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Anyone else suck at drill?


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BMQ has been going well besides drill, I'm having a tough time with halting and marching.

Anyone else experience this? Any tips? I'm probably the worst in my course lol
Not really.  Drill came easy to me.  Just turn off your brain. It's sequential and rhythmic.  If you can count you can do drill. You'll get a handle on it I'm sure.
Don't overthink - react.  Trying to anticipate what the next command or when it will come tends to mess people up.  Worked for some.


You just need to practice more.  Personal drill is like everything else drill - if you do it often enough, it eventually becomes muscle memory.
Even if you do well at drill yourself, It still doesn't look good until everyone else has it together (as you visually judge your movements off the group for timing, cadence etc.) so don't sweat it, it will eventually feel natural and second nature.
I sucked at drill forever
But with practice you will get better
Your section commander will help you get it right because that is their job
Practice and stay positive it will improve
Practice. Have one of your teammates practice with you. Sucking at something new that you have never done is normal. Practicing something you suck at and getting better is called "learning" and that's the whole reason you're at BMQ ;) .
Some simple tips on marching:

1)  Do NOT watch people's feet.  That's the easiest way to get out of step.  Watch their arms to keep in step.
2)  Press down your thumbs when marching to keep your arms straight.  Swing them all the way back and they'll go all the way forward one their own.
3)  Dig your heels in.
4)  Think of it as a dance at 120 beats to the minute.  Sometimes running a marching song through your head will help you (the Monty Python theme - Liberty Bell - is a good one).
Pusser said:
Some simple tips on marching:

1)  Do NOT watch people's feet.  That's the easiest way to get out of step.  Watch their arms to keep in step.

Only good if the person you are watching does not "Bear Walk".    >:D
Crantor said:
Just turn off your brain. It's sequential and rhythmic.  If you can count you can do drill.
Ayrsayle said:
Don't overthink - react.  Trying to anticipate what the next command or when it will come tends to mess people up.
In addition to the "practice, practice, practice" advice, these are good points too - there's a tiny element of zen in there where you eventually learn to be relaxed enough to maintain a good position while being ready for any command coming.

Good luck.
How about about 200 pers marching on Battle of the Atlantic parade with Naval Band in the front and a Highland P&D band at the back both playing different cadences and your in the middle on a wierd step in the middle of the beat trying to keep in step with at least whoevers besi
Get Nautical said:
How about about 200 pers marching on Battle of the Atlantic parade with Naval Band in the front and a Highland P&D band at the back both playing different cadences and your in the middle on a wierd step in the middle of the beat trying to keep in step with at least whoevers besi

That sums up prettty much every parade with both.The Bags of Agony usually are to blame :P
George Wallace said:
Only good if the person you are watching does not "Bear Walk".    >:D

George we told you to stop parading with the RCL.  ;D
Get Nautical said:
How about about 200 pers marching on Battle of the Atlantic parade with Naval Band in the front and a Highland P&D band at the back both playing different cadences and your in the middle on a wierd step in the middle of the beat trying to keep in step with at least whoevers besi
At least you don't have a Rifle band/unit marching, too  ;D
Get Nautical said:
How about about 200 pers marching on Battle of the Atlantic parade with Naval Band in the front and a Highland P&D band at the back both playing different cadences and your in the middle on a wierd step in the middle of the beat trying to keep in step with at least whoevers besi

Then the artistic director had it right.
I was not at the actual 'Battles', but I do think it was hell and did not go off as planned either.


That picture is a thing of beauty.  Notice, the RCAF Capt standing on the left with what appears to be...golf clubs.  >:D
Eye In The Sky said:
That picture is a thing of beauty.  Notice, the RCAF Capt standing on the left with what appears to be...golf clubs.  >:D

He's the only one who is not out of step.  :P
Embarrassing gaggle. Looks like two sorts of CIC, a volunteer (:facepalm:) or two, and at least one NL cadet officer. Why the uniformed ones aren't marching with their respective corps and squadrons (preferably, if the decision has been made not to have officers fall in as Div Os, somewhere near the front of each unit, rather than trailing behind) is beyond me. My branch's ability to be needlessly untidy never ceases to amaze.
ALL recruits suck at drill.  They're supposed to.  They can be taught.