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All Things CAF and Covid/ Covid Vaccine [merged]

Well, we'll all have to agree to disagree then. Some see sheep, others see wolves. Some see compliance, others see manipulation. A simple read here proves a difference in opinion won't be tolerated. I have questions, opinions and more questions, but because they don't fall within your parameters, I wear tinfoil. Copiously supplied by people here.
I'm not an anti vaxxer. I was likely jabbed before most of you were. I'm anti lockdown, anti mandate, anti vaxx passport. All of which suppress natural immunity forcing people to depend on rushed drugs, not properly tested and $35 billion dollar quarters for the people that brought us the opiod crisis for profit. They killed millions through OD's. They ruined lives, employment, relationships and families for profit. They got caught, convicted and fined for their greedy malfeasance and more cases are still being litigated. Drug companies aren't in the game for humanity, they are there to increase their shareholder's bank accounts, period, bottom line. If somebody doesn't believe there are politicians and medical people out there in high positions, that haven't been given $consideration$ by the drug companies for their co-operation in driving the vaxx narrative, I've got a bridge located on some swamp land I'd like to speak to you about. Go look up thalidomide and then tell me if you don't have concerns about a rushed, untested, experimental drug being pumped into 90% of the population when one of the first things the drug companies sought, and received, was immunity from prosecution when shit goes sideways. The same companies that want their development, test and user trial data sequestered for the next 50 years. Keep sending that tinfoil boys.
Have you had to show a vacc certificate to buy groceries??
I don't live in NB.
For most people to ‘get’ to a grocery store, yes.
Immaterial. You don't need a passport to operate a mode of transportation.... Yet.
Saw this regarding that,

So people who get their ‘facts’ off of Facebook are subject to misinformation? gasp I’m shocked! Where can people possibly get unbiased information if not from their lunatic Facebook friends?
So people who get their ‘facts’ off of Facebook are subject to misinformation? gasp I’m shocked! Where can people possibly get unbiased information if not from their lunatic Facebook friends?
New Brunswick, the provincial government gave permission for grocery stores to deny entry to those without a passport. So this isn't really one of your Let Me Google That for You toss away links to impinge on someone's credibility. Has anyone been denied? IDK, but the simple fact some politician mandated this is despicable, no matter what link you google up.

"Malls, grocery stores, salons must enforce physical distancing or may instead require proof of vaccination from all patrons."

As reported by your entrusted state media outlet https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-...wick-winter-plan-christmas-shephard-1.6272151, not from Meta.
New Brunswick, the provincial government gave permission for grocery stores to deny entry to those without a passport. So this isn't really one of your Let Me Google That for You toss away links to impinge on someone's credibility. Has anyone been denied? IDK, but the simple fact some politician mandated this is despicable, no matter what link you google up.

"Malls, grocery stores, salons must enforce physical distancing or may instead require proof of vaccination from all patrons."

As reported by your entrusted state media outlet https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-...wick-winter-plan-christmas-shephard-1.6272151, not from Meta.
Key word is may not must. The large chains have already said they won’t do that. It’s only where physical distancing isn’t possible. Although I doubt that that will be an issue for most places.

Relax. No one is going to starve over the winter.
Do you need to show your driver's licence to by groceries? This is nothing but a strawman excuse.
No you don’t. But you don’t need proof of vaccination buy groceries either. In some places it may be required to enter a grocery store, but there are other accommodation options for groceries including home delivery and curbside pickup. No different from restaurants, really.
No one is going to starve over the winter.

If an anti-vaxxer ever starved, or was denied emergency medical service, I believe the lawsuit would be huge.

On the other hand, it may hit them in the wallet with increased rates for health insurance.

Or, family death benefits.

New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority no longer pays a $500,000 death benefit to the families of subway, bus and commuter rail workers who die of covid if the workers were unvaccinated at the time of death.
New Brunswick, the provincial government gave permission for grocery stores to deny entry to those without a passport. So this isn't really one of your Let Me Google That for You toss away links to impinge on someone's credibility. Has anyone been denied? IDK, but the simple fact some politician mandated this is despicable, no matter what link you google up.

"Malls, grocery stores, salons must enforce physical distancing or may instead require proof of vaccination from all patrons."

As reported by your entrusted state media outlet https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-...wick-winter-plan-christmas-shephard-1.6272151, not from Meta.

And while I usually don't have many great issues with "entrusted state media", in this instance, whomever wrote the article is incorrect regarding that one detail (or at least that one detail since it was the only one I checked).

From the New Brunswick Government webpage that detailed the temporary measures in response to arrival of Omicron variant.

Business / Retail​

Level 1​

Open with physical distancing of two metres. Business / retail that do not sell groceries can require proof of full vaccination for patrons 12 and older.

All condensed on a handy little chart https://www2.gnb.ca/content/dam/gnb/Corporate/Promo/COVID19/alertlvls/docs/Alert-Level-Guidance.pdf
Immaterial. You don't need a passport to operate a mode of transportation.... Yet.
No. Both are permits. One to operate a transportation device, another to comduct an activity like using a public transportation means or attend a public location that has restrictions on space and ability to wear appropriate face coverings (like when eating/drinking).

