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Anti Highway of Heroes Song by Brockville City council hopefull


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Check this great tune out . At the 54 second mark he states his anti war sentiments. "Why do we turn out killers into heros"


Leigh Bursey

Remember to vote for him in this coming Brockville City Council Elections and word has it he is running for the NDP this coming federal election. Way to go St Lawrence College's Executive Studen Council Vice President


Talking to some local folks in the area this guy is anti HARPER,MILITARY, GOVERNMENT, EVERYTHING!!!

I threw a post on his group's wall. What an assclown.
I don't think it appropriate for site members to post on his Facebook wall.  Perhaps these were not "his" comments, but those written by another member of this band in 2006.  Make sure you look before you leap.
If mover1 has spoken to locals who know the individual, and they state that he practices what he preaches, then I believe comments are justified. If he didn't want backlash for his song, then he shouldn't have be a part of it.
PuckChaser said:
I threw a post on his group's wall. What an assclown.

And how long before he takes it down as opposed to answering it?!  :P

So you want to become just like the wackos who post on CBC commentaries by posting on his Facebook wall?

I can't stop you (as you already have) but wonder where it may lead further down the road.  Perhaps a well articulated letter to the Brockville newspaper editorializing your comments denouncing his would have been better and produced a more appropriate exposure in the public eye.   
Trinity said:
And how long before he takes it down as opposed to answering it?!  :P

Made me feel better.  :D

I'm not going to follow the individual on Facebook and constantly harass them. He'd win by getting the attention he craves so desperately. He still has to read the comment before deleting it, and perhaps somewhere in his small mind he'll realize her error.
First the AGW people put out a dumb ad. Then QC's Women Group puts out a taste less commercial, alienating one of their own and now we have this clown.
Did someone put something in the water or have I just never realized how many people are that dumb?  ???
George Wallace said:
So you want to become just like the wackos who post on CBC commentaries by posting on his Facebook wall?

I can't stop you (as you already have) but wonder where it may lead further down the road.  Perhaps a well articulated letter to the Brockville newspaper editorializing your comments denouncing his would have been better and produced a more appropriate exposure in the public eye. 

Actually, it probably wouldn't. Most of the current research with which I am familiar say that people under 40 get most of their information, including political information from social media - like Facebook. The candidate is using Facebook because the current political wisdom is that is how he can connect with young voters. PuckChaser is 'playing' in the right arena.
E.R. Campbell said:
Actually, it probably wouldn't. Most of the current research with which I am familiar say that people under 40 get most of their information, including political information from social media - like Facebook. The candidate is using Facebook because the current political wisdom is that is how he can connect with young voters. PuckChaser is 'playing' in the right arena.

Then TWITTER may be the more appropriate.    >:D
PuckChaser said:
I threw a post on his group's wall. What an assclown.

The individual who has commented on your post seems to have not watched the video, or not payed much attention.
Why not use soxcial media to remind eeryone that *we* are the people who make it possible for these individuals to write and perform these songs etc. and say "You're welcome".

That would probably have more impact and drive them crazier than any amount of reasoned dialogue. I can imagine them sputtering with outrage or foaming at the mouth over a "your welcome" message from serving or ex members... >:D
What a horrible song! Some folks should learn to play their instruments before venturing to disseminate their "art".
Thucydides said:
Why not use soxcial media to remind eeryone that *we* are the people who make it possible for these individuals to write and perform these songs etc. and say "You're welcome".

That would probably have more impact and drive them crazier than any amount of reasoned dialogue. I can imagine them sputtering with outrage or foaming at the mouth over a "your welcome" message from serving or ex members... >:D

Gosh darn you've given me a great idea for a song. I unfortunately lack musical ability though.
Thucydides said:
Why not use soxcial media to remind eeryone that *we* are the people who make it possible for these individuals to write and perform these songs etc. and say "You're welcome".

That would probably have more impact and drive them crazier than any amount of reasoned dialogue. I can imagine them sputtering with outrage or foaming at the mouth over a "your welcome" message from serving or ex members... >:D

You see, I have a problem with that line of thought.  As a Pte, I used to be an adherent to that.  But to be honest i now feel that it is a little misplaced.  Don't get me wrong.  I have no problem with people thanking us for our service, what we do for the country and all that.  But I have a problem expecting or reminding people that we somehow are responsible for them having the rights they do.  Someone I knew once pretty much summed it up by saying two things.  In Canada, if your rights get trampled on you get a lawyer and you use the court system, you don't request military intervention.  And the other was that as much as we are prepared to defend our country, at the end of the day if the government ever decided to take away some rights or freedoms either permanently or temporarily, they would use the military, *us*, to do it.

I'll probably take some flak for this but it's my 2 cents worth (maybe not even worth that much lol). 
And the other was that as much as we are prepared to defend our country, at the end of the day if the government ever decided to take away some rights or freedoms either permanently or temporarily, they would use the military, *us*, to do it.

I'll probably take some flak

Yea you probably will.

If by ‘take away some rights or freedoms’ you mean in a human right’s violation or freedom of speech way than I’ll add this to the tangent.

While the CF is the government’s military wing, the government is ultimately elected by its citizens. . . .so the CF is the citizen’s armed wing, in an indirect sort of way.  Hopefully the CF, composed of citizens, would decide against a rogue government’s request for its use against its own citizens in a case like this. . . . .

I'll probably take some flak also for chimming in but hey
I honestly gave it a chance. What crappy vocals and three chords..Unless your nirvana you cannot make 3 chords sound good!

Sounds like 3 drugged out chubby kids living at their parents angry at the world. They'll grow up someday.
I was just replying to one of Cranton's points above for sh1ts.  I don't agree with the anti war, anti military garbage that some people spew.  But it is their right.  And one that the CF has fought/fights/would fight to uphold.

Sounds like 3 drugged out chubby kids living at their parents angry at the world.

I don't fit into this category. 