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All things LASIK surgery (aircrew/other -- merged)

I'm currently applying to the reserves from the CFRC based in Montreal.
I've enquired about their LASIK stance and I've been told that whenever the ophtalmologist signs that you're ok to go, they'll take you.
They've said this usually takes between 1-3 months with most ophtalmologists waiting the whole 3 months to cover their behinds.
I dunno how much of this applies to you, but it's what I've been told.
WT said:
I'm currently applying to the reserves from the CFRC based in Montreal.
I've enquired about their LASIK stance and I've been told that whenever the ophtalmologist signs that you're ok to go, they'll take you.
They've said this usually takes between 1-3 months with most ophtalmologists waiting the whole 3 months to cover their behinds.
I dunno how much of this applies to you, but it's what I've been told.

I waited 3 months to the day after my laser eye correction to do my medical.
I don't think thats too relevent to me, since you have a different situation. Anyways, don't matter as I called the LASIK place an I can't get my eyes done for like 6-8 weeks.
The reason I ask this is because when I had my eye examination the doctor read the specifications page from the cf air medical requirements.  His exact words were " I can't see any reason why not"

Today the local recruiter calls me and informs me that it is very borderline and he is not sure whether it will pass.  Is there a definite line or not?  My optometrist couldn't see any reason to not meet the requirements so how can the local medic think otherwise?  Am I missing something here?  He has sent my file in as is anyway, just curious as to why the deviation away from what I have already been informed by a professional.
First, It is great to see ( no pun intended) that things are progressing for you.

So you have done the medical, interview, CFAT and PT test, and now they are recommending you for aircrew?

I am under the impression that there is a standard and that you are in or you are out, it doesn't matter if you are close. Best thing is to ask the status of your file.

Good luck.
my original cfat was high enough.  I have had the interview, the extra blood work for aircrew.  Just waiting for my file to be cleared medically again and then hopefully an aircrew date shortly. 
The CF Medical system will decide whether you meet the vision requirements to be a pilot not your civilian optometrist.
yes I understand that part.  I was referring to whether the standard had changed or not.  If I pass according to the specs laid out by the cf as ready by my doctor I would think that would be a pretty good indication.  Thanks for your help though.
No the standards have not changed and the assessment of whether or not you meet the vision standards to be a pilot is lot more complex than a civilian optometrist looking at the specifications and saying "I can't see any reason why not".
I printed the cf aircrew medical eye examination specifications and brought it to him.  So he can't read the guidelines and tell if I am more than likely going to fit in them??? Not trying to sound like a pest here but why wouldn't he be able to read the guidelines and give me an idea?  I know the final say is with the recruiting people. 
Yes he can certainly do that, give you an idea. ( I know the final say is with the recruiting people) so what is the point of your first post?
in my original post I asked if they had changed the requirements lately.  If they had changed the requirements, I could understand the medic contradicting what the doctor had told me.  If they haven't changed the requirements then I will assume that the eye doctor knew what he was talking about.
The standards have been pretty much the same for quite some time as far as I know.

20/20 vision uncorrected.  One eye can be as bad as 20/30, and your color vision has to be near perfect as well.  As for the +/- refraction numbers, I believe they cannot be any worse than - 0.25, or + 2.50 or so.
double0three said:
The standards have been pretty much the same for quite some time as far as I know.

20/20 vision uncorrected.  One eye can be as bad as 20/30, and your color vision has to be near perfect as well.  As for the +/- refraction numbers, I believe they cannot be any worse than - 0.25, or + 2.50 or so.



Rather complex ophthamalogical requirements to be met, past just the refraction standards.
Will, I just got lasik (2 days ago) and am 20/20 in each eye and 20/15 with both. But the thing is, I submitted my medical papers back in february, with horrid vision and am wondering wether I wait for them to call me to tell them, or go to the CFRC and tell them my current eye medical is out of date and can I retake the vision test? I'm going for armoured recce. I did it so hastly for a few reasons one, I had the money now, and wanted to get lasik instead of letting the temptation for a new motorcycle suck the money out of my pocket. 2: so that my eyes would be healed by fall, which is when I would go to BMQ if I am accepted. So do I call them and tell them, or wait for them to call me?
Go to the CFRC, update your file.  Find out what affect it will have on processing time, if any.

The way it is worded, you should be on a "medical category" (don't know if the same terminology applies to those applying) for a maximum of 6 months or (paraphrasing here, can't remember the exact wording) until the vision category stabilizes. When you do your follow up appointments, get your Doc to put it in writing when they are finished healing and stabilizing. I know you are seeing awesome in both right now, but it can take upwards of 6 months to really figure out what they are going to be. Keep those eye-drops going.

It took mine almost 3 months and almost screwed myself out of a good go down to Camp Ripley. But, I would let the CFRC know right away, with a change in vision category, a whole bunch more trades might now be open.

Kinda scary when they tried to suck your eyeball out of your head while cutting the flap straight, eh? That really sucked for me, at any rate. Got lasik 4 years ago now, still better than 20/20 in both eyes  :D.
I had Wavefront PRK,a little  newer then lasik.  I had to go to the recruitment centre pick up a form that my surgeon had to fill out and then the re-submitted it and sent it back to borden.  I would guess you could do somthing similar.
Hello, I was recently informed that the CF is changing the visual requirements for pilots (as in they will allow lasik correction).
Has anyone else heard of this, or know where I can find information about this on the web?  I've tried searching and cannot find anything.
My next guess would be to call a recruiting office if I can't find the information here.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.
I have been in Recruiting for three years, and have heard the vision standard for Pilot is going to change.  So far it has not.  Believe me, as soon as something like that does change we will find out quickly and ensure the word gets out.