Waiting for you or others to point out where a vaccine passport is required to shop in a grocery store…
And while I usually don't have many great issues with "entrusted state media", in this instance, whomever wrote the article is incorrect regarding that one detail (or at least that one detail since it was the only one I checked).

From the New Brunswick Government webpage that detailed the temporary measures in response to arrival of Omicron variant.

All condensed on a handy little chart https://www2.gnb.ca/content/dam/gnb/Corporate/Promo/COVID19/alertlvls/docs/Alert-Level-Guidance.pdf
Thanks for that. So, if our state mandated media is passing false info. I guess citing any media sources as substantiating anything, is suspect. I purposely chose the CBC because of their leftist elite stance and because certain individuals refuse to believe any sources I post. Who knew that the CBC was given to false reporting:rolleyes: I will refrain from using that passport point pending some more investigating. Cheers B.
I'm not an anti vaxxer. I was likely jabbed before most of you were. I'm anti lockdown, anti mandate, anti vaxx passport.[1] All of which suppress natural immunity forcing people to depend on rushed drugs, not properly tested[2] and $35 billion dollar quarters for the people that brought us the opiod crisis for profit. They killed millions through OD's. They ruined lives, employment, relationships and families for profit. They got caught, convicted and fined for their greedy malfeasance and more cases are still being litigated. Drug companies aren't in the game for humanity, they are there to increase their shareholder's bank accounts, period, bottom line.[3] If somebody doesn't believe there are politicians and medical people out there in high positions, that haven't been given $consideration$ by the drug companies for their co-operation in driving the vaxx narrative, I've got a bridge located on some swamp land I'd like to speak to you about. Go look up thalidomide and then tell me if you don't have concerns about a rushed, untested, experimental drug being pumped into 90% of the population when one of the first things the drug companies sought, and received, was immunity from prosecution when shit goes sideways. The same companies that want their development, test and user trial data sequestered[4] for the next 50 years. Keep sending that tinfoil boys.

[1] - So, you're not anti-vaxx but keep posting questionable info about the efficacy of the vaccines and other unproven COVID treatments. Okay.

[2] - The development of the COVID vaccines have been covered here numerous times. I'm not even going to bother with that one.

[3] - So, you're anti-pharma then. Hope you don't rely on any medications in your day-to-day-life.

[4] - It's not the companies that want all that info sequestered, it's the FDA who said that's how much time they needed to release the documents, at the rate of releasing 500 pages per month of about 329,000 pages. FDA wants 55 years to process FOIA request over vaccine data
No. Both are permits. One to operate a transportation device, another to comduct an activity like using a public transportation means or attend a public location that has restrictions on space and ability to wear appropriate face coverings (like when eating/drinking).

Waiting for you or others to point out where a vaccine passport is required to shop in a grocery store…
I did, above your post. I posted an article from the CBC. It has since been pointed out that the CBC provided false information. I also stated I would drop that point from discussion pending clarification.

Your first para is still irrelevant. You are going down a rabbit hole of government control and permits. You'll eventually land on the "but I have a library card dammit!"
If an anti-vaxxer ever starved, or was denied emergency medical service, I believe the lawsuit would be huge.

On the other hand, it may hit them in the wallet with increased rates for health insurance.

Or, family death benefits.

Ah, the two tiered society. Nice.
Do you need to show your driver's licence to by groceries? This is nothing but a strawman excuse.

Your first para is still irrelevant. You are going down a rabbit hole of government control and permits. You'll eventually land on the "but I have a library card dammit!"
Nope. First para directly related to your previous post…unless, of course, you’re saying your previous post to which I was responding was…irrelevant.

If you wish, I accept that your previous post was irrelevant.
Ah, the two tiered society. Nice.
That’s been par for the course in the US for a long time anyway. Americans have long faced barriers in access to quality health insurance if their have certain preconditions. Why would deliberate choices not be in play for same?

Now, I’m not defending the American approach to healthcare. I consider it abhorrent. But there‘a nothing new to their society being ‘two tier’ as it pertains to health care. Even with good health insurance you can be on the hook for tens of thousands of dollars in the event of a significant illness or injury.

In societies where basic healthcare is not provided as a public good, it only makes sense that profit motivated companies would exclude coverage for deliberate health decisions that have a statistical impact on your likelihood of causing them to incur costs.

Fortunately our system doesn’t peg your access to healthcare to the quality of your employer provided benefits.
. . . whomever wrote the article is incorrect regarding that one detail (or at least that one detail since it was the only one I checked).

Mea culpa, mea culpa . . .

My apologizes to whomever wrote the Dec 3 CBC article for stating they were incorrect. By prematurely congratulating myself for finding an inconsistency in what the story said and what the provincial government site said, I failed to complete the research. If I had looked just a little harder I would have found, also on the NB gov't site, this dated 17 Dec.

Option for stores selling groceries to ask for proof of vaccination removed

An option allowing stores that sell groceries to ask patrons 12 and over for proof of vaccination, instead of implementing distancing requirements, is being removed from the province’s mandatory order.

The original intention was to give stores a choice, and that those choosing the proof-of-vaccination option would offer delivery or curbside pickup; it was never the intention for anyone to believe they could not access groceries.

Other retail operations that do not sell groceries, along with salons and spas, can continue to ask for proof of vaccination or ensure distancing.