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Any 1 CER members from early 90's still around

Ahh Kipperhurst, Now an officer, who would think? Good to hear from you.  Tell Mic I said hi. 
Anyone here know my dad Irv?
My mom used to work at the SGT's mess, Judy.
My dad works at Kent prision now and my mom lives in Esquimalt and works on the base there.
I dont talk to my family anymore.
Army Brat said:
Anyone here know my dad Irv?
My mom used to work at the SGT's mess, Judy.
My dad works at Kent prision now and my mom lives in Esquimalt and works on the base there.
I dont talk to my family anymore.

Would that be Irv Hillier....if so the anwers "yep" knew your Dad well....as do many lurking here...
Dan Hartford had a small retirement get togeather in Edmonton.  Mostly ex Engineers and Engineers, as this was informal the way Anne wanted it.  Got to see Jim Michaud, Pete Levine, Marshall Dupont, McClintoc, even Junior from Salmon Arm, WilkenBusch, Ted Bransfield, Ron Dugas, Dam Bambrick(Trumble) and others.  Danny Hartford goes back to Afghanistan within 10 days.  I havent seen him in a couple of years.  Only difference is that he is sporting a heavy duty beard.  Blending with the locals.  Definately all 90s engineers. Awesome to see the gang.  Good memories was brought back.
Ex Cpl Riedlinger here ,i was just in the wack hangingout with Brian English,good times had by all ,feel free to drop me a line.sdskreds@shaw.ca
Hey anybody know where Pete Levin ended up,i heard he signed up after getting out and getting married
hey y'all
  don't know how many of you remember me (cpl hillier), but I was 1 CER throughout the 90's.  Currently working in sunny Chilliwack again, been here for the last 6 years or so.  So chimo to all the old mates here and the new.
Hey Chris

Nice Job working the Bar At ASU Street Dance on Saturday. Good time was had by all, though sunday was a bit rough. Nice to see a few old buddies still doing well.

Count Chris said:
hey y'all
  don't know how many of you remember me (cpl hillier), but I was 1 CER throughout the 90's.  Currently working in sunny Chilliwack again, been here for the last 6 years or so.  So chimo to all the old mates here and the new.
Are you my doppleganger?
  But I did work with your dad back in the 90's.  And me bein older, makes you my dopleganger :D

Yeah, don't think I'll be volunteering to do the bartending at the dance again any time soon, nice to do, but would much rather of had more time to get out and see you mates that only come out of the woodwork once a year  8)
Funny, you can't be who you say you are.

The guy I'm thinking of was a POS!  ;D

Hey Chris. Check your PM's.

old fart said:
Bobby....you old git.....good to see you are alive and Kicking.  If you remember, Hatcher, House, Hallock...you can probably figure out who the hell I am.  But I know your not that bright, neither am I for that matter.....All the best mate.... :salute:

Whatever happened to Jim Hallock last time I saw him was in 86! (yeah 2 days older than dirt and twice as dirty!)
old fart said:
Would that be Irv Hillier....if so the anwers "yep" knew your Dad well....as do many lurking here...

If it's Hillier, I remember when you Dad first went reg from the reserves back east and settled into 3 troop 1/3A if I recall... He was great to have because he had lots of TI and was also like a big brother to many in the troop.
Count Chris said:
hey y'all
  don't know how many of you remember me (cpl hillier), but I was 1 CER throughout the 90's.  Currently working in sunny Chilliwack again, been here for the last 6 years or so.  So chimo to all the old mates here and the new.

Hey Chris! LTNS, Good to read a friendly face :) I remember the old days when we all had hair and were legends in our own minds...present company excluded of course! I remember you being Ollie Oliver's 2 i/c waaaaaaay back when.... good to see you're back home in CHWK. I'll have to RV with you next time I back in country.
Yes my dad was a WO but when he left the reserves he went back to Cpl...............
Army Brat said:
Yes my dad was a WO but when he left the reserves he went back to Cpl...............
Yeah I remember, he was a good man I think I may even remember you LOL :) little brown haired kid with your Mom when you guys finally came out from back east I thin I may have met you all at the Canex.. long time ago nice to see you've become a good man after your father!

William Shakespeare says in Henry V "this story, shall the good man teach his son" I guess your Father did just that....

Chimo, a belated welcome to the brotherhood!
Well thanks, thats nice to say.
My dad was definatly by-the-book.
I used to get so annoyed when we would get passed in the car, lol.
He is still here in Chilliwack, last I knew he works at Kent Prision, it's kinda changed him..........alot.
