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Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

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RTaylor said:
Anyone going Air and apply at CFRC Halifax get a call lately?

Air? Air what?  Do you mean this? http://www.ticketatlantic.com/en/home/concerts/airsupplyhalifax08.aspx
Eye In The Sky said:
Air? Air what?  Do you mean this? http://www.ticketatlantic.com/en/home/concerts/airsupplyhalifax08.aspx

Honestly...seriously...if you cant read the original topic and deduce Air = Air Force then have to come and make that post, it makes you look like a belittling idiot looking to up their post count.

Edit : taking a look at your profile shows your train of thought derailed a long time ago, along with spelling and comprehension.

Just a hint : no H in realm
               : "amount" denotes quantity, not hierarchy 
Eye In The Sky said:
Air? Air what?  Do you mean this? http://www.ticketatlantic.com/en/home/concerts/airsupplyhalifax08.aspx

That's completely not funny at all.  :-\
RTaylor said:
Honestly...seriously...if you cant read the original topic and deduce Air = Air Force then have to come and make that post, it makes you look like a belittling idiot looking to up their post count.

Edit : taking a look at your profile shows your train of thought derailed a long time ago, along with spelling and comprehension.

Just a hint : no H in realm
               : "amount" denotes quantity, not hierarchy 

Well, there are a few trades in the Air Force.  How about being specific?  I love your kind.  You can't take a joke for a joke? The pathetic, girly-boy comebacks are a real chuckle.   ::)

And...if you REALLY went to my profile to find something to say...*sigh*...tell you what.  If you want to carry on with your playground assault on me, PM me or name a place so no one else has to see this garbage.
My original post, the one that started the whole thread, states it all, I think it's specific enough. Most people would read the original then skim down a bit through the posts rather than start posting just to try to be funny at someone else's expense.

RTaylor said:
Hey all,

Myself and a few of my friends are going Air Force and have been waiting some time for our calls. After reviewing the boards and the people getting their calls it doesn't appear that anyone going the AF route has been getting calls for their offer, etc.

In my area alone there's 4 people I know of directly that have completed their testing, medical, etc and have been told they are on the list and to wait for the call. I myself have been there for around a month and a half, maybe more. Same with 2 others I know, the last person has been 2 weeks.

I know the CFRC Halifax is doing their job because another friend going Navy got his call, and he applied at the start of April, long after the rest of us did. And I just learned while typing this that a co-worker got her call for her job offer, and she applied not more than 3 weeks ago.

Several Facebook friends have also gotten their calls...all Navy and Army.

Is something going on here with Air Force recruiting? My file manager and career manager said that I should have gotten my call since the trade Im going for is a red trade (AVS). Matter of fact, all the trades my friends and I have picked are red (AVS,  & AVN). I looked at the others who have gotten their calls and only a few picked red trades.

Im not too much in a hurry to get in atm, my wife is due on May 26 so Im waiting patiently, but hell, it's been well over a year since my initial application, December was my interview, early March was my medical and re-interview and they told me I was merit listed not long after that. Is there something going on with Air Force recruiting or am I being paranoid?  :blotto:

Come by and try to be a smart ass then it doesnt go so well...I love your kind.
So what does your original post have to do with the one I was talking about?  You didn't say "did anyone else that is going AVN, AVS etc an applying thru CFRC Hfx...".  Whats that?  You assumed?

You know what?  You're right.  You get 'er all figured out.  Maintain that attitude and disposition, CFSATE awaits you, you can sort them out too.  Just call things "do-hickies" and "whats-a-ma-callits" when naming components.  No requirement to be specific at all.

Ok now...you've won, here's your prize so lets leave it at that before this thread gets locked.
lol I love your type. All the info was there if you did what others do and had read the original post, you decided to come here and give round about insults and when it proves that you havent read squat in the posting you come back with insults asking to stop the arguing?  I've met your type before online and in real life, and laugh every time because you try to back up but can't cease to try to get your last dig in.

Good job, go get your cookie and don't post in my threads unless you have something relevant to the original topic that you want to disclose. If you'd read the original post and never came here trying to be funny there wouldn't have been any of this idiocy.
Eye In The Sky said:
If you want to carry on with your playground assault on me, PM me or name a place so no one else has to see this garbage.

Apparantly I was broken and unreadable.  Words twice, over.

Eye In The Sky said:
If you want to carry on with your playground assault on me, PM me or name a place so no one else has to see this garbage.

