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All things beardy-2005 to 2018 (merged)

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I have currently grown a beard and have had one for a couple months now.  In doing so, I had get a cease shaving chit from my Coxswain.  Now I want to get rid of my beard for personal reasons.  My question for people who are knowledgable in this field, do I have to request to start shaving again or can I just shave it all off just like normal without asking?  All inputs would be greatly appriciated.  Thanks

U have to talk(request) to the COXN to shave off your beard ,as your ID card must reflect what u look like--now.
The thing is with my situation is that I'm currently going to school at a College in St. John's and there was no change needed for my ID so on my ID I still have a hairless face.  Would that change the situation since it has nothing to do with my ID or should I still ask the Coxswain or my RPO?
I would ask.....

Good luck in St.John's, stay out of Greenslieves
NCRCrow said:
U have to talk(request) to the COXN to shave off your beard ,as your ID card must reflect what u look like--now.

I understood that you no longer had to have your ID card re-done -- I don't know when that is supposed to have changed.
I did not know that had changed about ID cards and beards.

I am curious.

maybe Sundborg could post his results...
When I was growing a beard, they never mentioned anything about having to change my ID, so maybe that rule is no longer in effect, but I don't know.  I'm going to ask my RPO on thursday as see about shaving off the beard and I'll let you guys know.  I figured that I would ask here first before I go there :)  But thanks for helping out guys, cheers.
I believe that the rule is that if you grow a beard, and have it for more than 6 months, you then need to get your ID card changed.

Two of the AB's working for me recently had their own "growing" contest, and the loser checked in with the Cox'n to confirm before he shaved...the Cox'n said it was OK to keep, but he wanted to shave anyhow (after about a month and a half.)

Best thing to do is to check in with your RPO or Cox'n.

BTW, you're in Newfie John's on course?  NCSTTP?  Is there a Pudsey there?  If so, tell him to keep up the good work.


Question: Why would you have to get permission to shave?
Infanteer said:
Question: Why would you have to get permission to shave?

Exactly.. Why not permission to shower...  or use the bathroom  ;D

(sorry.. but the thread was finished anyways!!!!)
NavyShooter said:
I believe that the rule is that if you grow a beard, and have it for more than 6 months, you then need to get your ID card changed.

Two of the AB's working for me recently had their own "growing" contest, and the loser checked in with the Cox'n to confirm before he shaved...the Cox'n said it was OK to keep, but he wanted to shave anyhow (after about a month and a half.)

Best thing to do is to check in with your RPO or Cox'n.

BTW, you're in Newfie John's on course?   NCSTTP?   Is there a Pudsey there?   If so, tell him to keep up the good work.


Apparently I do need to ask permission to shave.  My other buddy who grew a beard with me at the same time went and asked yesterday about it.

And yes Pudsey is in my class!  haha  He's a cool guy.  Where do you know him from?
When you join the Navy normally all members, unless they have a medical chit to cease shaving, are clean shaven.

When you decide to grow a beard, you submit a cease shaving chit through your chain of command to the Coxn. They normally will grant you 30 days to grow the beard and will decide if you can keep it or not. Not everyone can grow a full beard. After the decision, you will be required to go to the ID section and update your ID card.

If at some point in time you wish to shave it off completely and keep it off, then you should submit a chit to that effect. Some units may not require this and a quick question at the Coxn's office would clear the issue up quickly. Additionally you should have your ID updated as not to cause any problems in the future. Some people look totally different without their beard.
gravyboat said:
IAW CFP 265 Dress instructions ID documents must be changed whenever a beard is grown or removed. In addition if you do grow a beard it must be retained for a period of one year.

Agreed, except for one thing.

Operational requirements or postings can effect the one year issue. For example, ships going to the gulf region or personnel posted to the Damage Control Schools would have to remove their beards even if the one year hasn't lapsed.
benway said:
Does any one know anything about the Navy's beard tradition?

I've never heard of any especially exciting origin for it -- I'd always assumed it was strictly a practical matter: protection from the cold wind, and convenience (as shaving is much harder without a good supply of water and a floor that doesn't move under you).
Courtesy of the Maple Leaf

Growing a beard is a naval tradition that dates back at least two centuries during the days of wooden ships, when fresh water for washing and shaving was in short supply.
Pioneers, at least from my memory, are / were also allowed to wear beards. They were infantry, do I'm not sure what the raison de etre is there. Oh, and gravyboat, I like the avatar pic witht the Pope and the dark jedi dude. That reminds me of a comparison pic of Stephen Harper and Spongebob Squarepants.
Just to throw this out into the open, why is it that in the Army, we aren't allowed to have facial hair?  I understand that we derive many of our customs and traditions from the British Army, but can we not go out on a limb and start a few of our own?  Look around the NATO military community......... virtually all of them allow their soldiers to grow facial hair. (not moustaches) I can understand putting limits and restrictions on it, because some forms of self expression when it comes to facial hair just look plain unprofessional, but whats wrong with a well groomed goatee or giving the troops a little more slack on the sideburns?  This has always been a bit of a sore point for many guys in the Army.  Once they're on leave, within 4 days, they all have longer sideburns, goatees or beards, but we can't have them on duty.  One explanation thats been given before was your gas mask won't make a proper seal with beards or goatees.  Fine, no facial hair on operations (even though most of our European allies still let their guys do it) but thats still a weak explanation as the liklihood of us needing our NBC IPE here in Canada is virtually nil, so, why not allow a new facial hair regulation in our Army?
Howdy newbie check out the ongoing discussion at URL: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33558.0.html
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