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Any favourite BMQ memories?

A few weeks ago in Farnham, my section is patrolling down a road around 2am, we see some movement in the woods and halt. All of a sudden an arty sim and a gas grenade go off and our sgt yells "Gas Gas Gas!" I dived for cover into a snowbank and masked up, poked up my head up expecting to return fire, but instead see the rest of my section rolling around laughing at buddy who hit the ground and pulled a ham sandwich out of his carrier instead of his mask. Wow.

S.O.A.D said:
LOL,the same thing happend to us with the Company Major!We took out his boot laces to tie him up!

In the old days for MILCON out in Wainwright, A female new recruit standing on the neck of the Base Commander with a FNC1A1 (Said it was old) pressed to the back of his head screaming "don't you Fing move" when he "popped" in to our Hide one night.
A quick question:

There are various references to MCpls throwing canteens around. Is this common practice these days?

Loving every post!!!

While doing a comms course, we were working off scripts doing radio work one of the messages to be transmitted was for Sunray minor to meet up with Sunray at a GREY BARN grid ref to follow. One of the guys on course was asian with a heavy accent.

Alpha 11 this is Bravo 11 message over
Bravo 11 this is Alpha 11 send over
Bravo 11 Sunray minor meet up with Sunray at Gay Bar over
Alpha 11 Say Again over
Bravo 11 I say Again Sunray minor meet up with Sunray at Gay Bar over
Alpha 11 Say Again all after Sunray over
Bravo 11 I say Again Gay Bar over
Bravo 11 this is Charlie 11 transmitt through me over

By this time you could here the instructors laughing from the far side of the Armoury.
Just like the old,
21B -"21 Alpha, this is 21bravo over"
21A -"21Alpha, bend over"
21B -"21bravo (slight giggle), say again over"
21A -"I say again, Send over"
21B (Thinking something is wrong with the radios) - "21Bravo, radio check over"
21A - "Proud & queer over"

By the way, if your on a recruit course, DO NOT use "Bend over" instead of "Send over" or even vaguely consider using "Proud & Queer" instead of "Loud & Clear". If you do, you will die
Not really a BMQ story but while we are on the topic of radio-chatter

Wainwright Alta, Your's truly is Zero for OPFOR who have a fleet of rented GMC trucks out in the training area to get people around
21C: Zero this is 21C message
21C: we need recovery, we're stuck in the muck and can't get out
Zero: Roger

CRC has an MLVW from OPFOR lines dispatched to the stuck crew-cab, with a tow cable.

...45 minutes later
21C: Zero this is 21C message
Zero: Send
21C: We need another recovery request.
Zero: What's wrong with the one you got?
21C: It's stuck too.
Zero: *sigh*

CRC calls base recovery who dispatches a wrecker HLVW to the now stuck crew-cab and MLVW.

...90 minutes later
21C: Zero this is 21C message
Zero: Are you unstuck yet?
21C: No
Zero: Has base recovery arrived yet?
21C: Yes
Zero: What's the situation?
21C: They're smoking.
Zero: Smoking?!
21C: Yes.
Zero: Why the Foxtrot are they smoking?!
21C: They're stuck too.

CRC takes hand held radio to transport who is now wanting to go to supper but has to wait for truck to come back, and has 21C repeat message to transport. Transport  bangs head. (Yes I didn't need to bring the radio to transport, but hey it concerned them and they needed to know.  ;D)

CRC contacts base recovery who have already dispatched a badger to the now stuck crew-cab, MLVW, and HLVW.

Zero: 21C this is zero, message.
21C: (Exaggerated and extremely frustrated) SEND!
Zero: Recovery has already dispatched their heaviest equipment. If it gets stuck, prepare to push.

career_radio-checker said:
Not really a BMQ story but while we are on the topic of radio-chatter

Wainwright Alta, Your's truly is Zero for OPFOR who have a fleet of rented GMC trucks out in the training area to get people around
21C: Zero this is 21C message
21C: we need recovery, we're stuck in the muck and can't get out
Zero: Roger

CRC has an MLVW from OPFOR lines dispatched to the stuck crew-cab, with a tow cable.

...45 minutes later
21C: Zero this is 21C message
Zero: Send
21C: We need another recovery request.
Zero: What's wrong with the one you got?
21C: It's stuck too.
Zero: *sigh*

CRC calls base recovery who dispatches a wrecker HLVW to the now stuck crew-cab and MLVW.

...90 minutes later
21C: Zero this is 21C message
Zero: Are you unstuck yet?
21C: No
Zero: Has base recovery arrived yet?
21C: Yes
Zero: What's the situation?
21C: They're smoking.
Zero: Smoking?!
21C: Yes.
Zero: Why the Foxtrot are they smoking?!
21C: They're stuck too.

CRC takes hand held radio to transport who is now wanting to go to supper but has to wait for truck to come back, and has 21C repeat message to transport. Transport  bangs head. (Yes I didn't need to bring the radio to transport, but hey it concerned them and they needed to know.  ;D)

CRC contacts base recovery who have already dispatched a badger to the now stuck crew-cab, MLVW, and HLVW.

