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application papers

Ryan jc88

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Hey just a quick question about when i send in my paper they ask for when you apply ( medical, birth certificate, etc)  if i went amd got my own copy of a criminal record check  and sent them a contrsct i jave with a debt considation company to show im making payments and even a resume to show what i have experience in would it just be a waste of time or would it help?
Ryan jc88 said:
Hey just a quick question about when i send in my paper they ask for when you apply ( medical, birth certificate, etc)  if i went amd got my own copy of a criminal record check  and sent them a contrsct i jave with a debt considation company to show im making payments and even a resume to show what i have experience in would it just be a waste of time or would it help?

When they run the credit and crimanl record check, they are going to want copies of that info.  That will come later, I would suggest hanging on to it for now.