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All Things CAF and Covid/ Covid Vaccine [merged]

When I say “agenda” what I mean is political opportunism by power hungry people like JT and his circle who use the pandemic to push their “agenda” (new gun laws, attacks on energy industry, censorship) and the pandemic is a convenient distraction to all his corruption and scandals. I suggest they (JT and company) push forward measures that best achieve the “agenda” and not necessarily the best measures for the overall well-being of Canadian society. I suggest they ignore the science that doesn’t support the “agenda” (see also censorship/discredit of opposed scientists). JT, IMO, is the most despicable and untrustworthy public figure of our time and I feel it would be completely within his modus operandi to do this, and there are enough senior bureaucrats that will happily move things along the way he wants it.
You're just perceiving things differently.
I don’t want to leave questions unanswered, but a pause to bring down the temp a bit.

When I say “agenda” what I mean is political opportunism by power hungry people like JT and his circle who use the pandemic to push their “agenda” (new gun laws, attacks on energy industry, censorship) and the pandemic is a convenient distraction to all his corruption and scandals. I suggest they (JT and company) push forward measures that best achieve the “agenda” and not necessarily the best measures for the overall well-being of Canadian society. I suggest they ignore the science that doesn’t support the “agenda” (see also censorship/discredit of opposed scientists). JT, IMO, is the most despicable and untrustworthy public figure of our time and I feel it would be completely within his modus operandi to do this, and there are enough senior bureaucrats that will happily move things along the way he wants it.
Can’t disagree at all with this.
Because we already have pages of threads with the exact same discussions going on. The OP has bowed out.

Yes! ;)

Judge Judy GIF
Didn’t mean to intimidate you.

So any actual answers to those questions? Just trying to see how your new fondness with government decisions that you like, matches up with your belief system.

It’s pretty fascinating to be honest.

Is it so difficult to understand? I don't find it so.

Some governments I like. Some governments I dislike. I vote for governments I like. I applaud them when they win. I tolerate the governments I dislike. Surely that is the basis of a popularly elected government?
Is it so difficult to understand? I don't find it so.

Some governments I like. Some governments I dislike. I vote for governments I like. I applaud them when they win. I tolerate the governments I dislike. Surely that is the basis of a popularly elected government?
That is fine. But when we talk about the pandemic being a conspiracy of some type and a means to gain some sort of power that won’t be relinquished and some pan nation plan to help Trudeau or whoever deflect from whatever then you start getting into the realm of crazy talk.
That is fine. But when we talk about the pandemic being a conspiracy of some type and a means to gain some sort of power that won’t be relinquished and some pan nation plan to help Trudeau or whoever deflect from whatever then you start getting into the realm of crazy talk.

And we're at liberty to ignore the stuff we choose to ignore.
And we're at liberty to ignore the stuff we choose to ignore.
Or we're at liberty to rightfully judge the people who spout such nonsense, and take not only their views on COVID with a giant grain of salt, but pretty much everything else they say too, given that they clearly lack critical thinking skills.
“It’s a tight window: two days to get tested and another two to get the drug,” he says. “If you are sitting at home and think covid is a hoax, will you get tested quick enough? Because by the time you’re in the hospital, your disease is being driven by the body’s inflammation response and by then the antivirals don’t have a big role.”

In a statement, the World Health Organization said it believes “prevention is better than cure” and that “these drugs will not be alternatives to vaccines.” The organization, based in Geneva, has yet to make a formal recommendation in favor of Paxlovid and says it wants to track whether side effects emerge.


Pass the popcorn.
Discussed in this thread already:

New DM/CDS Directive Released: Operating and Reconstituting in a Persistent COVID-19 Environment:

That is fine. But when we talk about the pandemic being a conspiracy of some type and a means to gain some sort of power that won’t be relinquished and some pan nation plan to help Trudeau or whoever deflect from whatever then you start getting into the realm of crazy talk.
If you don't think that governments and various organizations won't take advantage of a crisis, you have been snoozing behind the wheel. Authoritarianism rarely comes straight in your face, they chip away at your freedoms little by little. It's not one big conspiracy plan, it's a whole lot of little ones sometimes at odds with each other, most fail thanks to human nature, but the trend on civil liberties is shifting away from freedoms currently.

It's been a while since this issue popped up here. Following preliminary injunctions against the US Navy issued by a federal judge in Texas and upheld by the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals (Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi) the Supreme Court partially weighed in.

