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Alternate for the CIC

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An excellent article representing many of the points in this thread just popped up in the most recent issue of Cadence (just got it at my LHQ yesterday).  A must read for CIC Officers, it is not yet updated online yet, but i will try and post in the coming days for everyone else, if your interested.


Jacob said:
I think that's the best way I've ever heard it expalined.


Sloaner, well stated!

For any who may disparage CIC Officers, CI's or any other member of the Cadet movement involved in helping our country's youth develop pride and professionalism beyond the norm of their age group, shame!  When people ask me how long I have served my country, my immediate response is 21 years....perhaps I should really say 26 years and I include the time I spent in Air Cadets learning discipline, structure, perseverance, personal drive and pride!  The CIC Officers, CIs and other volunteers did an admirable job while I was a cadet, facing many of the challenges that those of us in the RegF or Res mistakenly think we may hold a monopoly on. 

Hopefully the recent resurgence in public support for the CF will flow equally well into the Cadet movement.  If but only a fraction of those boys and girls....young men and women who pass through the cadet movement later join the CF, the CIC Officers will have achieved their mission and have every reason to be proud. 

Well done!

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