Zero: 21C this is zero, message.
21C: (Exaggerated and extremely frustrated) SEND!
Zero: Recovery has already dispatched their heaviest equipment. If it gets stuck, prepare to push.

So did they have to push?  ;D
career_radio-checker said:
Not really a BMQ story but while we are on the topic of radio-chatter

Wainwright Alta, Your's truly is Zero for OPFOR who have a fleet of rented GMC trucks out in the training area to get people around
21C: Zero this is 21C message
21C: we need recovery, we're stuck in the muck and can't get out
Zero: Roger

CRC has an MLVW from OPFOR lines dispatched to the stuck crew-cab, with a tow cable.

...45 minutes later
21C: Zero this is 21C message
Zero: Send
21C: We need another recovery request.
Zero: What's wrong with the one you got?
21C: It's stuck too.
Zero: *sigh*

CRC calls base recovery who dispatches a wrecker HLVW to the now stuck crew-cab and MLVW.

...90 minutes later
21C: Zero this is 21C message
Zero: Are you unstuck yet?
21C: No
Zero: Has base recovery arrived yet?
21C: Yes
Zero: What's the situation?
21C: They're smoking.
Zero: Smoking?!
21C: Yes.
Zero: Why the Foxtrot are they smoking?!
21C: They're stuck too.

CRC takes hand held radio to transport who is now wanting to go to supper but has to wait for truck to come back, and has 21C repeat message to transport. Transport  bangs head. (Yes I didn't need to bring the radio to transport, but hey it concerned them and they needed to know.  ;D)

CRC contacts base recovery who have already dispatched a badger to the now stuck crew-cab, MLVW, and HLVW.

Zero: 21C this is zero, message.
21C: (Exaggerated and extremely frustrated) SEND!
Zero: Recovery has already dispatched their heaviest equipment. If it gets stuck, prepare to push.
in my opinion one of the better stories on this thread
why the foxtrot are they smoking?
there stuck too.......hahaha classic :rofl:
Ah that is classic!!!!

On other note, I have said "queer one" on the radio before.

Me is Gagetown..
12: 11A this is 12 radio check over
11A: Hi, this is 11A we are not around the CP so please leave you c/s and ADREP and we will get back to you ASAP.
12: What....say again over... MCpl ...radio is .... scratch scratch...
RESO III in Gagetown, on a route recce, I get a contact.  Sending the contact report, I'm reading the grid off the map on the radio.  I'd been in the army a couple years and taken part in the odd comms ex.

"41C, Contact, Grid one two tree... fower fife... oh my god... err, six!  I say again, one two tree, fower fife six, 1 BMP in the..."

I'm sure they always put a contact at 123 456, but I wasn't expecting it!
career_radio-checker said:
Really? I didn't know it was chargable. Can you provide a reference point in the QR and Os?

How about this one?


If the CO's orders are "you shall eat"...or your Crse staff's...

Not that they DO actually charge people for this but...they technically could.

Or there is Old Faithful   ;D


Now back to your already hi-jacked thread... :D
All this talk of food made me remember the true horribleness of the kebabs.  Every so often on course there was a meat item the I honestly believe would make me sick.  Cold chicken, looking kinda raw and pink inside - oh yea I threw it in the garbage (along with anything that touched the chicken).  More than a few times I managed to sneak past the Sgt handing out what was claimed to be the meat item.  One time I got completely busted for trying to sneak past.  It was funny I didn't get jacked up,  the staff were taking it as a personal insult.  Yes they made me come back and get the meat item (They ignored my "You guys sure do love forcing me to take your meat" comment - which I think was for the best)

And, unless I am truly misinformed, ordering someone to eat an item that will cause an illness for no reason other than general discipline would be an illegal order.
On my PRes BMQ they tried to feed us this horrible boiled Kolbassa it was so hard that it couldn't be cut with my combat knife. I also use to laugh my butt off when one of the girls on course who was a vegetarian would always be given a double serving of what ever the meat item was. I think the instructors just liked seeing the reaction on her face, and she would tell them every time that she didn't eat meat.
Staff since BMQ, Day 1 telling me I need to eat more to bulk up.  It has become so bad that our recently posted out platoon commander would actually bring me food in the middle of class.  And now, everytime I hear "seconds" my name is not far behind.  Although, some of this catered stuff is hard to eat.  :P

Coming back from the OP at 0200 to see the section commander wrapped in his ranger blanket, dancing around and flapping his arms like a vampire.  After we took up a position and advanced on him, he realized we weren't backing down and he issued the running password.

At OPSEE, doing CTR on a tailgate party 200m from the biv site, just outside the fence.

Half the section deciding to relocate the OP because they had heard a noise and seen dark figures following them.  They could hear people behind them, but every time they would stop, these people would stop.  They'd look back and see a dark figure in a bush cap.  They would duck down and so would this dark figure.  They would get up and so would he.  He was good.  It was a clear night with a nearly full moon.  The noise they heard was a bird. :)
Perhaps their shadows? It would have been a great time to implant the idea of a haunted area  >:D ;D
