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Any former or current engineers from 2 Cer?

Good Day, I was in 2 CER from 78 -81 in 2 TP.  I hang around with the likes of If Kev Patterson now the 2 CMBG RSM , CWO G. Lacroix now the CF CWO, Ken Hodge now the 2 CER RSM.  Francouer, Bob "CHAINSAW" Chaisson, Skinny"Bob" Graham was my TP WO, Larry Bailey, Roger Gumbrel, Randy Rice, Al Lavillee, Chris Keeping, Gerry Manning, Barney Booth, Beaver Atchinson was the Airborne OPs SSM, Ralph Storey was the RSM, Al Keep who can not forget Robby robinson "kee oh pa ta", Mark Anderson now Maj in the TDEV world  and the many magnums of baby duck consumed at the arty mess.  I can go on but it was without a doubt an excellent time and it continued on with my posting to 4 CER 2Tp and the heavy equipment section with Woody, Bob "Melon Head" Donough, the Club Selection Mike Burke, Guy Manual the RQ, Frank Wilson, Mike Patterson, Bob Fowler and so on. 
Well Now I am a former member of the unit...16 May 1988 to 16 Jul 2007 19 years 2 months.

Wow I'm sitting here at work reading this forum and remembering all the names Ive seen and the good times we had. I was in 2 CER from 81-90 known mostly as Jonesy. Billy H was my roomie in club 109. If you remember the bar we had in suite 121 I still have the face of the bar in my shed ... RV 81 thru 89 stickers and the airborne stickers still on it. I wish I had the still from Brad and Paul's room though. I still have the worn out airborne jacket I was offered 250 bucks for LOL and I still have the big ass Klipsch speakers in my livingroom. Ive calmed down a little I don't roller skate in my underwear with a killer miller in each hand (well not too often these days). I couldn't even begin to list the people I remember but the thread has reminded me of a few things (I had totally forgot about the Mackie). I did however remember the duck hunts in the arty mess and was talking about that not to long ago.

Thanks for replying to my message.  I think my memory has gone I should remember you but I just can't put a face to the name.  Give me a few more hints.    I shared a room with Tom Cobb you may remember him from RV 81 when he got some frags off of a beehive charge because the stunned as me arse didn't let anyone no of his location.  Stayed in the hospital for a couple weeks and then went back to Pet and then got out.  Then across the hall  was Karl Ozols.  Then next room next to me Rex Reddicker and can't remember the other sapper then next to them was the guy who shot himself in the foot on the old Hwy 7 bridge then had all of the explosives weapons and swords in his room.  He spent sometime on the roof of barracks.  I can go on.
If you were referring to my message, let me back track a little. My P109 days were late 80's. Mcqueen, Vanleshout (spelling is wrong im sure) and I all roomed with Sully until rotten Ralph declared cpls and sprs couldnt live together. So I moved into 16b portage road (an old sapper haunt that the likes of Sully and WD Stewart had lived in). I then roomed with Patterson and a couple others until I got into some financial difficulties (I think I owed the rosyline hotel about 2500 in damages after an rv 85 or possibly 87 party). So i moved back into the barracks and roomed with Billy Hartman. Paul Burke and Brad Schmidt lived across the hall. We were in i think it was "A" wing that most passed through to go to the mess hall. Mooney was in that wing as well but im not remembering who else (it was the last 6 rooms and the end where we bowled for f*** all with the cannonball). Billy and I had 8 speakers, 2 stereos, 2 tvs a bar a queen size waterbed and his normal barrack room bed all crammed in there. It was a non stop party to say the least.
Billy Hartman?

Did he do a 10 month French course in Pet in 85?  If thats whom I think it is I saw him a few years ago at a watershed concert in Walkerton.
Said he was driving truck at the time.

Yeah thats him he was posted to 5RGC then back to Pet Im pretty sure all in the 80's, after he got out I figured he would be hanging out in Lulu's in Kichener LOL. I haven't seen him in yrs.
Okay Jonesy, I am lost  I thought Billy for sure was in a motorcycle accident even before I left to go to 4 CER.  Him and Kevin Patterson use to share a room down in the "A" Wing.  I am I really loosing my mind.
No your right and Billy was gimped up when we shared the same room Kevin moved out and I think I shared an apt with him in pembroke then moved back to 109 and moved in with Billy, it completly backfired they ordered me basically back into barracks to keep me out of trouble and I never partied harder than that yr
Phew, good to know.  Jonesy have you been back to Pet after you left.  I was going to go for the Airborne Reunion but unfortunately a tour got in the way.  I don't know really if I want to go back like you said there were some really good times as a matter of fact anyday that ended in y was a good day during those years.
I was in cold lake and made it back for the airborne reunion...it was a blast, what I can remember of it anyway.  that was the one and only time I have been back to petawawa.
Yeah I think you had a hoot at the disbandment events. 8)Not surprised you dont remember too much of it!
Have a good one

We have the Ice in all year,its the hockey season that never ends!

Hi All:
Just found this site and noticed many former Sappers that I have served with.  Since I saw the light and moved over to the Airforce I often think of all you fellas still in the trenches and I just wanted to say hi.
Hey Buds, (Jonesey) Its Buds here, I'll give you a hint who it is.  One of the Pet Cons we ended up Burning a Herman Nelson ( Water Supply) down to molten lead which was displayed in front of the Mess tent for all to see for fire prevention.  I remember us looking at the 30ft flame and you saying that we should roast marsh mellows as we watched the entire fire picket go through about 20 fire extinguishers.  I think the Paquette rocket was the fire picket Commander.  Theres Fort Picket, seems there was a brawl there, and of course the Roslyn hotel, by any chance was some of the damage due to a TV tossed out the window.  How about Troop Role Call at Montgomery Lake and WO asking where Bob Ford is when we realized that we had tied him up in the Jaccuzi we made so he wouldnt drown because he was so pissed the night before.  Ill never forget him walking across the field soaking wet and black as tar late for Role Call.  I had great times drinking with you Buds.
AHHH.....My fond memories of P109...

The night of my arrival from my outstanding road and plane trip from CFSME in Chilliwack in 95 I turned to my road trip buddy Brad McGuffey and said "Where the F@#$ did they send me"!

Then this Cantley guy showed up along with my troop mates form my 3's (beer in hand) "Are you the guy who crashed his new car 2 hours outside of Chilliwack two weeks ago"? I replied "Yep that's me"!

That's some funny sh$%....here's a beer We're  going down to Scratches's get changed and lets go"!

That was my intro to 2CER Who am I??

By the way Tony always stipulates "That's 2R's and 2L's"  :warstory:
hbear said:
AHHH.....My fond memories of P109...

The night of my arrival from my outstanding road and plane trip from CFSME in Chilliwack in 95 I turned to my road trip buddy Brad Mcaugy and said "Where the F@#$ did they send me"!

Then this Cantley guy showed up along with my troop mates form my 3's (beer in hand) "Are you the guy who crashed his new car 2 hours outside of Chilliwack two weeks ago"? I replied "Yep that's me"!

That's some funny sh$%....here's a beer We're  going down to Scratches's get changed and lets go"!

That was my intro to 2CER Who am I??

By the way Tony always stipulates "That's 2R's and 2L's"  :warstory: