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Any Old Timer Recruits out there?

For your information sir my 9er domestic has been on tour since December and I am an expert at f***ing my hat.  I did give my head a shake once. That's when I remustered! :P

kincanucks said:
all I can say to you is that you are in for a world of hurt.  I guarantee that by age 52 you will regret your decision"

OK, so I re-read your post as suggested and found the quote cited above.

You didn't say "by the time he is 52 it quite possibly that he could be in a world of hurt" you said "All I can say is that you are in for a world of hurt. I guarantee that by the age 52 you will regret your decision" Which I have to agree is a not a very positive statement and one that many of us have heard by the type of people mover1 has suggested.

On reading the rest of this thread, I find you have pretty much the sole dissenting opinion, disagreeing with even those who have first hand experience of the process at his age, not in their twenties, when both you and I did basic, battle school etc.

I personally, would not take the path of a very good friend of mine and re-enroll as an Infantryman and go back to the regiment at this time in my life. I know from first hand experience it's a hard life and not easy on the body. However, that didn't seem to be the career path chosen here so the opinion was kept to myself.

Perhaps take some of your own advice, re-read your post before misquoting yourself or stick to entertaining the rest of us. Did you really find Artillery training difficult at 22? I remember you guys driving by us all the time. You looked pretty safe and comfy.
"..... but then again you are joining the Air Force where you will spend most time sitting on your *** and eating donuts......"

" But thanks for those uninformed opinions keep them coming as they certainly add humour to this site"

No THANK YOU for your uninformed opinion! ;D
I am almost 36 and am going from the Combat arms to an AF trade, I hope kincanucks is not too far off, I want to eat doughnuts and sit on my Arse! LOL

Age is what you make of it, I have seen young guys that regret their decision, and older soldiers that don't! As long as someone is in shape and has A good mind and positive thought process they should be fine! When I was in The CA, the WO's and Sgt's usually could out pt, load and brake track, than the younger recruits, why because they have the experience and know how!
I am not saying he might be in a little more pain than his younger counterpart, just give it a try!

Good luck!
I've heard that AF2000 cut the donut rations down, but my buddies who are still in assure me that the only way to find a tow crew is to hit the smoke tent and catch the bodies before they scatter.
Jim, you go buddy. I did basic at age 50. The young guys got a kick out of me and picked me up more than once. It's one of the greatest experiences you can ever have. All the best!
RetiredRoyal said:
I've heard that AF2000 cut the donut rations down, but my buddies who are still in assure me that the only way to find a tow crew is to hit the smoke tent and catch the bodies before they scatter.

That would be true, but they had to tear down the smoke tent due to the new laws.  So you have to go out to the enclosed Gazebo they built instead.
Geez Louise; got a bit testy here, eh? (and I said that ‘eh’ in my bestest Canadian accent!)

I put this post up in order to have people give me their honest assessment. The amount of support is gratifying, believe me. To have heard of people in my age range getting thru basic was exactly what I needed to hear.

I think I also needed to hear kincanucks two cents. With all the excitement, and anticipation of August, a good bucket of cold water reality check ain’t too bad. Believe me, I’m aware that there’s a risk here to me. In fact, there’s a bunch of risks:

Never having been in a military culture, I may not be able to fit in. Then to go thru six years of being dissatisfied could be a real drag. This I know.

Physiologically- oooohhh boy do I know that I’m on some kinda thin ice. My knees, back, muscular system, and everything is almost half a century old. And I’m aware of that every time I go on my run. 12:30 for 2.5 kms seems unreachable when you’re stuck at 16:00 as a personal best so far.

World of hurt? Yeah, I’m pretty sure that I’m in for one. And I can’t be positive at my age that I’m going to make it thru. What I am positive about is that I’m going to give it my best shot; that way if I don’t make it, I’ll at least have some self respect.

I chose the Air Force for a couple of reasons- first of all, my wife grew up as an Air Force brat. She has a decent idea of what it’s like being a dependant. Sure that was a looong time ago; but still, it’s one that our family has a working knowledge of.

