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All Things Socks (merged)

BinRat55 said:
The "sport sock under the grey wooley" was all I ever wore - comfortable as hell. But I found the black / green sock system stopped my blisters. Haven't had one since!!

And I am the opposite black/green = blisters
I wear my desert socks pretty much most of the year. In winter I wear desert socks with the new issue grey winter sock. Not the old scratchy wool sock, but the new grey sock that you get with the Green/black sock system. Wow too many socks!
Thanks for the responses folks. Always appreciated.

BinRat55 said:
Don't like our sock system?

I'm not a fan of wearing two pairs of socks. But yes, I don't mind the issued system. However, I bought my own socks because my local ASU doesn't have any issued socks in stock in my size. Actually, that's not fair. I just haven't received a new issue of said socks (and never got the grey winter ones) for over two years which means the ones I have are now totally worn out. I have not received any fresh pairs because whenever I go down they are always out. I've gone through a number of different sets of pairs (thorlos etc) and finally settled on the wigwam's (a rather expensive testing process, regrettebly).

I'll keep trying whenever I drop in on my ASU, but I've resorted to buying my own socks (and boots, and underwear etc) because I can't ever seem to get what I need. I don't really mind, my ASU is pretty low in priority compared to other bases and I'd rather the local 'Mo folks get the kit they need then me. Anyhoo, thanks for the answers folks.
These new socks are the best thing since sliced bread IMO. IM allergic to wool/synthetic grey ones so I would wear em and my legs would feel like they are on fire.

Now, if only I can find a toque that  isnt wool that we are authorized to wear.
FarmerD said:
These new socks are the best thing since sliced bread IMO. IM allergic to wool/synthetic grey ones so I would wear em and my legs would feel like they are on fire.

Now, if only I can find a toque that  isnt wool that we are authorized to wear.

If you were to present your medical chit to clothing stores, they would purchase a toque that you could wear - authorized and all.
BinRat55 said:
If you were to present your medical chit to clothing stores, they would purchase a toque that you could wear - authorized and all.

There's that darned log system again... trying to be helpful.  ;)

I'm too tall for the issue sleeping bag by at least a couple of inches. I finally (after a couple of decades) decided to see if I could do something about it and, assuming I'd get the runaround, called local clothing stores to see what they could do. The lady on the phone says "Hey, I've got a sleeping bag just your size right here. I'll put it under my desk. Drop in and pick it up and sign for it when you get a chance". A week later I'm now the proud owner of a Drop Zone bag that fits me perfectly. Now that's customer service...
Thats sweet. If every base had Supp Techs like that who cared about their customers, the CF would be a much better place!
FarmerD said:
Thats sweet. If every base had Supp Techs like that who cared about their customers, the CF would be a much better place!

PM inbound...
I did a search for "socks" but all I got were equipment and rucksack packing threads.

I was wondering if you guys could share which socks you wear at which times. On course I'm always wearing regular black socks with wool socks over them to make the boot snugger for less chance of blisters. I'll add my waterproof socks if its wet. This goes for year round. Around the unit on Tuesdays I'll tend to skip the wool socks and just wear the black socks but I've gotten a blister from time to time because the boot is looser.

What do you guys do as a general rule of thumb?
Save the wool socks(assuming they aren't the CTS ones) for inspections an get that CF sock system - black liners, green outer socks an wool winter outer socks.

When its warm out I usually just wear the socks we got issued for Afghanistan but if I'm gonna be doin ruck marches, etc I go for the black an green socks. When its cooler/cold I wear the black liners with either the green or wool socks.

Thats what works for me though, not everyone's feet/comfort is the same. Try a few things out an see what works best for you.
Icebreaker Merino wool socks. Mostly the Hiker Lite/Medium Cushion.
They're expensive but well worth it.
99% of the time, I only ever wear the issued black CTS socks.

I find the black/green combo too hot.  Moisture is the enemy and I'm generally more comfortable with one thin, cool, sweat wicking layer.  I think it's because my feet are drier that I rarely have blisters.

On Winter Ex, I'll bring a couple pairs of green socks just in case. It's not often I'll wear them though.  They're more for my piece of mind.  Just knowing that they're there if I need them is good for my morale.
If they made the black/green sock combo in my size, I'd probably like them, but as it is, they are about 2-3 sizes too big so the heel ends up about halfway up the back of my leg.

I just did a BFT a week ago and as I usually have a problem with blisters.  I wore three pairs of socks.  The black nylon ones next to skin (turned inside out so that the seam doesn't cause a blister), then cotton tube socks, then a pair of very snug wool socks.  Sounds weird, but it worked.  I was worried about one of the inside ones sliding down but they didn't.  I had the tops of the black pair and the cotton pair folded over the top of the wool one.

I wish the military would make tube socks instead of socks with heels.  :-\
I tried the black/green combo for a few weeks last year when I first got them.  Liked it at first but then found them uncomfortable as my feet would get too warm and start slipping a bit.  Sticking with what I've worn for my whole career: simple white sport sock (not too thick) and basic issued gray wool socks.
airmich said:
Sticking with what I've worn for my whole career: simple white sport sock (not too thick) and basic issued gray wool socks.

I do that for everyday wear, but I don't for rucksack marches as I understand cotton may cause blisters, hence the nylon sock inside.
The only socks that I wear are the grey woollies, unless I am wearing dress shoes whereupon I wear the black nylon ones over top. I've been doing that for almost thirty-seven years.

I do not walk long distances as much as I used to, but I still do the BFT annually, without blister problems. I use Sole Footbeds (CP Gear, Canex, or Mark's Work Wearhouse) and Magnum Stealth boots (this year) and Mark IIIs previously. Make sure that they fit properly.
I will leave you with only one word about the best socks I have ever worn in my boots:

Sorry I saw the words socks, configuration, and "general" in the same thread and thought.......well let's just not go there. ::)
Before I joined the Mo and carried on to my current status I was an avid outdoorsman (I think age is curing that).  I always wore a white cotton sock under a thick wool socvk.  And still do.  I have tried all of the variety of synthetics but they don't seem to work for me...they may wick but they cause me to sweat like a river.  So its cotton, wool and in the odd case I end up in the field and its raining that bad I still use the gore tex socks over that.  I have only had a few BFT type blisters over the years and in those few cases I just suck it up.  I have never been immobilized by part of my foot sloughing off.
I do my best to always wear a pair on my feet when ever I'm going to work