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Any Good Combat Engineer Stories(Funny Stories) everyone put on there helmets

Speaking of Ray and at that time Joe Smith was the Messing W.O.(97,98)\
This Wain.Con.,we got bugged out.
I was in heavy as a dump driver and was Barry Smillies co-driver the funny bit about that was I turned to Barry and said ' I have never driven black out before" the front window was opened so fast and Barry whent into a speed wobble. ;D

We hit our hide and we all started to dig and all of a suuden a din came across the hide ,we could not make out what was being said.
What it was Ray was bitching that he was a cook and did not have to dig in well he was told too dig and so he did.
Came to RSM's check of our postion's they are calling out for Cpl. Randell,I'm here Sir,where are you? I'm here.

He dug a trench 7' to 8' deep trench that you needed a ladder to get out of,but not Ray as he was tall and took a folding chair with.
Come first light and the word had gotten around we all had a good laff. ;D
He never got charged,he got away with it because he looked after the boy's . :salute:

Yup Ray Randell was one of the best 3Fd ever had,he and Joe Smith knew which section's were going out and for how long and alway's made sure they got fresh rat's and baked good's with every re-supply.

I think yer time line's a bit wonky, Nick.  Ray was a short fat bastard with a walrus mustache and a mush mouth.  He was well away from the Regiment by then, as was Joe.  Also, Barry was circling the drain, if not already gone, by that time.

PS.  Wot about my lads putting those red bastards to the the sword again today, then?  Relegation avoided at the 11th hour!
You jammy bugger's. ;)
Watch on the 24th!!

La Pool vs Milan for the Champion's Cup.
Just got back from the  Philippines.
Bloody murder watching footy,games  on at 02:00 local time philippine's as you gather I'm 3 sheet's to the wind but watched all the  match's.
I was hoping for a Man Poo and La Pool Champion's final.

Sorry Ian, I'm talking time line 1977/1978 and yes Joe (the Jew ) Smith was there.
I know because those Wain Con.'s I was advance party from the Wack driving 5t with tilt bed trailer etc.
I may be mistaken on his size but I do remember that trench he dug and him sitting in it on a follding chair.

Both year's I ended up working with Bummy ( Lorne) Barrant and ended up with the nick name with in 3 Fd Sqn of Bummy's Bum Boy. ;) ;D
Because I helped laying out the power system for the whole camp,and that's how I got the nick name of " Bummy's Bum Boy"
Yup degrading,I laffed it off as a price of my learning curve.
Yup Lorne had his way's I just kept my gob shut and carried on like a good sapper as I was learning.
Those Wain Con.'s,when Bummy learnt we were watching the old 8mm porno flick's which many had from Germany he decided to do a oil change right as a the pin was going in. BLACK OUT ,big cry BUMMY!!!!!!!!!

What Ian ever,Ray Randdel and Joe Smith are still  he best messing gang I have ever met in my 30ysr in.
They looked after us. :salute:


You said '97,'98 originally, but whatever, they were a great bunch of slopchuckers, really looked out for us water point guys.
The first time I met Joe Smith was on first Wain. Con and I was sent over to load up the kitchen truck's and trailer's for the road move.
The first word's out of his mouth were " I'm W.O. Joe Smith and I'm a Jew"
Talk about taking your breath away and thinking of an answer :o

Any one know if he is still alive and well?
He was a couple of years ago. If you dig through the reunion pic's on Harry Poiles site, you'll find a shot of him.
1CER built a bridge in Goldbridge/Bralorne BC. Theirs got washed out and no way to get to any services (food groceries fuel etc). The MOT would have taken months to do the job. 1CER recced it and the Bailey bridge went in the next week.(In the middle of a very harsh winter and miles away from anywhere). It was the only way for the residents to get to Lilooet (the closest town with services). Funny part of it is our Padre Ted. (because the town put on a night for us in the community hall upon completion of the bridge, with Kareoke, and food and liquor) The Padre sang a FULL volume knock em all down version of "Born to be Wild" Padre sang the verses and 200 soldiers and townpeople drowned out the kareoke machine singing the verses.  It was a hell of a kick watching Padre sing "I like smoke and lightning, heavy metal thunder." Standing Ovation from the whole town. They put up a plaque with pics in the pub in town. Its still there. CHIMO

Were in Petawawa standing beside our vehicles with our heels togeather for the Generals inspection and he stops in front of CHEMO (St Martin and asks him how he finds the shacks?  I couldnt believe my ears as he was giving Directions to the General waving his hands.  The General steps infront of me then takes a back step and looks at CHEMO shaking his head. 
Myself and a few others in Earshot lost it. 

Like the Time I was a given a scolding from the SSM for my Beret.  The whole Sqn was lined up on Parade and were being inspected by the SSM Dugood (probably misspelled..  He looked at my Beret, In a Loud, Stern Yell he stated.  "Where in the hell did you get that Beret".  " Did you get  it off some dead Gypo in the Sinai"?  Go to the BB Lines (Equipment and Stores area) and get a sand bag and put it on your head.  It'll look better that thing on your head"

The whole parade lost it.  I even lost it, I think the parade was in hysterics for at least 5 minutes.  I always loved parading for Jerry SSM Dugood.
Gerry takes over as SCWO.

