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All Things Socks (merged)

RDJP said:
So do you need a regulation stating that bare feet with any type of footwear is not allowed?  Is that your hill to die on?

If they go through the effort of saying 'bare feet or bare feet with sandals is not allowed' then why wouldn't they say 'bare feet or bare feet with any footwear' is not allowed if that is what they mean?

So yes that is my hill to stand on.

I would be much more accepting of it if it didn't say anything at all with regards to footwear; or if there were no rules at all in place. But when there are rules, and they are laid out in a way that seems to allow what I am doing, then I am pissed off.
Rules for the jr ranks mess:

4.Footwear; Sandals, w/heel strap, Loafers, Runners, with or without socks.
j_drews105 said:
So yes that is my hill to stand on.

You should pick a better hill to die on. I don't think the Base RSM will give you any chance of swaying this policy. It is for hygiene, not fashion. If this pisses you off then maybe you haven't found the right line of work and should keep looking somewhere else.
Tango18A said:
You should pick a better hill to die on. I don't think the Base RSM will give you any chance of swaying this policy. It is for hygiene, not fashion. If this pisses you off then maybe you haven't found the right line of work and should keep looking somewhere else.

Really?  Footwear without socks is unhygienic? Sources or is that blown out your tosh?  Maybe PMedMoe can chime in with a more rationale response but I find that line of reasoning absurd with fully covered shoes. 

Tango18A said:
If this pisses you off then maybe you haven't found the right line of work and should keep looking somewhere else.
It pisses me off to apply blanket nonsensical rules with no reasoning as much as should piss off any supervisor that is in charge of troops.

j_drews105 said:
Rules for the jr ranks mess:

4.Footwear; Sandals, w/heel strap, Loafers, Runners, with or without socks.

I think the answer is right there and all he needs to do is tactfully approach the person who told him "no" and inform him of his error.
Question is was he kicked out for the JR drinking mess or the base EATING mess....
MJP said:
It pisses me off to apply blanket nonsensical rules with no reasoning as much as should piss off any supervisor that is in charge of troops.

Sing it brother!
Okay, the whole footwear with socks is a non-PMed issue, nor is it "unhygienic".  If that's the dress regs, that's the dress regs.  Put on a pair of socks for meals and have done with it.  Unfortunately, every Mess/Base is different. 
NFLD Sapper said:
Question is was he kicked out for the JR drinking mess or the base EATING mess....

The title says, "dining mess".

Sounds like it may be an etiquette issue:
First off, I would suggest that brothers in Afghanistan have more priority than your socks.
Dress accordingly, and man up to what not the rules are but what is "considered acceptable".
I'm done.
I was going to avoid this whole crisis, but then I recalled the fashion regulations posted at the Base All-Ranks Feeding Facility (or BARFF) in Gagetown.
It specifically stated that socks had to be worn with sandals by males, but not for females.  ???

Mind you, in that fine grazing facility, my footwear tended to be combat boots...so if I did have a pedicure and painted toenails, it was wasted.
I've never understood the whole sock issue.  The unhygienic argument is a complete load of crap.  Why are some folks in the CF so uptight about this when no restaurant is?  I understand the dress regulation argument, but folks also need to consider time and place.  If can wear shorts in the mess, why can't you follow current fashion and not wear socks with your deck shoes and sandals?  What would the OP's duty person have done if the OP had been wearing ankle socks that couldn't be seen over the tops of his shoes?  Maybe he should try it just to see?

" You have to leave.  You have no socks."

"But I do have socks."  Remove shoe to show ankle sock.  "See?"

"You still have to leave because if I can't see it.  It isn't there.  Socks must not only be worn, they must be seen to be worn.  If you think I'm going to spend my duty here having people remove their shoes just so I can see if they're wearing socks, you've got another thing coming!"  :facepalm:
j_drews105 said:
I just got kicked out of the mess for having shoes without socks.

The rules state that bare feet, and bare feet with sandals are not allowed.

I don't see anywhere that says I must be wearning socks when wearing shoes. Is this a rule?
I mean really I could wear combat boots in there without socks and who would ever know, or care.

j_drews105 said:
Amongst the various other rules it said:
Bare feet, or bare feet with sandals is not allowed.

There was nothing else regarding footwear. I pointed this out to the duty staff who told me it was common CF rules that socks are required in all messes. I disagree with this, but I decided not to eat there and went to Subway.

I was trying to eat dinner in my normal shoes that I chose not to wear socks with. I wasn't trying to do this because it wasn't stated on the rules.

In fact I didn't even know what was stated on the rules but was pretty shocked when I was kicked out, so I read them. And as stated above, it doesn't say that you require socks. It does mention that you can't have bare feet with sandals though. I feel if they wanted to ensure you had socks with all forms of footwear this would have been stated.

You don't know the rules and the NCO is enforcing them. Get off your ass and read the Base Standing Orders/ Routine Orders.

Ignorance of the rules is no excuse either. States it in the QR&O Vol 2 as well.

Now it could be in the base rso's, which I will examine next week before I talk to the RSM since I gladly gave the duty guy my name.

From not knowing how to salute/ checking one's arms (re- paying compliments to Officers) and now this.....I believe you will be on the receiving end of the conversation.

I see a one way conversation coming....and not in your favour.
Stacked said:
Are you at the mega? You're one brave guy if you are...

You mean a Private getting ready to jack up the RSM ain't cool?  :nod: Tell him you're acting on the advice of your union rep.
I'm sure if you were wearing a mini-dress with stiletto heels there would not have been an issue.  :o  Give it a try next time and report back to us!