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Appealing a medical evaluation for re-enrollment


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Good day,
I am applying to be an Airborne Electronic Sensor Operator with the Canadian Air Force. I have completed all avenues of my Application. (Interview etc.)

My current career is Correctional Officer at a maximum security centre. I have been working at this job for approx. 5 years. I was off on 10 weeks of Dr. prescribed stress leave when I applied for this job. I was not prescribed any medication just time off. This is only time this has ever happened in my life. I have had previous military experience.

I was forth right about being on stress leave when questioned by the medical officer. I have now received a letter stating that I do not meet the requirements  by the CF standards. According to the letter it is because I have "Keratoconus of the left eye and stress/anxiety of a unspecific cause that I remain at increased risk for reoccurrence” I believe that is what my  Dr. wrote (stress/anxiety of a unspecific cause) in the letter that they requested from him. Since I was told I was V2 with my prescription I do not believe that was any relevance to my application being turned down.

Would having my Dr. specify or clarifying my situation increase my chances of appealing this for acceptance into the Forces?


Keratoconus is a pretty serious condition, my sister had it and had to go through several laser and misc. eye surgeries to deal with it; she still has issues with her eye. It's a disorder that's going to worsen as you age if not handled or corrected in a timely fashion. Sorry to disappoint, but the stress and anxiety etc. issues may not be the only grounds on which they proceeded with giving you such a verdict for your chose trade.
I wish you the best of luck mate.
So let's see if I understand:

You applied to AESOP - a flying trade;
You have a disease the causes thinning of the cornea;
You have had issues with stress and anxiety;
You were denied enrollment.

You can't understand why you were refused enrollment.  :facepalm:
Chilli said:
Would having my Dr. specify or clarifying my situation increase my chances of appealing this for acceptance into the Forces?

You could phone the recruiting center and ask them to transfer you to the medical technician, or you can send your file manager an email and ask them to forward it to medical staff. Ask them if the Keratoconus diagnosis disqualifies you all trades, or just aircrew. I'm not sure if that is something that would be specified in your letter. Also ask them what kind of prognosis and time period they are looking for regarding the stress. They will be able to give you more information that you should be able to take to your doctor and discuss with them.

You shouldn't need to formally appeal it right now, because you don't even fully understand the denial reason yet. So I would just personally send an email to my file manager, and ask them to forward to medical staff and try to get answers from them and go from there. If they aren't helpful view this link:
