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All About RESO (merged)

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jwtg said:
...We'll see about that.  If you're referring to a fitness test, then sure.  If you're referring to physical training....I don't think 'breeze' is the right word.  Possible? Sure.  Within your normal workout parameters? Maybe.  Breeze?  I doubt it.  It wouldn't be 'training' if it wasn't difficult.

I'm referring to the Fitness Test. I'm sorry if I got the terms wrong.
denimboy said:
2.4km run is around 15 minutes at "normal" pace (10km/h).

15 minutes is not fast enough in most cases.

Patrick.R said:
I'm referring to the Fitness Test. I'm sorry if I got the terms wrong.
No harm no foul. When you do pt, you'll be wishing you were still only doing the fitness test!
agc said:
15 minutes is not fast enough in most cases.


You're right, it is not.

I wanted to give him a general idea of distance/time since he never timed himself.
Right.  I wanted to give him specific information, so that he could go time himself.
Hey folks-

I've been informed that Ive got to do my BMQ overagain- which is fine. It would have been Guccii to get a bypass for it and just have to do the BMOQ week but that ship has sailed.

The reserves has this bizarre BMQ system (just for me Im sure, it doesnt really work) where they have the weekend BMQ or the 21 days thing in Summer. Im looking at taking a leave of absence to try and get trained up- but Id have to nail off my BMOQ and SQ (or equivalent) and DP 1.1 during that period. Have you guys heard of such a thing? Ive got to put memos up both chains looking to organize this so Im looking for anyone with advice. Or at least can stop me from looking stupid(er).

Im looking to make best use of my time to get back to being a contributing member as quick as possible. Getting 21 days off in summer, our busy season, or weekends for that many in row is an issue. So im looking at taking leave without pay to make things line up- but I dont want lonmg unemployed periods between courses. Really BMOQ is the only hiccup I believe. Do Navy reservists still do a Borden BMQ? Is it unheard of to get an Army guy on one of those? Obviously the forces wants to be as cheap as possible- especially right now. Just looking for options for my memos.


*edit* I should add that 21 days isnt a big deal in summer ALWAYS. Its because of pat leaves and LWOPS over the next 17 months. Its unique. I wouldnt have gone through all the hoops if I couldnt EVER swing 21 days off.
Sorry- and If I've been out for a long period of time, but left as a Cpl. Should it be affecting my pay rate? Im fine with what I get. Otherwise I wouldnt have joined up. But Im just reviewing all the info and looking things over.
Odds are slim.

BMOQ-L is around 50 training days and your DP1.1 is likely around that se length. Depending upon your trade, these courses may not be available outside the summer block period; not all trades have total force training.
C'est La Vie I suppose. Ill have to weekends this fall and try and lump the other basic trades training mods together after that and take a leave of absence.

I appreciate the answer though. I will of course still discuss with my COC to see if there is another way- doubtful though it is.

Thanks again.

I was in the CFRC today for my interview and the Cpt. informed me that there is no enrollment standard for a RESO MARS. We both found this very strange and he showed me the sheet, there is every other entry scheme except the one I have been trying to enrol through for the past 6 months. Even stranger is the fact that the document was dated Oct. 2011. According to my local reserve unit, they have been hiring university students like myself for many years through the RESO scheme. So, my question to you is whether the document is incorrect, or have reserve units been breaking the regulations for the past 2 years? Or, the option I hope for, there is some other DND document outlining that scheme for my trade.

Many thanks,

So, are you saying that it has not existed for the last two years?

According to the Air Force Reserve website, they still offer RESO: http://www.rcaf-arc.forces.gc.ca/en/air-reserve/join.page

Or, do you mean that only in the context of the navy, it has gone the way of the dodo bird?
RESO exists.  Enrollment standards as per ROTP apply.  Sometimes RESO gets left off the charts and enrollment standards.  It exists.
Underway said:
RESO exists.  Enrollment standards as per ROTP apply.  Sometimes RESO gets left off the charts and enrollment standards.  It exists.
Okay, that is what I thought. But, my recruiter is deeply concerned about the fact that it is not on the chart. He called NDHQ and got transfered around for half an hour, to no avail. If you have access to internal documents, would it be possible for you to tell me the number of the document(s) that confirm the continued existence of this scheme?
Richard P said:
Okay, that is what I thought. But, my recruiter is deeply concerned about the fact that it is not on the chart. He called NDHQ and got transfered around for half an hour, to no avail. If you have access to internal documents, would it be possible for you to tell me the number of the document(s) that confirm the continued existence of this scheme?

Tell your recruiter to talk to their Personnel Selection Officer for the local recruiting centre.  Every AOR has one.  They should know where the bodies are buried.
It probably doesn't help that the Naval Reserve has (to the best of my knowledge) never called it "RESO."  When I was in the Naval Reserve (admittedly some time ago), we called the equivalent program, "UNTD" (University Naval Training Division).

There is a story (not sure how true it is) that the original name for the program was supposed to be "Canadian University Naval Training Division."  Then, somebody thought about that... ;D
Pusser said:
It probably doesn't help that the Naval Reserve has (to the best of my knowledge) called it "RESO."  When I was in the Naval Reserve (admittedly some time ago), we called the equivalent program, "UNTD" (University Naval Training Division).

There is a story (not sure how true it is) that the original name for the program was supposed to be "Canadian University Naval Training Division."  Then, somebody thought about that... ;D

Too bad that that "somebody" wasn't working at Foreign Affairs when they decided to change their name to "Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (FATDC).    :facepalm:
Here you go!  RHB Art 6.5.3 - Reserve Entry Scheme Officer (RESO).  But it must be read in conjunction with CANFORGEN 023/13.

Basically, if there is NO Enrolment Standard for the selected Reserve Force MOS ID (ie; MARS), then the UPSO may contact the RPSO to determine is the RESO plan could be an acceptable entry plan for that MOS ID.

So the processing of your file requires higher level approval/clarification.
I haven't been able to find a clear answer elsewhere, so I am going to pose it here. Is there a program like the UK's UOTC where a university student serves as an officer cadet until they finish their degree? I'd assume if their was a similar program here then the service would be with a local reserve unit and training would be done like other reserve officers on weeknights, weekends and summers but do not receive their commission until the completion of their degree.
Hello, and welcome to Milnet.ca.

This question has been dealt with many time, both here, and in even more detail on the CAF recruiting websites.

Please use the Search Function, visit http://www.forces.ca/en/home, and have a nice day!  :salute: