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Am I too old, fat, or fit in? 2001 to 2016

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I'm going into my last week of SQ this sunday and there's a ripe old lad that's 44. I trained with him on my BMQ as well and he hasn't had many problems. The only advice I can give is that you work on your cardio because that was one of his weaker areas, which is understandable due to his age.

If you're at all worried about fitting in with us young'uns you have nothing to worry about, no one cares about your age (or any other discriminating characteristic for that matter. At least in my experience that is).

I say go for it and have a blast. If a reason not to do it actually exists age isn't it.

- Pte. Gremlin
Im also on sq right now just finishing up at meaford. I have a fourty something year old buddy who is training with us also. Work on the cardio and just absorb the knowledge and you will be fine. after all age is only a mind state
Hi there,

From one older guy to another, go for it. 

I joined in 2001, when I was 33.  I thought maybe I was too old but it's been no problem.  I'm 35 now and doing my Med-A QL3 at CRPTC Connaught in Ottawa, just home on leave for the weekend.  I met a guy there this week who is 35, and a medical doctor, doing BMQ.  I've met lots of older recruits and they all like it.  I know one woman, for example, who is a nurse (in her 40's) and did BMQ so she could go on a peacekeeping tour with her daughter.  I think a bit of life experience helps.

I broke my foot the last day of BMQ in 2002, so I missed my QL3 that year, and last summer commitments to my civvy job kept me from going on course.  I've done SQ and a driving course in the meantime, and finally I'll be getting rid of my cornflake.  In general I'm really impressed with the quality of people I've met, and if I could I would go reg force in a second.

I'm just home on weekend leave right from my course right now but I'm looking forward to going back; the experience has been awesome.  Like I said, go for it, and best of luck to you.

Hunter out.
Know a couple of guys who went thru it in their 40's.  Know another who did it at 52!  And I thought I was crazy doing Battle School at 32.
Good evening. I was looking again at the military as a change of careers?

If I started. I will be a 31 year old male. I am in good fitness and health.

Would I be too old to join military? With no previous background or degree?

Would Infantry be a bad decision?

What positions would be recommended for army for someone to start?

What are the most in demand positions right now for army with the Canadian forces?

Thank you
You aren't too old.

No decision is "bad". There are only right and wrong decisions for you.

As long as you meet the criteria, you can start at almost any position.

Go to www.forces.ca and search hot jobs, those are the jobs that are in the highest demand.
worldtraveller321 said:
What are the most in demand positions right now for army with the Canadian forces?

Who freakin cares. How about you loom for something that you will like instead. That way, 10 years from now, you are not whining that you are in a trade you dont like. Joining a trade simply because it is " in demand" is freakin stupid.

Look at all the trades, pick one that you like and apply for that. The rest will fall into place.
worldtraveller321 said:
Good evening. I was looking again at the military as a change of careers?

If I started. I will be a 31 year old male. I am in good fitness and health.

Would I be too old to join military? With no previous background or degree?

Would Infantry be a bad decision?

What positions would be recommended for army for someone to start?

What are the most in demand positions right now for army with the Canadian forces?

You are certianly not too old. There are a number of "hot jobs" but the five critical onest ab are Sig Ops, Artillery, and 3 Navy Tech trades. Like the comment made above, choose something that interests you. Like the other comments, look up forces.ca where there is tons of info, and do some research before you get to the recruiting center.

Thank you
I'll be 37 this month and start basic in January. There are plenty of people older than I joining, so you are certainly not "too old".

Visit the recruiting website and then your local CFRC. I made no fewer than 3 visits to 2 different recruiting centres before I even applied. In that time, I changed my application from reserves to reg force, and considered several trades, both NCM and Officer, before settling on my 3 choices. Talking to recruiters helps a lot. Also, at the RCs, there are brochures with information on each trade, and in my case, I was given a couple of little DVDs (if they don't offer, ask). Take your time and figure out what you are best suited for and most interested in.

The "search" function on this website will yield plenty of results for almost any recruiting question you have.
Hi all,

I’m considering joining the Reserve Forces after a number of years as a civi. I was actually in the Air Force for 20 years as an AET and later as an AVN tech.
Health is still very good (with the exception of a keg of beer wrapped around my belly) and I still meet the Canadian Forces physical fitness standards for my age group so I think, why not? The Forces was very good to me and I miss the life style and job as a member of the CF.

My question to all you old dogs that rejoined the Regs or joined the reserves after being out for a while is how was the transition? Do you have any suggestions or stories good or bad, that I may find helpful?

Look forward to hearing all your insight.

Thanks :salute:
Don't let age or time out of uniform, work its way into your decision to join. I was accepted back into the Reserves at the ripe age of 52. I was even offer a signing bonus to switch to the Regs.

Other than being called various names related to my age, it was not that bad.

If your body wears civvy cloths but your heart is still in unifirm, go for it. A life of, " what if ", is not living at all.  :cdn: :yellow:
Thanks there Guns for the feedback. Just what I was looking for.
How long were you out prior to rejoining?

Thanks again.
I did fairly much the same thing.  The only things I can't get used to is the failures in administration, and some of the 'non-military' attitudes some Reservists have; 'they just don't get it'.  Usually a little bit of TI and a Tour sort out those attitudes.  Other than that, I enjoy working with the group of people I am with in my unit, and have no regrets about joining the Reserves. 

I wish more Ex-Reg Force would join the Reserves to help mentor them, as well as make the CT process a two-way street to stem the flow of freshly qualified Reservists leaving the Reserve units.  At times it is a little disheartening to train a Reservist, and then see him/her join the Regs, leaving your unit with nothing and having to bring in more raw recruits to start the process over again.  If the CT process was a two way street, this would lessen the impact on Reserve units and give them trained pers to keep their capabilities up.  Many Reserve Units have a serious problem with shortages in their leadership ranks at the MCpl through WO levels. 
gasturbineguy said:
The Forces was very good to me and I miss the life style and job as a member of the CF.

I think ( speaking as a civilian ) there is a demand for experienced members like you in the CF. With good attitude. Because, I believe, that attitude is everything.
Other public service agencies are experiencing difficulty in recruiting suitably qualified replacement staff.  The "Baby Boomers" who joined in the early 1970's are reaching the end of their careers and retiring, just as demand for service is increasing.
I am 29,is that too old too join.My whole life fell apart on me and i only have a grade 11.I have been thinking of going into the Army for a better career.But could use all the advice i can get.

So is 29 too old?,How many people actually join at my age??Is there signing bonuses,if so how do they work?

and i have been doing research and am interested in either becoming a materials technician,weapons tech or armored  soldier.Who here has accomplished any of these jobs?and can tell me about your experience?


M4R71N said:
I am 29,is that too old too join.

So is 29 too old?,

No, it isn't.  If you browse the Recruiting forum you'll find plenty of threads about people planning to, and joining, at ages older than 29.
Absolutely not too old.  I would think twice about joining the Infantry, but it's closed anyway and there are dozens of other Army jobs you could do.

Not to say that 29+ year olds haven't been successful in the Infantry in the past, it would just be much harder than 18-20 year olds doing the same work.

Many join even older than yourself, so go see the recruiting centre and see that suits you best.

I would advise picking a better reason to tell people there that you joined because your whole world was crashing around you ;-)  Maybe something about loving Canada and wanting to serve because you were inspired by media coverage (I'm an idealist).
Thirty is not too old to become an officer. Many of my peers would say that thirty is about right.
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