. You are merit listed, so it's only a matter of time : be patient. New infantry officer positions will be available Next April? Well... start earning you degree, train hard, and prepare for that. You could complete 2 university sessions until then.

1 year isn't a very long period of time, trust me. I've been in your shoes. When I was told that my file had been closed and I had to resubmit it, adding more than 1 year to the process, I wasn't very happy. But I didn't give up and chose to use that time to train even better, to travel, to read books on military leadership, tactics, history. I chose to not loose my time, as it was very clear to me that I will be infantry officer one day, no matter the time it takes.

Keep it up and best of luck!
Thank you for your words of encouragement. I agree a year is not a long time and I surely can use that time wisely to better prepare myself and move closer to my educational goals, etc.

Just yesterday I completed my 2nd interview for Artillery Officer as wel so I have now been merit listed for both trades. I felt I would stay true to my strong desire to serve in the combat arms trades.

I have come a long way already so I will now keep my focus on the future and work hard in the present.

THanks again for your thoughts!
Prairiediver....take a look at the thread title.......

just sayin'

BMOQ starts on

In your case, i doubt BMOQ starts anytime soon.........

CDN Aviator said:
Prairiediver....take a look at the thread title.......

just sayin'

In your case, i doubt BMOQ starts anytime soon.........

Yikes... thanks. The 2 threads start off very similar, I didnt realize there were 2. And to be honest, I was so excited, I simply clicked the thread I thought I was reading over the past few days.

Recruiting Center: Montréal
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (DEO)
Trade Choice 1: Engineer
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: March 24, 2009
CFAT: Credited from 2001 ROTP application (long story :P)
Medical: April 29, 2009
Extra eye exam from Lasik surgeon: April 30, 2009
1st Interview: June 12, 2009
PT test: June 15, 2009
2nd Interview (because of switch from Reserve to Regular): July 22, 2009
Verbal Position Offered: August 21, 2009
Swearing in: August 26, 2009
BMOQ starts on: August 31st, 2009

Getting in eight years after my original application... I'm so psyched! I'm a Frenchie too, Ancient Winds, I guess we'll have to put up with each other for a while... ;D

Best of luck to everyone!
EPF said:
Getting in eight years after my original application... I'm so psyched! I'm a Frenchie too, Ancient Winds, I guess we'll have to put up with each other for a while... ;D

Congrats EPF! I've met several people that will be with us on the french course and according to what I've seen, we'll be part of a nice team! See you in 1 week!
Recruiting Center: Toronto
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (DEO)
Trade Choice 1: Combat Engineer
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: June 23, 2009
CFAT: June 26, 2009
Medical: July 10, 2009
Interview: July 21, 2009
Verbal Position Offered: August 25, 2009
Swearing in: October 14, 2009
BMOQ starts on: October 19, 2009

I was a little surprised about being offered a spot in the October BMOQ, being as no one knew about it, not even my interviewer. Nice surprise though.

Recruiting Center: Haifax
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (CEOTP)
Trade Choice 1: MARS
Trade Choice 2: Infantry
Trade Choice 3: Artillery
Application Date: January 15, 2009
CFAT: March 26, 2009
Medical: March 26, 2009
Interview: March 26, 2009
NOAB: September 28, 2009
Verbal Position Offered: October 2, 2009
Swearing in: October 15, 2009
BMOQ starts on: October 19, 2009

Update on my CF application status. A lot can change in a few months. Very anxious and can't wait to start a new career serving my country.