He's in the back talking with us apes in the TC Shop. I still have to old pattern capbadge on my beret. (Remember the disgraceful first cloth version?)
He asks why I'm wearing it and I tell him the new one is a disgrace.
So he thinks about it for 5 seconds.
"Tell you what. I'll give you a choice. You either wear the current disgrace or you can tattoo a capbadge on your forehead and I'll let you walk around base without a beret on."
I asked if I could think about it for a minute, and he said sure.
I ran into the back looking for the Branch badge letra-set sheets...

Couldn't find them, and had to change capbadges... :'(

ZBM2 said:
1CER built a bridge in Goldbridge/Bralorne BC. Theirs got washed out and no way to get to any services (food groceries fuel etc). The MOT would have taken months to do the job. 1CER recced it and the Bailey bridge went in the next week.(In the middle of a very harsh winter and miles away from anywhere). It was the only way for the residents to get to Lilooet (the closest town with services). Funny part of it is our Padre Ted. (because the town put on a night for us in the community hall upon completion of the bridge, with Kareoke, and food and liquor) The Padre sang a FULL volume knock em all down version of "Born to be Wild" Padre sang the verses and 200 soldiers and townpeople drowned out the kareoke machine singing the verses.  It was a hell of a kick watching Padre sing "I like smoke and lightning, heavy metal thunder." Standing Ovation from the whole town. They put up a plaque with pics in the pub in town. Its still there. CHIMO


What year was that?

I was up in Bralone when the Tick was C.O. and we put in a couple of bridges and the Gold Mine was being sussed out if it was Worth it to start mining again there.
I got a good one, it may be bad but whatever.
I used to live in Sydney, NS and my dad had to do a course in Kentville.
Well he decided to bring my mom and me and my sister and make a camping trip of it.
Camp Aldershot
I guess there was a few families there, my dads friend Paul Toomey, etc.

Anyways the place was really sandy and tons of huge blueberries everywhere, my mom had them in the freezer for years I remember.
WE took my dog, Major with us. He was always overpowering me and malling me to death, lol it tickled and hurt.
Anyways there was also alot of "spent ammo" EVERYWHERE.
Tons of crimped blanks from war games.
I was only 7 or 8 at the time and I thought it would be a "good idea" to collect all the ones with no marks on the caps, (still live).

So I spent a whole day collecting them and putting them in a empty sandbag I dragged around.
So at the end of the day I figured I would stash them somewhere where nobody would find them, THE FIREPIT!.

Well I can't remember if I was on a revenge trip or if I stupidly thought they'd be alright there but that night everyone was all around the fire and singing, Paul playing the guitar, all having a good time roasting marshmallows, I forgot all about the live blanks lying inches below the fire.
All of a sudden BANG!   bang bang bang bang bang bang, there flash's and fire flying everywhere, lawn chairs flippin and flying, dogs yelping, kids crying, moms screaming. Everyone bailing away from the fire pit.
OMG it was insane
AHHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH I still remember it plain as day.

I guess it could have been bad if someone got hit by flying debris, but nobody did.

Of course, I had no clue what happened...........


Here's a funny one for you (but true story)

1CER 3Tp was doing our 2X10 in 1983 at the same time getting ready for fall ex, WO Meharrie (sp) had a "issue" with Spr Morin (now "infamous Spr Morin blew up the shacks... but that is another story) anyways...

The good WO decides that we're going to have a smoker after the 2X10 and sends Moran (I think Riley too) into a corn field on Luckakuk way to grab some ears of corn....

Morin (who's been running circles around the troop for punishment) decides to make b-line over what he & we all thought was a mound of dirt....

All of a sudden we hear censored!!!!! then we all break out in laughter as it turns out that he has chosen a path that was to take him over the dirt into the field but he sank up to his thighs in cow dung!!!!!!

Long story short (ened) the WO makes him rinse himself in the ditch and then follow the rest of the troop at a distance for the rest of the stroll!

Still giggling after all these years!

JackD said:
Hi Earl! Don't you ever sleep? Captain Foreman - I wonder what ever happened to him? On sports day he was one of those "win at all costs" guys. I remember being up against him in a soccer game - we didn't wear running shoes - combat boots - well... after him spending some two or three minutes kicking my shins.. I fell and accidentally booted him.. well we didn't wear athlete's cups either... let's say as he lay there doubled-over he had little interest in the ball.... The sappers won that game...  I think it was the last one ever between officers and sappers. By the way do you remember those internal security exercises that were full scale riots? Batons broken, shields smashed. We cornered two of the miscreants in the village. Well I guess i can mention the names - Al Chasse was one - do you remember him - he had to go sideways through a door as his couldn't fit straight on - I seem to remember him picking up a Bailey panel once and walking with it. Any way Harry Poile first sent in two of the biggest toughest guys in the troop - we heard scuffling, a couple of thuds and fling out the window they went... Harry then sent in Pop-eye Gregorich - he the string-bean who used to do the pop-eye dance - and me... Not really wanting to die an early death, we entered the realm of the lion... entering the room, Al, looked at us, he was leaning against the wall at the time.. looking at his hands.. Pop-eye and me looked at each other "Al.." we began.. "Look Al..it's Friday.. if you come with us.. you could go to the Mess early.. here.." We reached into our pockets "here's twenty bucks - it's enough for a case of 2-4.." He looked at us and said in his own inimitable way "Hey I like your style..." grabbed both of us under his arms - and the money... and gave up. We lived!!

Just so you are aware, Col Foreman is now retired here in Victoria, I still run into him on occasion.