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Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

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Hi everyone...  I am on the merit list, just about to get the call (apparently, they are puting the contract together).  I wonder how long it usualy takes from the time you sign the contract to the time you actualy leave to join?  2 weeks?  1 month?  6 months?  any clues from CF members would be appreciated!

After reviewing many of these threads, has anyone ever not had all the trades open to them?

Seems like everyone that is accepted says " He/She told me I did really well and that every trade was open to me."
stoker34 said:
Hi everyone...   I am on the merit list, just about to get the call (apparently, they are puting the contract together).  I wonder how long it usualy takes from the time you sign the contract to the time you actualy leave to join?  2 weeks?  1 month?  6 months?  any clues from CF members would be appreciated!


Anywhere from 2 days to 90 days.  They will tell you when your BMQ is when they get the information.
I handed in my application May1st 2006. My file was merit listed May23rd, and I got the job offer on May31st. I was told I have a BMQ August 14th. I'm going reg force infantry PPCLI.
Pasting the following from my site.  I applied for full time PPCLI Infantry and it seemed to go really quick for me.

Application:  April 07, 2006
CFAT (CF Aptitude Test):  April 24, 2006
Medical Test:  May 02, 2006
Interview:  May 02, 2006
Physical Test #1:  May 08, 2006 (failed: heart rate, too nervous)
Physical Test #2:  May 29, 2006 (passed)
Sworn in:  Aug 02, 2006
BMQ (Basic Military Qualification):  August 21, 2006 - November 03, 2006 (St. Jean, Quebec)
Wasn't too bad for me...

Started the ball rolling early April.  Did the CFAT, medical and interview a week after all on the same day.  I had to wait a month to do the physical and I failed (heart rate too high, nerves I guess).  A month later I passed the physical and 2 days later I got the call.  TOS June 13th, BMQ/SQ on June 26th.

P.S.  P Res Cbt. Engr (31 cer)
28 February 2006 --  Did online application
1 March 2006 --  Received 2 wonderful reference letters, one from Cheif of Police, and one from high school English teacher
7 March 2006 --  Paperwork was finished up, transcript was received, and everything was sent out.
20 March 2006 --  Got call to come April 7th and do CFAT, Medical, Interview and PT.
7 April 2006 --  Testing day.  Passed everything.
5 May 2002 --  Finally got my final doctor's notes in, and had to wait for my medical to come back from Ottawa. 
2 June 2006 --  THE CALL.
17 July 2006 -- Swearing in scheduled
7 August 2006 --  BMQ in St Jean
When I got in it took 3 months from time I went to the recruitment center to being on basic training so july to oct was waiting,october to dec basic,jan to april battle school.

Went well for me,this was a few years back though.
Did my cfat and all paperwork in the beginning of Feb 2005.....still waiting for the pre-sec... I call about once a month and everybody is still waiting. I've been living outside Canada so I've been told it will take anywhere from 6-18 months.  I hope it will be 18 months or there around, and not forever. There is a great thread on what pre-sec is posted by kincanucks look it up.  He's the guy for the answers in recruiting, just browse enhanced reliability threads there is a lot of good stuff.....patience is a virtue guys
I went to the recruiting office in Dec\05 and I'll be starting basic in Aug\06.. not bad, from what I understand..
For me i went to the recruting office in march 06 and i'm going to BMQ at St-Jean in agust  2006  :cdn:
Deuce said:
I went to the recruiting office in Dec\05 and I'll be starting basic in Aug\06.. not bad, from what I understand..

Same with me. And that was with a medical and credit delay.

i just slide the ol recruiter a $20 and...he took it and said...


Well I am doing a CT (Component Transfer) and I am on...Week # 4.  My file is gone for PLAR.

My MCpl, who applied for CT the day after me, got a call today from the NCM Cell at CFRC Halifax and they asked him his posting preference.

Oddly, he didn't listen to my 3 top picks for him...

1.  Baffin Island
2.  Eureka
3.  Thule AFB

wonder why... ;D

Stick in their troops, its worth the wait/ride/frustration.  :salute:
It is mostly out of the recruiting center's hands what happens with the presecurity assessment.  They are responsible, however, to initiate the beginning of the process: to make sure they run an Enhanced Reliability Check immediately after the CFAT, if you were successful with the CFAT.  Once that comes back OK (about 1 week), they can input and send off your presecurity assessment.  The latter is more indepth and you will be asked to fill out yet another form that is much lengthier than the ERC form.  The lengthier form is supposed to be given to you to take home after the CFAT so you can get working on it.  You then hand that one in, they input all the info, and send if off.  What gets people caught up is the fact that, because there is so much information required, many times people make mistakes and leave things out.  The information cannot be sent unless said information is corrected and inputed.  This results in phone tag with the applicant that can last for months.  When it is finally in the system and sent off, now it is out of the recruiting center's hands.  It can take anywhere from 1-2 years up there.  I think luck is at play if you get yours back in under a year.

I wouldn't blame the recruiting center, not that I assume you guys are.  It is the policy that if you were out of country for more than 180 days, you are a presecurity assessment.  That is the end of it, whether one likes it or not.
I mailed my apps mid late June 06 did my cfat/int/med July 19, going for my pt test Aug 3rd 06. I have no complaints my process is going great! Good luck to all of you going through the recruiting process it might take awhile but it'll be worth it in the end!!

Put my app in July/05 and could have been done sooner, but things got in the way.
It was completed and merit listed June/06 and now I am headed to Basic in 20 days..sworn in this afternoon!!

edited to fix the date.....
thanks MRM...thats what happens when you post and drink beer at the same time as trying to proof read...lmfao!
Wow!  They finished your application 1 month before you submitted it!  CFRC Halifax is SWITCHED ON!

Mud Recce Man said:
Wow!  They finished your application 1 month before you submitted it!  CFRC Halifax is SWITCHED ON!


Well the Ombudsman did recommend time travel as a way to speed up the process.  And Halifax is always on the cutting edge.Glad to see the CF is listening!
My reserve force application took about 8 months from submission of the application to the swearing in. My application for ROTP took only about 4 - 5 months, but that's because ROTP applications are high priority so they can get the offers out on time. However long it takes don't get discouraged.