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Alberta Elections


Jr. Member
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As I see there a quite a few from Alberta on the board I was wondering what kind of opinions are circulating regarding the upcoming election? Think we can take another round of Stelmach or do you think we should do something radical and support Mr. Read of the green party?
My choice this election will be Wildrose Alliance. The PC's have done good things in the past but Ed seems to be worse than Jack Layton for spending money. 2.1 billion dollars to the teachers pension fund to keep them from striking during the election campaign without getting anything else for our money? It seems ridiculous to me.  The NDP will simply destroy the economy like they did in SK,MB,ON and BC so that is a nonstarter. I simply don't trust the liberals based on what the federal arm is trying to do. My $ .02.

KJK said:
I simply don't trust the liberals based on what the federal arm is trying to do. My $ .02.
I don't know about that... I like the majority of what Kevin Teft has to say, and the (Liberal) MLA in my riding is possibly the most community oriented politician I have ever met. The PC candidate just seems out of touch, so I'll be voting Liberal. For me, on the provincial level, I'm open to ALL options (up to and including the NDP), but nationally I will always lean to the Conservatives.
To answer the original question, you might have thought that this election might have been a little more interesting than they usually are in this one party state, but a poll came out yesterday that showed the parties at exactly the same standing as at the last election, so whatever... The Liberals might pick up a few seats in Calgary because they're ticked at the Tories there but it will probably be a total snoozefest. The big problem in Alberta, IMHO, is that Edmonton and Calgary count for two thirds of the population of the province but there are way two many rural ridings, it's very unfairly distributed. But then the Tories did that, gerrymandering the electoral map over the span of their 30-plus years in power, especially when Don Getty was premier.

Edited for spelling
Pencil Tech - I agree and concur.

Though I am a small c conservative right down to my roots, I've had quite enough corporate sellout and benign neglect.

I plan to vote liberal - Taft seems alright but I don't think he has the biological qualifications to win.

Truth is I'm angry with what the Alberta advantage has wrought.
In the Getty years we had the province participating in business that competed unfairly with my own.
In the Klien years we had an abandonment of legitimate government responsibilities based on idiology.(mis-spelling intended)

Progressive Conservatives win Alberta election

Updated Mon. Mar. 3 2008 11:51 PM ET

CTV.ca News Staff

Progressive Conservative Leader Ed Stelmach cruised to an election victory in Alberta Monday, securing his party's 11th consecutive majority government.

"We will never, ever forget the support you have given us," Stelmach told cheering supporters.

"In this election Albertans had a real choice, and as Progressive Conservatives we laid out a very positive vision for securing their future and making sure the next generation has the same opportunities we've had."

Ninety minutes after the polls closed, the Progressive Conservatives had won or were leading in 72 of 83 ridings, the Liberals looked to secure nine seats, and the New Democrats two.

Liberal Leader Kevin Taft had hoped to solidify gains made in Edmonton in 2004 and take more seats in the traditional Tory stronghold of Calgary. But he appeared to be on his way to losing almost half of the 16 seats he had at dissolution. .........
More on link.

Conservative 73, Liberals 8, NDP 2 according to the result on the link above.

Yea, Thanks a bunch Old Medic

By the way, your off my easter card list.  ;)

just kidding

I don't send easter cards
Well, everybody's wondering what happened in the election so that the PCs got a majority at 1991 levels. I think in the end, the feeling that it was time for a change was as a result of the dwindling popularity of Ralph Klein and Ed Stelmach being unknown to most people. Then in the election the PCs were the only party that mounted any kind of respectable campaign, where the other parties didn't. The voters (that is the 41% of Albertans who actually voted) got a chance to see Stelmach during the campaign and thought he was enough of a change in the end. Funny old place, Alberta.
- Wildrose may have lost their only seat, but their percentage of the vote is comparable to the NDP.
The PCs were the only viable choice, really.  Sad to say, but NONE of the parties had much of a platform to stand on.