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Annual Army Run (merged)

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Yeah, they're a little expensive in my opinion, but they got a couple of really great shots... thus I was suckered into ordering some pictures.

No guys weekend away this year so I will be in Ottawa for the run.

Maybe we should try for a public army.ca meet and greet Saturday night? :cheers:
I'm in, Bruce - 5k'ing it.  I'm not going to the pasta dinner, but will grab some carbs before calling it an early night.  ;D

I'm not sure if this is directed to anyone and everyone doing the Army Run, or more to CF members, but I'm hoping to do the half-marathon again, but more realistically will be doing the 5k.

I had so much fun last year, I can't imagine not doing it again.
Interesting.  The waiver indemnifies "the Department of National Defence and the National Capital Marathon Inc", but not the Canadian Forces - a legally distinct entity from the Department of National Defence.

Lawyers, start your billing!

Soldiers gearing up for Ottawa's annual Army Run
CTV.ca News Staff

Date: Sat. Sep. 18 2010 10:04 PM ET
After three decades in the military, Maj. Mark Campbell has been working his way through a different kind of boot camp.

Campbell has been confined to a wheelchair since losing his lower legs to a roadside bomb in Afghanistan two years ago.

"You go to war, you roll the dice, right?" he says.

Now he and a dozen other soldiers who were injured in Afghanistan are training to walk, run or roll the annual Army Run marathon in Ottawa on Sunday.

An estimated 15,000 members of the military and civilians have registered to take part in the race. That's up from 11,000 last year -- making it the fastest-growing run in the country.

But a small group of competitors, that includes Campbell, had the benefit of learning from the best: single-leg amputee record holder Rick Ball.

"They're young, fit, tough soldiers, and they don't want to sit at home and watch TV all day," Ball said. "They want to do something."

Money raised from the event will go to the Military Families Fund, which supports families while soldiers are away, and to Soldier On, which helps soldiers who are ill or injured.

The head of the army, Lieut.-Gen. Peter Devlin, says there's a reason the race is garnering so much attention.

"Canadians are fiercely proud of what we on behalf of them accomplish around the world and Sunday is an opportunity to celebrate that," Devlin says.

Participating in the race should help benefit soldiers like Master Corporal Adam Cyr, a single amputee.

"It's something you just got to adapt to, just get over it," he says of his injury.

But that process can be an uphill battle. In Campbell's case, he says that going back to the army base now can be difficult.

"It stabs me in the heart," he says. "I see soldiers running around doing what I used to do, falling out of airplanes."

But he still considers himself one of the lucky ones. Days after his own accident, 26-year-old Capt. Jonathan Snyder was killed by roadside bomb.

"I was lucky enough to come home missing a few bits and pieces, but at least I got to come home," Campbell said. "Jon didn't get to come home."

With a report from CTV's Daniele Hamadjian and CTV Ottawa's Norman Fetterley
Not sure how many forumites ran or were involved in today's run but it was an absolutely fantastic day to get out and have a good run. The organization, support and the entire event was top-notch.  It was truly inspiring to be cheered on by the throngs and to run amongst so many of our nations finest.  I think that I got the goose-bumps at least a dozen times as I ran besides a participant wearing a shirt with a dedication to a fallen soldier on it.  Fantastic day...when does registration open for next year? An amazing and inspiring event in every respect.  Thanks to all who volunteered.
It was a great day.  I volunteered in the Recovery Tent and it was amazing to see how many people came through - it was one of the first times I've volunteered somewhere that people were so thankful to see someone out and helping (and actually expressed that thanks).  It was an incredibly inspirational event.

I had been hoping to run but after battling some nasty shin splints I didn't want to push myself too hard with a couple of months until BMOQ.

I ran the 1/2, and I have to agree what an inspirational day it was! I definitely picked the right run for my first. Didn't end up finishing as fast as I had hoped, but every time I'd start to get down for being slower than my anticipated pace there would be someone (soldiers, participants in the 5k, or just people standing outside their homes) there to cheer you on.

Can't wait for next year so I can run the 5k with my sister (her first run).
I too ran the 1/2, and I agree it was an absolutely inspirational run and what a beautiful day for it. This was the first time I ran in an organized run, and I knew I could knock off 5km so I figured, "what the heck - go for the 1/2". Excellent organization, and if I can I intend to be back.
(Now where did I put the ibuprofen?)
Tweaked my knee out at the museum, so not a good run for me personally, but still a great day and a great experience, and our team did well.

Great work to everyone who ran today, and a big thanks to all the volunteers. I love this event.
I hit the much vaunted 15km wall right around the PM's house, and discovered that the wall is prety close to 15km high!  :o

Much drugs, hot tubs, nalcohol has ensued - and I am still hobbling.

Can't wait for next year
It was great to be cheered on by folks almost constantly along the course!  Great weather, and a great job don by the organizing folks and the volunteers!  Thanks!

p.s.  I think I had to climb over the same wall the PPCLI Guy hit by 24 Sussex...  :nod:
Good2Golf said:
p.s.  I think I had to climb over the same wall the PPCLI Guy hit by 24 Sussex...  :nod:

It's a good thing PPCLI Guy had someone to help him over that wall.  ;D

If it makes you feel any better, my classes are on the third floor of the old print building.  Going up wasn't that bad.  Going down on the other hand...
Strike said:
It's a good thing PPCLI Guy had someone to help him over that wall.  ;D

If it makes you feel any better, my classes are on the third floor of the old print building.  Going up wasn't that bad.  Going down on the other hand...

Oh man, no kidding. Stairs were my nemesis for about 48 hours. My legs are feeling nearly normal today; 'sore after a good workout' as opposed to 'oh God I hurt'.
We had the KAF Army 5K and 1/2 Marathon on the 19th as well...except that it was more like 6.5k (and who knows for the 1/2.)  So, if anyone sees our times v. the Ottawa ones, it's not b/c we're out of shape  ;)
I did the run, then hopped in a van to drive back to Halifax (15 hours over 2 days) then back to the ship the next day....the ladders were not so much fun....
