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Any Ideas On What The Army's "NEED" Will Be Like In April?

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Is there any ideas on what the needs of the Military might be like when April rolls around?

Since Infantry is pretty much a no-go for awhile, I was told that Artillery and Armoured will be hiring in April.  With that said, I'm essentially okay with both options, but I'm leaning towards Armoured.  I'd like to go with the option that gets me in the fastest, and so I'm curious to know if anyone knows if Armoured (Regular Forces) is expected to be hiring an amount that gives me a good shot at getting in shortly after the hiring begins.

I'm still browsing and doing searches, but I can't really find anything recent that might help me out.
Right now the CF is conducting the AMORs (Annual Military occupation Review), which identify where the needs are and will be, and use that information to derive the SIP (Strategic Intake Plan).  The SIP wil be tempered by things like training capacity at St Jean and at the schools.

So right now, no one knows precisely what will be in demand come 01 April.  But I would hazard a guess that anything "Red" today will probably still be red in April.
Thanks a lot for the info.  I'll assume 'red' means closed or full.

I really hope something opens up in the Combat Arms this spring that isn't Engineer.  No offense to what they do, because I have a buddy who's in it, but I'm not good at math and it's not exactly my type of thing.
The Captain at my recruiting center told me that last year (09) they took on tonnes of armoured soldiers, but only 11 armoured officers - he said he expects that there will be a greater demand for armoured officers this coming year...I don't think anyone will really know until April, but I'm sure hoping to get in. Have you applied yet owa?
northern girl said:
The Captain at my recruiting center told me that last year (09) they took on tonnes of armoured soldiers, but only 11 armoured officers - he said he expects that there will be a greater demand for armoured officers this coming year...I don't think anyone will really know until April, but I'm sure hoping to get in. Have you applied yet owa?

Hmmm, thanks for the info.  I'll explain my situation!

I started off wanting Infantry and wrote my CFAT on the 13th of January.  After the test I was told I was eligible for all trades and training, but that I should consider switching out of Infantry because I was going to be forced to wait quite awhile for openings to become available.

My recruiter suggested it'd be smarter for me to pick a different trade or two and bank on those.  If I still wanted to go Infantry, I could think about that sometime towards the end of my contract.

So I told him Artillery, but I'm still considering Armoured as well.  I could do Officer training, but I don't want to finish University right now.  I'm two years away from a degree and although I'd get a big pay hike, I don't think I have it in me to finish my degree right now.  I'm tired of school and I just want to get out and start doing what I want to do.

To make a long story short, I'm stuck in limbo until April because they aren't processing Infantry, Armoured or Artillery until then.  I wrote my CFAT but still need to do Security, Medical and Interview.  In a perfect world, I'd be able to do Summer BMQ under Artillery or Armoured, so I'm kind of interested in knowing if I can anticipate that at all.
During the CLS Town Hall today in Edmonton, The CLS stated that he was cutting 1000 Regulars this Year and possibly 2000 or more next FY year to save $$$ These were all coming from the recruiting system. These are Army positions. He did not mention reserve recruiting but he was slashing Class B and Contract Extensions. It is going to be lean times ahead for a while in the CF and Army.
Grunt_031 said:
During the CLS Town Hall today in Edmonton, The CLS stated that he was cutting 1000 Regulars this Year and possibly 2000 or more next FY year to save $$$ These were all coming from the recruiting system. These are Army positions. He did not mention reserve recruiting but he was slashing Class B and Contract Extensions. It is going to be lean times ahead for a while in the CF and Army.

Hmmmm, didn't I read this post somewhere earlier this (last) evening?  ???

Edit to add:  AhhhhHaaaa!! It's in the "CFAT Cancelled" thread ... I was worried that I was losing my marbles there for a minute or so!!
owa said:
Thanks a lot for the info.  I'll assume 'red' means closed or full.

I really hope something opens up in the Combat Arms this spring that isn't Engineer.  No offense to what they do, because I have a buddy who's in it, but I'm not good at math and it's not exactly my type of thing.

What do you mean by that? That they try to get as many people as they can to become Combat Engineers? As I recall, that is not the trade that is "in demand" according to the website (they want Arty and Armour guys so bad apparently.). But in fact, is it? You have any reliable source?
Folks. if you wish to know what trades will be open in the next fiscal year, contact your friendly neighbourhood CFRC. 
While we do not have the sip ( actual numbers of positions avail) we do have the list of open and closed trades...

Although, as DA Patterson kindly pointed out, the review is on-going  so watch and shoot.
Steel Badger said:
Folks. if you wish to know what trades will be open in the next fiscal year, contact your friendly neighbourhood CFRC. 
While we do not have the sip ( actual numbers of positions avail) we do have the list of open and closed trades...

Although, as DA Patterson kindly pointed out, the review is on-going  so watch and shoot.

I had asked them, but I thought asking here would be nice too.  Sometimes the CFRC  makes mistakes (because they're human -- like when they got me to write my CFAT when I was applying for Infantry and told me afterwards that I wasn't supposed to write it and they had made a mistake).  Although, I hadn't made that clear in my first post, so my apologies.

In anycase, I was in today to finish up the application and get a date for my medical and interview and they said Armoured was hiring quite a few people this year so there's a good demand for them!  Incase anyone else wanted to know!
Notwithstanding what OWA says, based on his singular personal experience with one centre, the best advice has been given by Steel Badger. Follow that.

Milnet.ca Staff
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