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All things LASIK surgery (aircrew/other -- merged)

The only person who can give you the difinitive answer is the recruiting medical officer which means your best bet is to go do the medical and see what thr RMO says.
PuckChaser said:
Gentlemen, this area of the forums is for recruiters only to answer questions. That way, only official responses are here and they will not mislead potential applicants. Those official recruiters will have their rank in their forum name, and a special badge. You probably didn't see the giant orange banner at the top and bottom.

My bad, didn't see the banner. I just saw bad info being passed and jumped on it.
DAA said:
You will never know whether or not you are medically fit for the Pilot occupation, until you apply and have been properly assessed by the recruiting medical staff.  Anything less, is mere speculation.

Considering the source of the above advice is DAA, and another thread about vision standards for Pilots has been started elsewhere today, his advice is probably worth repeating.

Standard practice is to remove all non-DS/non-Recruiter posts in this forum. I am leaving these, however, and will move or merge this thread when I have a little more time.

wolfforlunch said:
should I stop the application process and not waste the CAF's time along with my own?

Apply. You'll never know until you go through the process. This is not a waste of time. It's a necessary step. Is trying a waste of time? Selection itself is no guarantee of success. There are many opportunities to fail throughout the Pilot training programme.

If you want your Wings, you have to take that first step, and then you have to want your Wings enough to do the work necessary to earn them.
Loachman said:
I am leaving these, however, and will move or merge this thread when I have a little more time.

In addition to the above six pages, and the one started today in Ask a CAF Recruiter, there are plenty more Pilot vision threads,

Vision Requirements for PILOT 

is there any way to be a pilot with imperfect vision?

Have the exact vision requirements for pilot changed?

Need an advice on eye laser surgery 
"My eye sight does not meet the requirements for the pilot so I am considering to have LASIK."

Becoming a Pilot 
"Lets just say I don't have 20/20 vision. But, I get laser surgery so that I do have 20/20. Am I eligable to be a CF pilot?"

etc...  :)
And all but the last link have now been merged into this thread.

Thanks, mariomike.
Hi all,

I'm looking to join the Infantry, and had LASIK done just under 6 months ago. I cannot seem to find any information on the recruiting websites, and though I have read a number of the threads on here - I have not been able to find quite the answer I'm looking for.

Could anyone tell me the acceptable time between LASIK and joining? Would it be acceptable to apply now?


Willyboyrun said:
Could anyone tell me the acceptable time between LASIK and joining?

For reference, perhaps,

LASIK Eye Surgery and Infantry

will be merged with,

Laser eye surgery 
14 pages.

See also,


As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.

Willyboyrun said:
I'm looking to join the Infantry, and had LASIK done just under 6 months ago. I cannot seem to find any information on the recruiting websites, and though I have read a number of the threads on here - I have not been able to find quite the answer I'm looking for.
Could anyone tell me the acceptable time between LASIK and joining? Would it be acceptable to apply now?

As a general rule of thumb, the CF will not approve your medical profile until after 6 months from the date you had the surgery.  They will also request additional information about your LASIK surgery during the medical portion of your application process.

If you are coming up on the 6 month mark post surgery with no complications, it would be safe for you to apply now.
Actually I was at the recruitment center a few weeks ago (And forgot my ID like a genius) and asked a similar question. The times are as such:
3 months for non-aircrew trades
6 months for aircrew trades

Recommend Procedures for Aircrew (Not Pilots) and other trades:
WFG or conventional PRK
WFG or conventional LASEK or Epi-LASIK
WFG or conventional LASIK (either with mechanical or femtosecond

Recommend Procedures for Pilots:
WFG LASIK with femtosecond keratome

Non-approved Procedures for Aircrew(Not Pilots) and other trades:
Any other corneal reshaping procedures

Non-approved Procedures for Pilots:
Any other corneal reshaping procedures
Conventional (non WFG) refractive surgery

(Source: Med Tech Sgt)
On the force.ca website, for pilots, they say that laser eye surgery is accepted, except Radial Keratotomy or corneal reshaping procedures.

