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Any favourite BMQ memories?

Ive got a couple....

-on the FTX one of the Troops Eating an entire Haybox tray of corn so he could get the extra Fat Pills... (no it wasnt me)

- after spending 4 hours trying to clean my weapon, the DS realize that 4 hours of cleaning will not remove 4 days of gunk... so they tell us to just oil them up good and let them soak....  so after doing all that and getting sent back time after time, I go to hand in my rifle,

Sgt. : (looking at rifle. opens it up inspects breech, trigger mech, etc...) You missed a spot right here on the trigger mech...

me: (Tired beyond all belief with a GAF Factor in the negatives, Sticks my finger into the bore, pulls out a glob of clp and rubs it into the spot i missed) Done Sgt!

Sgt. : (Trying not to laugh at this point) Thompson.... Go to bed.......

(it was funny when i remembered it.....)

- Getting flashed by some woman drinking on her roof while we were on a Ruck march in downtown Hamilton

- Getting Interviewed by the NIS (not so much a favorite, but definatly a memorable one...)

- trying to do grad parade practice the day after our 13Km March, and learning that the RHLI like to march reeeeeeaaallly fast.....

- having an MWO instruct one of our basic Comm Crse leacturse and then react in suprise when we ask what type of PT we will be doing that day... ( we did Radio PT.... run to one end of the armouries... put together a 77 Set, ID the parts, do 20 push-ups and run back.... it was a good day....

- and of course... The Day the Darned thing ended.... 4 months of Co-Op Done! 

Mike Dorosh said it best though.... Knowing I'll never have to do it again did feel pretty good...
Here's some from the one weekend I did before personal reasons forced me to RTU.

1. Doing bayonet drills against wooden pallets.  We're all in line, silent but excited.  All of a sudden, there's a metallic twang and "YOU BROKE YOUR ****ING BAYONET!!  NOW WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?"  And then, from the same Sargeant, "Don't worry about it."
2. Not ten minutes later, seeing the same Sargeant and a different recruit attempting to extract the rifle from the wooden pallet,  The ended up laying the pallet down so the rifle was vertical.  They then pivoted the rifle back and forth until it popped free.
3. A few of us staying after everyone had left to help clean up the gym and being told to "Go the **** home, but please clean your faces before you do."
4. After being given every indication that we would have a fire drill that night (with the exception of actually being told "We are having a fire drill."), still seing someone wander out at 3am wearing nothing but issue underwear, combat boots and a ranger blanket.
5. The drug and alcohol talk.
We were at farnham in the winter, this one OS had his gloves fall into the porta-potty.  He got into big trouble from the staff.  When he told us about it, one PTE suggested to do what he does and put them in the "sink".

He was called Private Pissmits for the rest of the course.
RowdyBowdy said:
We were at farnham in the winter, this one OS had his gloves fall into the porta-potty.  He got into big trouble from the staff.  When he told us about it, one PTE suggested to do what he does and put them in the "sink".

He was called Private Pissmits for the rest of the course.


Crse 8213 in Cornwallis.  My buddy and I were the only combat arms recruits in a platoon full of support trades.  Our cleaning station was the TV/smoking room and one night after we had cleaned it and closed it off for the night, someone snuck in and had a smoke.  In the process they left ashes on the window sill that were picked up the during morning inspection.  When we explained to the MCpl what had happened his solution was for the two of us to do all of our duties in that room to ensure it didn't happen again.  So, from that point on we got to do our ironing and shining while watching TV and smoking whenever we wanted.  It was rough ;D
rmacqueen said:
Crse 8213 in Cornwallis.  My buddy and I were the only combat arms recruits in a platoon full of support trades.  Our cleaning station was the TV/smoking room and one night after we had cleaned it and closed it off for the night, someone snuck in and had a smoke.  In the process they left ashes on the window sill that were picked up the during morning inspection.  When we explained to the MCpl what had happened his solution was for the two of us to do all of our duties in that room to ensure it didn't happen again.  So, from that point on we got to do our ironing and shining while watching TV and smoking whenever we wanted.  It was rough ;D

Ok, I was Course 8930.  Things MUST have changed in those 7 years...whats this TV/Smoking room?????????

I think I was ripped off on my course !

I am proceeding with my Redress of Grievance!
Mud Recce Man said:
Ok, I was Course 8930.  Things MUST have changed in those 7 years...whats this TV/Smoking room?????????

I think I was ripped off on my course !

I am proceeding with my Redress of Grievance!

There were certain benefits to being with a support platoon  :P
all in all I did 17 weeks of bmq, 6 weeks last summer (rtu'd) and then 11 weeks Jan-Mar 06. I have a lot of fond memories but this one sticks out:

During the Company Commander's inspection he asks my roommate: what is the large aperature on the C-7 rifle used for OS Bloggins?

Bloggins: Not sure, sir.

OIC: take a guess

Bloggins: OK...hummm....ok it's to blow up large buildings?