Now, either (1) knock it off OR (2) name a time and a place.  I prefer to debate in person.  I'll even pay for the Tim's.  And believe me...I am not backing up.  I encourage everyone to put their money where their mouth is.
Common guys place nice.  ::)

No ones meeting anyone at Tim's... unless I get to come.  Those new Ice Caps look great!
So I got ahold of someone at the CFRC who decided to answer their line today. She told me that my file was good and that hopefully I'll get my job offer after tomorrow, said it was going to be looked at locally at the CFRC really soon and the offers will be a coming. I also told her I've been calling for several weeks (3-4) trying to get ahold of the 2nd lieutenant leaving messages and she didnt seem impressed. She also mentioned that alot of the staff was out on training for a few weeks or so and alot of things slowed down but that was no reason as to why I never got a call in the amount of time I've been calling and requesting a call back, especially when it's to a career manager who hasn't went anywhere except to Aldershot for a few days for recruiting.

She said that the current load out they are filling up is for June 23rd, and that I have a chance of getting on it if my name is called up in the next few weeks.
RTaylor said:
They screwed around, lost parts of my application, sent things to the wrong people and left stuff on desks, game by-passes for medical then made me do it some time after they told me I was merit listed, then told me I had to wait for my verification of prior service then my old med docs.

I really feel like I'm getting ****ed around at this point, been so long I think they have my file on a desk laughing at it or something.

RTaylor said:
I feel that they are giving me answers to placate me.

RTaylor said:
just wondering if it was really sent off or if someone has their stank *** sitting on it

RTaylor said:
So I've been blatently lied to, directly to my face and over the phone, about these issues.

I have faith in the CFRC, just not in some of the people running it.

RTaylor said:
I can understand my application taking longer than average. I can not father why they'd lie to me several times during the process about where my standing was when it wasnt even close to the truth.

RTaylor said:
If my Career manager would call me back it'd almost be a miracle

RTaylor said:
I haven't been able to get ahold of him since my re-interview, so it's not that there's no new info for him to give it's that he seems to be pretty slack in contacting me back.

RTaylor said:
I've called my career manager again, plus 7 different numbers for 7 different file managers today. Left messages, so if I dont hear back from at least 1 I'm going to be pretty pissed.

RTaylor said:
Still awaiting my call..and to get ahold of anyone that knows anything.

RTaylor said:
So I got ahold of someone at the CFRC who decided to answer their line today.

If this is the kind of attitude you are portraying, either by phone or in person at the CFRC, I can certainly understand why they're "reluctant" to call you.  ::)

Take it from one who used to get in trouble just for rolling her eyes, lose the attitude before BMQ and save yourself some heartache.
I realize you are frustrated, but when I look at this thread as a whole, this is what stands out.

RTaylor said:
Also, I have told them to load me on the soonest BMQ and call me up because I'm wanting to start a career.

Someone else decides when you get course loaded, not you, not even the CFRC.  Hope you weren't actually this demanding.

RTaylor said:
She said that the current load out they are filling up is for June 23rd, and that I have a chance of getting on it if my name is called up in the next few weeks.

I certainly hope you do and good luck to you.

The 2nd Lt apparently loves to give answers to get through his day that seem to have no truth to it. Really ticks me off that he was doing this and after a fashion I think he didnt want to talk to me anymore because I would bring back old info he told me and would try to clarify it with him (such as "you've been merit listed and you'll be loading out sometime in March" when I was awaiting my medical which he stated "oh it shows you've done a medical in 2004 [maybe 2005] so you don't have to do another", and "you'll definitely see BMQ in April, you're on the list waiting for the call" when I was in my reinterview with him prior to doing my medical that same day). As I said, he's done it over and over, and right now he's still doing it to others (told someone that they were merit listed during their job interview right after their medical). I almost feel obligated to bring this to somoene's attention because he consistently tells people that they are merit listed, they are going to get their call in X week and well..it doesn't happen.

The woman that I talked to today (and most everyone else Ive talked to during the process) either told me straight up that they didn't know or they told me the correct information except for the officer. You'd think that he'd tell the facts instead of, what I believe, lie with a straight face. And it never happened just once, or twice, every time I talked to him he'd tell me my call was just around the corner and I'd be in BMQ on X date, then I'd get a call for more docs or have to go to a medical, or whatever.  In my mind the person that matters, who's shaping my future career (the start of it), has for some reason decided that he doesn't give a rat's anus about the truth, he just wants to get through the day. The NCM's I've talked to have all been, without a question, extremely professional and have answered all my questions with the utmost truth, now that I see that I'm not going to call that career counsellor anymore.

Lets not forget my file that sat on someone's desk for X amount of weeks because they left the CFRC and never told anyone. That was a winning move but I don't pin that on anyone currently at the CFRC.

So, that's my anger and frustration in a nutshell. I'm also going to be a dad again next Monday and the thought of working at shiftless deadend crap jobs and not having a career that I'll enjoy and be able to support my family with has been grinding at me quite a bit. (that's why I made the statement to load me up on the soonest BMQ, we were chatting about getting my career started and it wasnt quite stated as such)

As for BMQ? I did it a long time ago as well as QL3 infantry, I'm more than aware of how to act and behave when I get in, but that doesn't mean I have to swallow bullcrap before I'm enlisted. There's BS you have to take and there's BS that's not warranted by a long country mile. Although I may have to tone down a little, over time I've become a bit...hmm...straightforward and maybe a bit aggressive if and when the situation warrants it, I don't think that it'll be an issue in Basic or my military career. I may not have mentioned it, but I am (or was, not so much lately) a counsellor with a specific training in addictions and critical incident management. This may also lend to some of my attitude when dealing with people (not to mention I deal with idiots at a call center all day :P  )

Edit : just wanted to add that the internet brings out things in some people that can't be seen in person.
RTaylor said:
lol I love your type. All the info was there if you did what others do and had read the original post, you decided to come here and give round about insults and when it proves that you havent read squat in the posting you come back with insults asking to stop the arguing?  I've met your type before online and in real life, and laugh every time because you try to back up but can't cease to try to get your last dig in.

Good job, go get your cookie and don't post in my threads unless you have something relevant to the original topic that you want to disclose. If you'd read the original post and never came here trying to be funny there wouldn't have been any of this idiocy.

Let's be clear here ...

YOU don't own any threads on this site.

Re-read your post and make note of the bit about you choosing "red" trades. Whether you recruited at CFRC Halifax or not, and whether anyone else wearing blue who recruited at CFRC Halifax has been called or not -- is completely unrelated to the status or a possible predicition of call up of YOUR file.

Even IF those others who may have applied at CFRC Halifax who would wear blue, and who applied for the exact same trades, in the exact same order as you did received a call.

A red trade is exactly that. As someone retires etc, a replacement will be recruited based upon the merit list (that's national BTW, not local) of pers who are awaiting offers for enrollment into the CF in that trade.

If, out of your three "red" choices only two positions open up in the next ten years ... and you're number 50 on the list for whichever red trade those two positions open up in ... 48 people ahead of you accross the nation are going to have to refuse an offer before you get one.

Not that I think any trade would actually go 10 years without a position opening up, but I'm sure you get the picture.

You simply can not base your own recruiting (or recruiting timeline) expectations upon anyone else's experience. They do not correlate with each other.

It's your file ... it's an individual process based on data collected from you during your application, and after that --- it's all a matter of time and service requirements for those trades which you've selected.
Vern I know how it works for the most part. Im just a name in their system, one out of many. As with any organization there are only so many positions to go around and they have to be emptied before more can be filled, but that's not what got me upset.

The fact is Ive been told by a career counseller officer on several occasions over several months that I'd get my call in a week or be starting basic soon, and I was merit listed, and so on and so forth which was false. I've come to that conclusion after talking to him on the phone and in interviews and from others I know who have also talked to him and have had interviews with him. I started the thread to see if anyone going into the Air Force had recieved a call, and as yet it appears none have and no one had any real reason as to why not. After starting it and talking to people here, through email and in real life as well as IM programs that something must be going on.

What HAS been going on, as Ive learned today, is a large portion of the local CFRC have been out for whatever reason (mainly training) and haven't been doing much recruiting of any type. That and the officer has been loading me up with false hope smothered in a hot sauce of BS.

As for the comment about my thread? I started it so I took accountability for it's contents and have tried to keep it on track, I didnt appreciate some particular comments then blowing out into a non-relevant arguement.

On a side note, does anyone know who I could talk to at the CFRC to report the officer for doing this, or even if I can? I honestly dont think that he's been showing professionalism that is mandatory in his position. Even though its not for me to decide I'd like to have it pointed out somewhere. Bad officers making worse decisions could and do cause alot of issues.
RTaylor said:
Vern I know how it works for the most part. Im just a name in their system, one out of many. As with any organization there are only so many positions to go around and they have to be emptied before more can be filled, but that's not what got me upset.

The fact is Ive been told by a career counseller officer on several occasions over several months that I'd get my call in a week or be starting basic soon, and I was merit listed, and so on and so forth which was false. I've come to that conclusion after talking to him on the phone and in interviews and from others I know who have also talked to him and have had interviews with him. I started the thread to see if anyone going into the Air Force had recieved a call, and as yet it appears none have and no one had any real reason as to why not. After starting it and talking to people here, through email and in real life as well as IM programs that something must be going on.

What HAS been going on, as Ive learned today, is a large portion of the local CFRC have been out for whatever reason (mainly training) and haven't been doing much recruiting of any type. That and the officer has been loading me up with false hope smothered in a hot sauce of BS.

As for the comment about my thread? I started it so I took accountability for it's contents and have tried to keep it on track, I didnt appreciate some particular comments then blowing out into a non-relevant arguement.

On a side note, does anyone know who I could talk to at the CFRC to report the officer for doing this, or even if I can? I honestly dont think that he's been showing professionalism that is mandatory in his position. Even though its not for me to decide I'd like to have it pointed out somewhere. Bad officers making worse decisions could and do cause alot of issues.

But, you are just arbitrarily deciding that he isn't showing any professionalism.

That's the point.

He told you that you were merit listed -- ergo I'd wager you are.

BUT, if you're listed at 50 and only 2 spots have opened up since, ... it's not the fault of the Recruiting Officer. There's nothing he can do about that.

It is quite possible for a trade to move very quickly (say with an expectation that "30" spots for this trade will open in the next 2 months), and then close up to "no spots forthcoming" in a matter of a day. Again, this is not preventable by the recruiting officer and does not mean  unprofessional conduct on his/her part.

You might not be happy with it, but accurate info on trade movement one day in the morning and passed along to you as an update on your status ... is not necessarily applicable that same afternoon.

I can tell you that 2 weeks ago ... my trade had far less positions to recruit for than it does this week. Entirely unforecasted. Unpredicatable ... and there's not a recruiting officer in the world who can predict these constant changes. Deeming them to be unprofessional because they passed you accurate info at the time, which later changed, is not on.

And again, regarding your lack of getting a call ... HE doesn't make the call or decide when you get it ... so don't blame him when it doesn't happen. It's also entirely possible that even though spots are open for recruitment in your requested trades, that no one is getting a call because it has been decided that the CF needs other trades FIRST and they are taking priority for BMQ courses (there is limited space available for those too), but again that's a call made at a much higher level than the Recruiting O ...

As someone else has already pointed out to you too --- CFSATE is currently inundated with students ... why would they enroll more future CFSATE candidates to go through BMQ then sit around and wait for months awaiting room in CFSATE? If CFSATE's course load is already full for the next year ... what really would be the point of enrolling a student into the CF who you can't send there due to lack of room, course time?

There are so many factors involved in the recruiting process it's scarey ... and extremely few of those factors have anything to do with the CFRC Recruiting Officer --- yet, he apparently bears the wrath of your frustrations for things well outside of his realm of control.

I'm glad I'm not a Recruiting O -- plainly trying to work that job is entails just as much "personally unpreventable but fully personally blameable" hell as working clothing stores.
He told me I was merit listed and my file hadn't been sent out at all, was still with the file manager, I cleared that one up. They stated that you do not get merit listed at all until your file is 100% complete, and mine wasn't at all. Yet he told me I was merit listed and was awaiting my call. Which wasn't true at all.

ArmyVern said:
There are so many factors involved in the recruiting process it's scarey ... and extremely few of those factors have anything to do with the CFRC Recruiting Officer --- yet, he apparently bears the wrath of your frustrations for things well outside of his realm of control.

He bears my wrath because he's filling my head up with BS. I will deal with him no more. I havent reamed him out, or inundated him with repetitive daily calls, or said anything bad about him (I use terms like "Oh, I was told this..." or "Well, it was said to me that..."). I have patience (ever work with handicapped or drug addicted children or teenagers and try to teach them? Good times) but I start to run a bit thin when I realize that someone's trying to placate me with nonsense. These boards, my prior enlistment experience and the other fine folk in the CFRC have given me a pretty good education on what to expect.

I can wait for the call, I've been doing so, but what gets my goat is the fact that he's been lying to me. Plain and simple, I pretty well cleared that one up today. I won't go into the details, but my conversation today cleared up alot of things, the main point was that the officer was loading me up with false hope repeatedly. Giving me specific dates for BMQ's I'd be on, telling me I had the job just to wait for my call for basic and more, most of it prior to my files being complete.

I respect what the CFRC does and has to go through and how busy they are, and I totally understand that this time of the year there's a huge influx of people (same with going out West, alot of jobs are filled quickly for the summer by students) and they are busy with training on top of that. But to be blatantly lied to? One loose cog and the whole machine breaks down. And from what it seems I'm not the only person that he's been telling this to, the woman that I work with has been telling me things that he's said to her (such as "you're getting your call in a few weeks and will be starting in August" and "women get first pick of the trades they apply for") and for some reason they just don't settle right with me. As you said, he doesn't make those decisions so why does he say these things?

I'm just thankful that there are some great people there workin their asses off to do things right and willing to tell me exactly where I stand. As I said, I can swallow the wait, I've been doing so, but I can't chug down the shit I've been handed by that 1 person.

If I have any further questions I'm going to stick with the person I've talked to today, she told me she's been there a long time and it shows, very professional and the type of person that I love dealing with.

You haven't said anything bad about him??

Oh my -- re-read your posts here.

I'd beg to differ.
Clarifying statement :

I havent said anything to the CFRC about him, Ive said plenty here
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