Corneal reshaping, isnt this what Lasik and all laser eye surgeries does??

Hey guys,

I just had a question. Thankfully the career counselor wants to give me the position I am very excited and happy, she said as long as I can verify my workplaces so im hunting down the t4,s also my medical.  I am just waiting on something. I just had some questions about the medical. So I did the medical, all tests are fine, no anxiety, no depressed, no allergies, no adhd no meds no injuries. I did have prk correction in my eyes. Also I was just wondering I was a bit nervous I think I had some salt for lunch a burger and fries, and I didn't sleep all night because I was preparing for my interview. But I have some questions for someone out there hoping they can help.*0) also is it ok to have an appendix removed? I told her that and asked if it was ok she said yes why wouldn't it be  1) she said my blood pressure was a bit high on the exam, but she didn't give me a sheet to fill from my doctor, is that good then? Also on my reserve fitness test it was fine, but I switched to full force so I just have the paper still. 2) for the prk surgery I was just wondering I have a  sheet here it says when did you get it about 4 months ago now, she said 3 after you can join, heres what it says: Request for medical information (refractive surgery) type of surgery, prk, date of surgery. some eye data. Yes/ no questions include : glare sensitivity, photophobia, nigh vision difficulty, diumal variation of vision, dry eyes I think I have a bit need the drops at least 2 times a day right now but it will wear off, and corneal haze. Also Current medication: no, any restrictions, no, is any follow up required, yes, once in a month, once in 3 months, 6 months and a year, so yes, can the follow up be done my a optometrist: I think yes because they just make me do the eye exam again. Date of final post operation check. Does anyone know more about this stuff, moreso the post prk. THANKS!!!  :cdn: :salute: :warstory:
The questions on that sheet are for your doctor to answer, not you.  You were given it because the medical people need more information on your condition than they currently have, and they can't proceed until they have it. Get it done and handed in pdq, and wait.  That's the only answer you're likely to get here, none of us work in your CFRC med section, and even if we did it's likely you wouldn't get a reply in an unofficial forum.  Good luck, I hope it all works out for you.
airforce2714 said:
*0) also is it ok to have an appendix removed?

Question about Medical (previous surgery)
OP: "I had surgery to remove my appendix when I was 7 years old (13 years ago)."

airforce2714 said:
1) she said my blood pressure was a bit high on the exam, but she didn't give me a sheet to fill from my doctor, is that good then?

The Blood Pressure Superthread 
7 pages.

airforce2714 said:
2)Does anyone know more about this stuff, moreso the post prk.

All things LASIK surgery (aircrew/other -- merged) 
22 pages.

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.

Hey Airforce2714 thought I would chime in, ive had corrective laser surgery done prior to enrollment. I had to wait 6 months after the surgery to get cleared by medical staff. Other than that all was good I suppose you have medical form because you picked an occupation who need further medical testing. What are the trade you applied for ?
Currently in the application process for Pilot trade. Done my CFAT and waiting on the interview/medical. Seems to be a minimum delay of 6 months after eye surgery from the information previously stated. As i went for an enhancement surgery (LASIK) 3 months prior to application to be sure to be V1, do i need to tell them right away as it will just be a waste of time for me and the medical staff at the recruiting center or is this 6 month delay only important for the phase II medical in Toronto after the ACS? Thanks a bunch.
Disclose it at the medical, it's private medical information.

I'm currently awaiting my CFAT for my ROTP application (I realize I've probably missed selection for this year). I've applied for pilot. Noting that there is a 6 month wait time between LASIK and application, I was thinking of getting it done right after enrollment, well before BMOQ. Is this kosher?

SFHL said:

I'm currently awaiting my CFAT for my ROTP application (I realize I've probably missed selection for this year). I've applied for pilot. Noting that there is a 6 month wait time between LASIK and application, I was thinking of getting it done right after enrollment, well before BMOQ. Is this kosher?


If your waiting a year for pilot anyway , get it now , you've only got a few months between enrolment and bmoq I think..