Supreme Court gives Biden win for now in Navy vaccine case​

The Supreme Court is giving the Navy a freer hand determining what job assignments it gives to 35 sailors who sued after refusing on religious grounds to comply with an order to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

The high court in a brief order Friday sided with the Biden administration and said that while the lawsuit plays out, the Navy may consider the sailors’ vaccination status in making deployment, assignment and other operational decisions. The group that sued includes mostly Navy SEALs.

Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote that there was a “simple overarching reason” that he agreed with the court’s decision. The Constitution makes the president, “not any federal judge,” the commander in chief of the armed forces, he wrote, noting that courts have been traditionally “reluctant to intrude upon the authority of the Executive in military and national security affairs.”

Three conservative justices — Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch — noted that they disagreed with their colleagues’ decision and would have sided with the group of SEALs.

Alito wrote that his colleagues were “rubberstamping the Government’s request.” “These individuals appear to have been treated shabbily by the Navy, and the Court brushes all that aside,” Alito wrote.

A federal judge in Texas in January issued a preliminary injunction barring the Navy from acting against the sailors. The Biden administration said it was not asking the Supreme Court to block parts of the lower court order barring the sailors from being disciplined or discharged but only the requirement that their assignments be made without considering their vaccination status. That requirement posed “intolerable risks to safety and mission success,” the administration had argued.

“Navy personnel routinely operate for extended periods of time in confined spaces that are ripe breeding grounds for respiratory illnesses, where mitigation measures such as distancing are impractical or impossible. A SEAL who falls ill not only cannot complete his or her own mission, but risks infecting others as well, particularly in close quarters, including on submarines,” Biden administration lawyers wrote.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin last year made vaccinations mandatory for service members. Navy guidelines allow for exemptions to the vaccine requirement on religious and other grounds, including medical reasons and if a servicemember is about to leave the Navy. The Biden administration says the Navy has received more than 4,000 requests for religious exemptions, but it said that as of the start of February only about 80 had been fully adjudicated. It said one religious exemption had been granted.

Lawyers for the group of sailors that sued had argued that the Navy had granted hundreds of non-religious exemptions. They said that in asking the high court to allow vaccine status to be considered, the Navy was seeking “license to engage in hostile tactics designed to coerce plaintiffs into disregarding their religious beliefs.”

Lower courts had denied the Biden administration’s plea to be allowed to consider vaccination status. That includes a federal judge in Texas, Reed O’Connor, who was nominated by former President George W. Bush, and a three-judge panel of the 5th U.S Circuit Court of Appeals. Two of those judges were appointees of former President Donald Trump while the third was appointed by former President Ronald Reagan.
That is fine. But when we talk about the pandemic being a conspiracy of some type and a means to gain some sort of power that won’t be relinquished and some pan nation plan to help Trudeau or whoever deflect from whatever then you start getting into the realm of crazy talk.
The pandemic was an "event" which the governments have been using to their advantage, the thing about all governments is that they will always trend to more authoritarianism. Elections are organized revolutions to prevent actual revolutions. If people see the elections work, then they accept the result, but when a number of people feel disenfranchised, then real revolts happen. So yes this government used the pandemic to push control on the people, because that is the nature of governments. the only argument is how much and how successful they were/are.
The pandemic was an "event" which the governments have been using to their advantage, the thing about all governments is that they will always trend to more authoritarianism. Elections are organized revolutions to prevent actual revolutions. If people see the elections work, then they accept the result, but when a number of people feel disenfranchised, then real revolts happen. So yes this government used the pandemic to push control on the people, because that is the nature of governments. the only argument is how much and how successful they were/are.
Having worked in the government for almost 20 years now, with some time working with OGDs, I find it really hard to believe the GoC is organized enough to deliberately take advantage of the pandemic to do some Machivelian stuff behind closed doors. The people that think they are Maciveli are usually transparent assholes who are far less clever then they think, and get impeded from doing anything real by the decentralized, committee type nature of any big decision.

The fact that we got vaccines, the vaccines got distributed etc is a testament to the dedication of individuals working within the system. The various pandemic restrictions are slowly starting to get walked back.

Does anyone have real, concrete examples of lasting changes that will linger after the pandemic, where the GoC brought in new controls during the pandemic? It takes a long time to do things like even draft legislation, let alone get it passed and implemented, so the items that went through in the last year or so have been underway for years before the pandemic started.
Well, wait and see whether anyone proposes that we keep wearing masks anywhere, such as public transit. That would be a lingering change.