At my age, going to CAP would be a big challenge from what I understand it to be from the outside. Thus, I can still make a contribution without biting off more than I can chew.

Kincanuck, you gave an honest assessment, and showed the guts to stand by it. I don’t agree with you at all (cuz if I did, I wouldn’t be doing this!), and I hope to prove you mistaken. But I hear you loud and clear. Time will tell who’s right, right?  Your crack about:
“Actually I get more out of my life by preparing young people for a future in the artillery”

makes me just as glad as you that I didn’t choose arty as an occupation. Butcha’ know what? If I did, I bet I’d win you over.

To the other posters, man, thanks. It was a shot in the arm to read what you replied to him, and your takes. Pencil Tech??? FRIKKIN FIFTY??? How’s yer world of hurt? Lol

To this candidate, kincanuck does appear somewhat bitter. But frankly, with the kind of time he’s got in, he’s earned the right to his perspective. If he was a guy with just a couple of years in, that would be one thing; but when you measure your time in decades, whoaaa… he’s been around the block more that a few times.

(I’m actually giggling at the irony of this moment- here’s an American trying to make peace between Canadians!! OMG too frikkin’ funny!!) In other words, your take on this is valid based upon your experience. Now whether it’s accurate remains to be seen.

My appreciation to everyone that has taken the time to post on this thread runs pretty deep. I look forward to spending the rest of my working life with people like you.
FOr those well written comments I wish you the very best of luck.  To my detractors you can still f@#k your hats.  Out.
8 more hours and she is inbound.
No more hat F***ing for this guy.

naw you can come over and sit in my living room tell my wife you love her like a sister and ask if we have any Kraft Dinner....just like old times.
mover1 said:

naw you can come over and sit in my living room tell my wife you love her like a sister and ask if we have any Kraft Dinner....just like old times.

Kraft Dinner, you got Kraft Dinner? What time is supper?
I will make you guys some but don't be upset if I don't have any with you, I plan on eating something else  :P
I think I get it:
"9r higher" = wife right?

Or is there some kinda stuff that is a mystery? Some kinda Canadian military super duper secret rite done with macaroni and cheese?


On the other hand, it could be that:
1. It's true- soldiers can't cook
2. It's also true- soldiers are perpetually horny.

And since it's Friday, I think this thread is now officially hijacked!  :salute:
Jim_M58 said:
On the other hand, it could be that:
1. It's true- soldiers can't cook
2. It's also true- soldiers are perpetually horny.

And since it's Friday, I think this thread is now officially hijacked!  :salute:

I also didn't learn how to start a fire without a gallon of gasoline until I left the military. People would say, " I thought you were in the infantry?" I'd respond "Fires break light discipline, when we light them, we make them big because at that point, it won't matter who see's it."
THe KD dates back to a time when one of  the guys came over to my house when I was trying to get one last romantic night in before I deployed. He sat around and hinted he wanted Kraft dinner. The candles and Lingere didn't clue him in. He sat around. watched T.V.  

Yes I can cook. I can cook spagetti and meat sauce using nothing but a coffee maker. (Its True ask Sprink_bok)

9er higher is the female domestic head of the household often refered to as 9er domestic. Never as woman with a snap of the fingers,
Jim, when i went thru cornwallis in 93, we had a 49 year old guy that quit the rcmp to join the navy as a OS.  he just about topped the course.  stick to your guns and youll do fine.  from what i hear basic is a little bit easier now.
Good luck!
I wasn`t sure if I should start another thread on this topic, so to avoid the wrath of the moderators I thought it best to revive the current one even though no further word by  M 58 has been heard.
Is he MIA ?
I was quite curious as to how he has held up/is holding up as I`m in the same position.
I`ve applied for Infantry Reserves as (opposed to the Airforce) but I`m also a bit "long in the tooth", I think I do however have the advantage of having served before so I do know what to expect during BMQ, etc.

Does anybody know how he`s doing ?