Nobody kept a straight face after that one

edited to add: the really best part is the people you meet and remain in contact with and of course the day you get to leave!
rmacqueen said:
There were certain benefits to being with a support platoon  :P

But we had to smoke in the "Hollow Square".

Authorized smoking time was from 10 til the hour until the hour.

It was also the only time we were allowed outside after trng.

So of course, lots of non-smokers were in the Hollow Square holding cig's they didn't actually smoke...and all of us in our overalls, slippers and berets!

I think 10% of the recruits picked up smoking just to get out for fresh air   :blotto:

12 Platoon, 8930, "Challenget to Smoke Excel"

For those who remember that time, my Pltn Cmdr was "Clyde".  Man could he scream when he was mad, and I will NEVER forget when he had on the spit-polished Jungle boots with clickers on them  ;D

Good times!
rmacqueen said:
 .... When we explained to the MCpl what had happened ...
Oh My God!!!  An explanation accepted by a MCpl!  How things were different on my basic 7633.  The usual responses from our instructors to excuses why something wasn't perfect were along the lines of:

"Sounds like a personal problem, princess"
"Don't make excuses, make it right"
"Who gave you permission to speak"
"Who gives a flying f***"
blackadder1916 said:
Oh My God!!!  An explanation accepted by a MCpl!  How things were different on my basic 7633.  The usual responses from our instructors to excuses why something wasn't perfect were along the lines of:

"Sounds like a personal problem, princess"
"Don't make excuses, make it right"
"Who gave you permission to speak"
"Who gives a flying f***"

+1 to that one!


rmacqueen said:
Perhaps I should have included that he was an air force MCpl

And he proceeded to hand you an AWESOME box lunch??  :o
Mud Recce Man said:
And he proceeded to hand you an AWESOME box lunch??  :o
And a cigar, and $100 of 'just because' money, and a key to the presidential sweet...
On our first weekend off we all headed out to the bar in Barrie.  One guy in particular had way too much to drink and headed off to go hug the porcelain princess.  A few guys went with him and waited outside to make sure he was alright.  They were talking for a while and realised that buddy had been in there for 10 minutes so they went in to check.

They found him passed out on the bathroom floor, arms around the toilet.  Naked.

Realising he was going to be sick he took off ALL his clothes so they wouldn't get puked on.  They found his clothes a few feet away, folded in perfect 12x12 inch squares!!  Now that's a well trained recruit!
- 11 Pl, 8837

- Day 1 - My father was a snr Officer with the RCR. Knowing that it would eventually come out, I decided to keep it as close as possible to the chest. (Remember, DON'T STAND OUT). The instructors came in. 1 x MBdr, 4 x AF MCpls, 1 x AF Cpl, 1 x PO2 (Trg Sgt), 1 x MP WO (Pl Comd). I think to myself, chances are no one knows who I am. MCpl AF Admin Clerk type comes up to me and it starts.

"A********, do you have any family in the military??" Being the honest type, I quickly replied "Yes MCpl, I have 3." I knew exactly where he was going with this.
"Are any of them Infantry Officers?" "Yes MCpl, all three" (Technically a slight fib as my brother was an OCdt at the time)
"I'm wondering if any of them are Snr Officers Pte" "Yes MCpl, two of them are."
"Look, I'm trying to figure out if you are related to LCol A*******" "Yes MCpl, my cousin is a Reserve LCol in Toronto"
"A********, you are really trying me!! A********, RCR, Gagetown 93-95!!!" "Yes MCpl, that would be my father, but he is a Col now."
"Best CO I've ever had" and he walked away. I was damn near pooping my pants. Turned out he was a Coy Clk when my dad was there.

- Week 10 - Grad parade practice. Pl Comd on the Pde Square in the drill hall. The WO was very french. No one could understand his drill commands. After about an hour of trying to figure out what he was saying, he angerly threw his pace stick across the drill hall, screaming "PO D**********, sort these people out!!!!"  PO D******** then gets on the Pde Square and waits for the WO to leave. "Alright, lets see how you do this in English" Some how we managed to keep the snickers to ourselves.
Well it was QL2 way back then ...... but,

1) The weekend I forgot my second uniform, I had to get my dad to bring it to the armoury (yeah it was pretty lame) and ofcourse i did'nt get much sleep that night!
2) Actually remembering my C7 serial number when asked by the seargant
3) Pushups in the parking lot at 3AM in -22C
4) Very good food at Borden!
The guy who came out of the Borden gas hut and then got gas crystals on his hands. He then went to take a whiz in the Blue Thunder Shack. A few seconds later he came running out with his NBC suit around his knees and his weenie in his hand yelling "it burns, it burns". He was heading towards a snow bank to shove his weenie in until a Mcpl yelled "no, no, water makes it worse."

mudeater said:
The guy who came out of the Borden gas hut and then got gas crystals on his hands. He then went to take a whiz in the Blue Thunder Shack. A few seconds later he came running out with his NBC suit around his knees and his weenie in his hand yelling "it burns, it burns". He was heading towards a snow bank to shove his weenie in until a Mcpl yelled "no, no, water makes it worse."

There's always one on every course