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All Things CAF and Covid/ Covid Vaccine [merged]

What I was hoping would happen as a result of COVID was people would start taking more personal accountability for their own health.

Eating Better Food
Physical Activity & More Sports
Weight Loss
Quitting Smoking
Less Consumption of Alcohol

The exact opposite has happened. People became less healthy šŸ¤£.
What I was hoping would happen as a result of COVID was people would start taking more personal accountability for their own health.

Eating Better Food
Physical Activity & More Sports
Weight Loss
Quitting Smoking
Less Consumption of Alcohol

The exact opposite has happened. People became less healthy šŸ¤£.
Sorry, but what exactly is the relevance of that to the situation faced by my wifeā€™s friend? I was talking about someone who has struggled with long COVID and s cere cognitive impairment. Iā€™m not sure if you maybe quoted the wrong reply?

I mean, yeah, sheā€™s definitely now ā€˜less healthyā€™ for her experience. Iā€™m not sure you and I agree on how hilarious that is.
Sorry, but what exactly is the relevance of that to the situation faced by my wifeā€™s friend? I was talking about someone who has struggled with long COVID and s cere cognitive impairment. Iā€™m not sure if you maybe quoted the wrong reply?

I mean, yeah, sheā€™s definitely now ā€˜less healthyā€™ for her experience. Iā€™m not sure you and I agree on how hilarious that is.
Yes I misquoted you by accident, my apologies.
Interesting that there are two camps:

1. The respiratory virus, C19, caused increased cases of cardiac arrest; or
2. MRNA jabs caused increased cases of cardiac arrest.

Which one is catastrophic to governments, mandates, pharma companies?
I just can't believe people blindly trust the Government so much. I have ZERO trust in our Government.
I had the same; had to basically stop doing anything for about two months and hard to do a Masters when you can't focus or do basic math; the fatigue and mental fog was brutal. Walking up the stairs was an issue, and would need to sit down for a break to catch my breath. Just really lucky everyone was supportive.

I went to sick parade and they wanted to do some dimentia testing. Fortunately eventually found a doctor with a bit of common sense who kiboshed that and gave some puffers to help with the massive shortness of breath from basic exertion, and then just monitored that things were slowly getting better. I was a bit of a vegetable though until I got the first vaccine though, and then it started to improve.

Still can't make it through a FORCE test due to exercise related breathing restrictions, and still a bit mentally fuzzy at times, but back to about 60% when I was down to below 10% at it's worst. Really sucks though, as there is no real diagnoses, and having a hard time getting the ongoing symptoms treated.

Great that it hasn't been a big deal for some, for others it was life changing, even though we didn't have a 'severe' case requiring hospitalization.
Just wanna say I'm saddened to hear that and I hope you fully recover in time!
I could understand it if there weren't such a recent and rich history of deceit... But even still, skepticism of those in power is necessary.
There is a class/sector of society who benefitted significantly from the COVID mandates & policies. Namely Govt Politicans/Senior Elected Officials, Civil Servants & Bay Street. This is by design as you need a group to champion your mandate.

They also got to trial a bunch of new tools of control and surveillance which have now radically changed the game.

The current Govt is if nothing else, calculated. They know who butters their bread.
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Now if only the sympathy and sense of emergency for COVID sufferers could be transposed to the people dying of other causes because the health care system is inadequately funded.
I had an undiagnosed condition about 9 years ago involving my sympathetic nervous system that took 2 1/2 years to diagnose and then treat.

I was physically active and looked completely healthy but would go through bouts of crippling chronic pain in my hips, lower back and mid-section.

The Military Medical System told me at one point that it was "all in my head" and did a bunch of other dumb things like prescribe me mountains of antibiotics because "maybe I had an infection!?". It was only after getting a referral (because I demanded one) to an actual specialist doctor outside te CAFs dogcrap system that I got some proper care.

Modifications to diet, abstaining from alcohol, physical activity and proper sleep was the medicine. I was also prescribed Alpha Blockers for 5 months which along with the above basically cured me.

I can drink again now (I didn't touch alcohol for a year) but I moderate my consumption now.
Oh yes, the vaccine that was there from the first day of Covid.

Some people are just destined to be sick more than others, mother nature is in control. People need to take care of themselves, physically and mentally. Do everything you can to prevent severe outcomes through a good lifestyle, everything else is just up to chance.
Some people are just destined to be sick more than others, mother nature is in control. People need to take care of themselves, physically and mentally. Do everything you can to prevent severe outcomes through a good lifestyle, everything else is just up to chance.
Chances can be increased and decreased even with the things you listed. Pretty sure if you abstain from sex you will never get a VD. Pretty sure that you will increase that chance the moment you start doing that.
VD / STD are not generally used anymore, the proper term is STI, as most can be treated via antibiotics. (Disease ve Infection)
Chances can be increased and decreased even with the things you listed. Pretty sure if you abstain from sex you will never get a VD. Pretty sure that you will increase that chance the moment you start doing that.
Yeast Infections would like a word with you.

Or all those HIV positive people that got it from tainted Govt Issued blood
What I was hoping would happen as a result of COVID was people would start taking more personal accountability for their own health.

Eating Better Food
Physical Activity & More Sports
Weight Loss
Quitting Smoking
Less Consumption of Alcohol

The exact opposite has happened. People became less healthy šŸ¤£.
What? How dare you!!! We are entitled to health care and if I want to eat/drink/smoke myself to death then the public has to take care of me. (Sarcasm intended)

I wrote a letter to the paper when all the pro vaxxers said "if you don't take the vax you should be denied health care". My response was "who do we start? With the morbidly obese? Smokers? Drinkers? Suntanners"