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Anyone in the same boat?

Ever heard of this country called the USA they have a pretty big military and they don't recruit terrorists or criminals either and they also recruit in much greater volumes and do it alot faster than the CF does.

As far as my agenda goes I don't have one against the CF so you can relax columbo I just think the recruiting here is garbage.

As for why I don't speak highly of recruiters I tend not to remember conversations word for word where I wanted to put my fist through a wall.
Sounds like someone needs a nap.  Just because you don't get to play with the toy you want doesn't mean you can throw a tantrum.  ::)

You still haven't given us a solution to the problem.
Actually it sounds like someone who has either been rejected as an applicant or someone that can't fill out an application without assistance from their Mommy.  Likes to complain but couldn't offer a viable solution to any problem.  Whatever happen to you Princess life does get better so move on.

spartan031 said:
Ever heard of this country called the USA they have a pretty big military and they don't recruit terrorists or criminals either and they also recruit in much greater volumes and do it alot faster than the CF does.

As far as my agenda goes I don't have one against the CF so you can relax columbo I just think the recruiting here is garbage.

As for why I don't speak highly of recruiters I tend not to remember conversations word for word where I wanted to put my fist through a wall.

Hey spartan,

Aren't you the clown that wanted to join the CF that got punted from BMQ?  These are your words from January 2006, aren't they?

Yeah also be be very careful of what you say and do during basic training.

Just about anything and everything I did during basic mysteriously made its way back to the instructors by way of a "little birdie" that told some interesting stories about me.

Its fun when the instructors are flipping your bed over and throwing your stuff around threatening to do this and that to you or they are gonna throw you in jail blah blah blah but its not so fun at your PRB when they tell you your outta here.


And please tell me that you aren't trying to re-enter, are you?

I don't understand why they recommend you for release from the CF.

What is that trying to teach?  You suck but you can reapply in 6 months?  WTF?


Did you ever get that greencard you were looking for so that you could join the Marines? 

Why are you joining the CF?

Because I need a greencard to get into the marines.

Why don't you get a greencard?

No money and it takes years plus right now I'm bored.


Gee.  I can hardly wonder why you washed out given your spectacular attitude here.  ::)

It's a lot easier to recruit people when there's hundreds of millions more of them...  ::)

United States — Population: 295,734,134

Canada --- Population:  - 2006 est. 32,623,490 

Oh boy random facts

GDP for USA      $ 12,360,000,000,000
GDP for Canada    $ 1,114,000,000,000

Military expenditures

USA              $ 518,100,000,000
Canada          $ 9,801,700,000

Military expenditures - percent of GDP

USA        4.06%
Canada  1.1%
So how are we going to copy a system that funds their military in the trillions? Sure we'll have the bodies but what about the training, equipment, payment and everything else that goes into a soldier's career. Maybe David Blane can pull a dozen LAVs out from behind a picnic table for us...
What good are LAV's if you don't have men to put in them.

I guess you could put them in neutral and roll them down a hill and somehow convince the enemy to let it run them over.
SamIAm said:
Hey spartan,

Aren't you the clown that wanted to join the CF that got punted from BMQ?  These are your words from January 2006, aren't they?

Yeah also be be very careful of what you say and do during basic training.

Just about anything and everything I did during basic mysteriously made its way back to the instructors by way of a "little birdie" that told some interesting stories about me.

Its fun when the instructors are flipping your bed over and throwing your stuff around threatening to do this and that to you or they are gonna throw you in jail blah blah blah but its not so fun at your PRB when they tell you your outta here.


And please tell me that you aren't trying to re-enter, are you?

I don't understand why they recommend you for release from the CF.

What is that trying to teach?  You suck but you can reapply in 6 months?  WTF?


Did you ever get that greencard you were looking for so that you could join the Marines? 

Why are you joining the CF?

Because I need a greencard to get into the marines.

Why don't you get a greencard?

No money and it takes years plus right now I'm bored.


Gee.  I can hardly wonder why you washed out given your spectacular attitude here.   ::)

Thought so good catch.  Go away spartan031 you have no credibility just biiterness.
Where have you been kincanucks the CF already told me to get lost twice your a little late jumping on that bandwagon.

Too bad none of you guys had the balls to put it on paper though because I wouldn't mind another CF souvenir to frame and put up on my wall.

I bet the Marine recruiters must love you guys.
spartan031 said:
Where have you been kincanucks the CF already told me to get lost twice your a little late jumping on that bandwagon.

Too bad none of you guys had the balls to put it on paper though because I wouldn't mind another CF souvenir to frame and put up on my wall.

I bet the Marine recruiters must love you guys.

::)  Stay down Spartacat, stay down.
spartan031 said:
Where have you been kincanucks the CF already told me to get lost twice your a little late jumping on that bandwagon.

Too bad none of you guys had the balls to put it on paper though because I wouldn't mind another CF souvenir to frame and put up on my wall.

I bet the Marine recruiters must love you guys.

Sorry first time I have noticed your whining pitiful ranting.
Don't get mad guys, this one is fun.
I wish he would try to join the US Marines, if only for the rants on how they kicked him out of there too. ;D

But don't think I'm agreeing with you, spartan031, in saying that the American system is better.  All I'm saying is that they would have even less tolerance for your non-sense than the CF has had.
I might even go so far as to say they have been very patient with you, by the sounds of things.  At any rate, I think I have figured out what your problem is in trying to join up...

Yeah I guess your right I don't have jedi mind powers like the recruiters do.

When ever I engage in a conversation with one its like they have known me all my life even though they have never ever met me before and after the 15 minutes was up I was like wow that person really knows me.

They should have you guys working down in cuba and you could just rifle through all the detainees in a day and determine who is a terrorist and who was an innocent bystander in a firefight riding a unicorn looking for treasure.
Spartan, perhaps it might have something to do with the way you present yourself here always saying the problem is with the system, did you ever stop to think that maybe it was something to do with your security background check results or perhaps any of the other checks/tests that are in the recruiting process (Can't remember them all as it has been 8+ years since I went through the process) perhaps if you request a reason for not being accepted ie: Freedom of Information Act ect.  Or perhaps you don't really want in as much as you would perfer to bitch and moan about not getting in.
spartan031 said:
Yeah I guess your right I don't have jedi mind powers like the recruiters do.

When ever I engage in a conversation with one its like they have known me all my life even though they have never ever met me before and after the 15 minutes was up I was like wow that person really knows me.

They should have you guys working down in cuba and you could just rifle through all the detainees in a day and determine who is a terrorist and who was an innocent bystander in a firefight riding a unicorn looking for treasure.

Hehehehe.  I don't think anyone needs Jedi powers to figure you out.  And that guy had a permit for his unicorn.

You know it's all well and good to throw out fancy words like firefight and the like, but since you haven't been in one you wouldn't know what it takes to get through one. Add that to the fact that you couldn't pass Basic tell's me your right about one thing our system is flawed, we wasted good money on you that could have been spent on bullets or something useful like off Blimker Fluid or several box's of Frequencies.

I state again You= Weakest Link =GOODBYE
Nope, 241, his background was clean enough to get him as far as BMQ.  What stopped him was his performance, apparently, and his attitude, obviously.