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"An unknown soldier" G&M Article on the Globe and Mail


I guess it takes years and years to prepare for a tour in this day and age.. Because, if you happen to be killed in action, every dark secret and bit of dirty laundry in your past is giong to be dragged up for a sensational article.

My biggest fear going overseas now is not getting wounded or killed.. Its what is going to be written about me in the globe and mail.

I better spill my guts now..

yes.. I am ashamed of it.. but, yes.. I did cheat on a girlfriend in the 80's...and yeah, I got a couple of speeding tickets too. I once took the bus in highschool and didnt pay. I forgot to call my mom on her last birthday.
I am sure there is more.. but, a "good" reporter will be able to dig up the rest of the dirt.
RHFC-piper, fully agree...to add a bit, though, I think McArthur kept on going after his own "intent" was made....kind of like the way that sitcoms keep banging away with canned laughter when something funny (or not) happens...push it too far, and it ceases to be funny any more.  I think McArthur made his point about Mark, but then carried on more and more until, for many, it came across more as, albeit unintended, an attack on Mark's character.

My biggest difficulty was when I read the comments to the article...I realise that you and I and others serve to protect citizens' rights to their own opinion, but AYE FRICKIN CARUMBA, some folks are so far out of it that they're in the next solar system...

Good2Golf said:
RHFC-piper, fully agree...to add a bit, though, I think McArthur kept on going after his own "intent" was made....kind of like the way that sitcoms keep banging away with canned laughter when something funny (or not) happens...push it too far, and it ceases to be funny any more.  I think McArthur made his point about Mark, but then carried on more and more until, for many, it came across more as, albeit unintended, an attack on Mark's character.

Yes... Exactly.  But, I don't think the onus of this article rests equally on the editors as well.  Mr. McArthur most likely wrote more positive points about Mark, but they may have been edited out as positive doesn't sell... Negaive and scandal sells very well.

I only defend Mr. McArthur because he seemed to be a man of good character.  I think this article (and how it has been edited) has done an equal discredit to his character as people perceived it has done to Marks. 

But I do agree with your analogy; 'beating a dead horse' works to... But I'd hope that for every negative point about Mark that made it to print, there's atleast one positive that had ended up on the 'cutting room' floor.  Like I've said numerouse times; Mark was an outstanding person, no matter what is written or how it is perceived.

Good2Golf said:
My biggest difficulty was when I read the comments to the article...I realise that you and I and others serve to protect citizens' rights to their own opinion, but AYE FRICKIN CARUMBA, some folks are so far out of it that they're in the next solar system...

Yeah.. No Doubt.  I can't even recall what some of the comments were, and I wouldn't even want to repost them, but I know how they made me feel; Angry and dissapointed in people.  The Budhist in me tries to believe that there is inherent good in all humanity, but some people are just evil and mean spirited... some people just lack compassion, and would be the first to gripe about it if they had lost a loved one.

I was thoroughly disgusted by some of the comments to the point where I would like to physically put those people in the same place as Marks family, by taking away some one close to them, then saying the same things about their loved ones for all to see... and as harsh as that sounds, unless something like that happens to them, they will never understand. (BTW, I would never do that, so don't even think it... that would just be bad Karma)

Anyway... I just keep ranting... So I'll stop.


Thank  you all for your thoughts and comments in regards to our son Mark. They have been very healing and very supportive to us. We too
thought Mr. McArthur had grasped the issues well and were surprised by some of the comments and underlying beliefs.
yMark was a very well loved son and father. He had his own ways and his own struggles - many not of his own making. He loved his job in the CF and felt he had discovered a niche were he could use his brains and his body in a useful and productive way -  something he had never had before - and something that the article did not seem to be able to address.
Again thank you for all your positive comments.

Our blessings to those injured and to their families. To the rest of our new family - the miltitary community - thank you.

Dad and mom of two soldiers

mom of two soldiers said:
Our blessings to those injured and to their families. To the rest of our new family - the miltitary community - thank you.

Your dignity is extremely moving.  :salute:

God bless you, and your children.
. .  the reporter, who gave up a legitimate, honest career to shill for the Hope & Bail so they could sell advertising space, worked very hard to distort the truth and juxtapose facts so that the story supported a predetermined anti-military position of the liberal hacks who populate the Canadian mainstream media.