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Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

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andpro said:
My reserve force application took about 8 months from submission of the application to the swearing in. My application for ROTP took only about 4 - 5 months, but that's because ROTP applications are high priority so they can get the offers out on time. However long it takes don't get discouraged.

Anyone out there in Army.ca-land verify that or is that pissin' in the wind??
Mud Recce Man said:
Anyone out there in Army.ca-land verify that or is that pissin' in the wind??

During ROTP season the priority is placed on the processing of the ROTP applications as there is a merit listing deadline.  Offers are usually given out as soon as possible but they can be given out up to a couple of weeks before RMC starts or up to the end of the fiscal year for civilian university applicants.
Roger that KinCanucks, that makes sense, sorta during the "peak period".

My CT is now at 1.5 months...I know that isnt too bad. It probably would have been close to done(Have a buddy working at the CFRC cell pushing things fast for me), but they have been waiting for 3 weeks for my pers file from my unit..... I just talked to one of the clerks, seems I have to visit the cheif clerk this thursday night now.....I just want this crap done.
Ya, you all want it done double quick.  However, I agree that 3 weeks is too long waiting for a pers file to be sent.  But that is a big bottleneck with Component Transfer appliications: we wait for docs to come, sometimes from all over the country.  Realize that you are among many, many, many other component transfer files where the exact same thing is happening.  You cannot expect this process to wrap up in just a few months.  There are far too many variables and too much processing to do.  Although some get in quick, it is rare and totally dependent on luck.

Let us get this straight: the first order of business is to support our troops in harms way.  The recruiting world is a bit detached from that, but the clerks working at the units are not.  They get tasked with all sorts of stuff, believe it or not, more important than your component transfer application.  So you just have to accept it.  If the 3 weeks was due to laziness and unorganization, than you have me on your side, but be mindful of how much paper a clerk has to push and stuff going on behind the scenes that you are not aware of.
3 weeks, you're lucky, took my reserve unit about 2 months to send my pers file.

here's my little component story, take note that I'm not ranting, well maybe a bit.

I did 3 years of reg force between 2001 and 2004, after my IE I released and went to work for a reserve unit, worked there from may 2004 to august (almost full time)

Then the nightmare begun, I went back to school and got another job (better schedule and pay) at my second job I specified that I couldn't work the evening I had to show up for the reserve and they were fine with that, but school was another thing. Now that was just too much for me, so I took a non-paid leave to determine what I was going to do with my military career since I still wanted to be part of it.

In the process there was a few conflict with the reserve unit and I decided that I wanted out. ( I already had in mind to reapply for the reg force at that point) When I visited my recruiting office they told me to cancel my release, so I did, had to meet the CO, explain my story and motivation etc etc, everything was fine so they extended my non paid leave.

So the first part of the process for the CT was to get the pers file, once that was done it took a very short time to complete all my tests and I was told I was gonna be in within a few weeks.

Well now we're at month #6 and I'm still waiting but not complaining, I check in my recruiting office every now and then and will have to update my PT test soon (my first one was really border line)
update : I just called my recruiting office and apparently my offer is being written and should get it in a week or two, is that another form of lingo for "we don't know what's going on, here's a plate of false hope for the next month" ?
Collin.T said:
update : I just called my recruiting office and apparently my offer is being written and should get it in a week or two, is that another form of lingo for "we don't know what's going on, here's a plate of false hope for the next month" ?

I'll take a shot as a non-SME in the Recruiting world, probably means you were part of the last Selection Boards and the CFRC has not received the file from Borden yet?

The wheels turn, however slow and painful it may seem  ;D

Hey you are ahead of me, all I know is my "file was received by Borden" on 03 Aug.  I just hope it didn't get placed in File #13.  ;)
Now remember this is in '88, prob less male cow dung to go through.

Offer was given mid July at my second appointment

Sworn in 6 Sep, first day of paid service 10 Sep.
211RadOp said:
Now remember this is in '88, prob less male cow dung to go through.

Offer was given mid July at my second appointment

Sworn in 6 Sep, first day of paid service 10 Sep.

Well mine is pretty close to that, except for the fact that yours was fast.

Tobin89 said:
I submitted my application for the Reserves way back in December of 2005 and after having them loose my application twice!!! Its finally being processed and they're suppose to call me in for my medical, aptitude and all that other good stuff sometime in September ;D


How old are you ?
  I applyed back in june 2005 and got as far as my medical, now i'm waiting for them to call me for my physical. How long does it usualy take to get in the reserves ?
Homer Simpson said:
How old are you ?
  I applyed back in june 2005 and got as far as my medical, now i'm waiting for them to call me for my physical. How long does it usualy take to get in the reserves ?

I'm 17, my friend in Kingston applied for the reserves as well and he did all his testing and hes been waiting a few months to hear back but nothing so im not exactly too sure how long it takes. Hopefully with the military overhauling its recruiting system things will get done much quicker but who knows ???
then we are exactly the same, i'm 17 too and have been waiting the whole summer to hear from them.

Did your friend did his physical ? what was it like?
cuz thats teh only thign i have to do.
Homer Simpson said:
how do you check your file status?
And any tips on how to pass the physical test ?

I can check my file status online because i applied using the online application process but if you did yours by paper and handed it in in person then you might have to call the CFRC im not exactly sure though. As for the physical test the best thing to do to prepare for the test is to practice exactly what they'll be testing you on, push-ups, sit ups, and the running. For me i have very good upper and mid body strength so the push-ups and sit-ups are no problem. Im not as good at running so i usually do an intense 1.5 mile(2.4km) run every day which is the requirement for the physical test, the first time i did it I just finished under the aloted time of 11:56, with a time of 11:49 but ive been doing it for a few weeks now and im down to almost 11min give or take.
Homer Simpson said:
then we are exactly the same, i'm 17 too and have been waiting the whole summer to hear from them.

Did your friend did his physical ? what was it like?
cuz thats teh only thign i have to do.

He said the running was easy for him, but thats cause he's a hardcore track and field athlete. He also said the sit-ups were a sinch, the only thing he had trouble with was the push-ups but he said he still passed by doing 22 the requirement is 19. It all really depends on your body type and build. Im 6'1" about 196lbs i can do 30-35 consecutive push-ups before i feel like im going to collapse but like i said in the other post im really trying to focus on my cardio work out so that i can reduce my running time.
what happens if you can't do it under 11:56 ? I can do mine in like 12:10,
and are you allowed MP3 players ?  cuz i run alot faster with music.
Homer Simpson said:
what happens if you can't do it under 11:56 ? I can do mine in like 12:10,
and are you allowed MP3 players ?  cuz i run alot faster with music.

It is called a step test and you don't do any running.  The times for the 2.4 km are only a guide and you can meet or beat the times for your age group then you should be successful on the step test.  Do some research.