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Okay, now, the CBSA member who had said "welcome to my country" is a douche. There is a standard bilingual greeting that is supposed to be used at all ports of entry and that is "Hello, Bonjour, can I have your Customs declaration card, passport and tickets please" the bilingual greeting is only in the initial hello/bonjour part. Keeping it professional has always been the key. Saying "welcome to my country" would've landed you a smack down from the Superintendent where I worked. There are allot of douche bags no matter what you do and where you work. But the majority of CBSA members strive to be the best LEOs that they can be. Now, whenever I saw a green passport or a uniform along with docs showing that they're returning home from overseas I always add "welcome home" to them after I've concluded my screening. In fact I do that to ALL Canadians.

Now, this is not to be abused but the next time you re-enter Canada, if you feel you've been unjustly treated, ask to speak with the member's supervisor. This is usually a Superintendent either on PIL or in Secondary.

We're not all bad people, we just react to your attitudes. OS, it sucked that you had a bad experience, but ce la vie, hopefully the next member you come across is gtg.
...we just react to your attitudes.

That explains why I almost got hauled away going through Toronto customs once.  ::)  Came back from a wonderful vacation, smiling to myself, in my own little world.  Getting my bags and smile at the one agent hanging about, keeping an eye on things.  Say hello, since we have made eye contact.

"What are you looking at?" is the more than terse response.
"Nothing, I just said hi.  Maybe next time I'll keep my mouth shut," says I, as I'm a little shocked at his response.
"Maybe next time you should just mind your own business."

MedTech, I know that not everyone is a douche bag, but it's the reaction of others like that power hungry little SOB, who thinks he owns that little patch of ground he is standing on, that ruin it for everyone else.

Better story:
Coming back from Florida, via Syracuse.  Driving across the border at 2230, my niece is fast asleep in the back seat.  Guy comes to the window.  He's obviously not impressed that he's working nights.  Sees the niece asleep and a little smile cracks his face.
"Shhh, don't want to wake the little princess in the back seat."  We then proceed to whisper to each other the normal questions/answers that you get at the border.
THAT made me smile for the rest of the drive home.
A little remark can really change someone's day.
Scout, that's really unfortunate that you had that idiot n the floor interact with you that way. I completely see why CBSA has a bad rep most of the time. The good ones get snappy back at people who keeps on bashing CBSA but never realising that they've heard it all before. Again and again... They get bashed more then Police members do ;D. In the end, piss poor attitudes are what brings down the agency. I hope you meet the better ones more often from now on. Again, if they were being overly douche, ask to speak with thei Superintendent, you know? The ones with two thick gold bars on their shoulders. Can't miss them.
Strike -- I apologize.  It seems that no one can keep us straight these days. 

Medtech:  Strike is the one that had the problems... but have no fear, you aren't the first to mix us up.  There are a few other threads from today alone that have us confused. 

I think it is funny.
I was travelling to Gagetown from Victoria in my combats, and had my small pack on as i went through security. I had a laptop in the bag, which the security people decided to sample with the explosive residue sensor. I had just bought the laptop 3 days earlier, but it tested positive for explosive residue. All i could do was shrug and say "well, that's my army bag. it's been around shooting and it has carried ammunition, so that's where it's coming from." They gave me a puzzled look, as if being clad in cadpat wasn't a big enough clue, then let me go on through. I had offered to turn it on and show them it worked normally, which they politely declined. Oddly enough, the two huge safety pins in my balmoral didn't even get noticed, even when it went through the xray machine.
They always test laptops regardless of date of purchase.  And any one can buy a set of combats and try to pass themselves off as legit.  If your concerned about the delay maybe you should either wash your bag or use another type in its place.
Not trying Hijack this post but I have a question.

I am currently decluttering my house as part of my New's Years resolution ( I know its July) and have tons of old kit from my Army days and Navy uniforms with a 30 waist (not anymore).

and was reading this thread about uniforms falling into the wrong hands.

How do I dispose of this uniforms (mostly DEU) and OD Combats?

HFXCrow said:
Not trying Hijack this post but I have a question.

I am currently decluttering my house as part of my New's Years resolution ( I know its July) and have tons of old kit from my Army days and Navy uniforms with a 30 waist (not anymore).

and was reading this thread about uniforms falling into the wrong hands.

How do I dispose of this uniforms (mostly DEU) and OD Combats?

DEU items can be given to one of your friends who can use them -- or chucked into the garbage. Rules state that you are to remove badges/patches/ranks etc from them before you dispose of them though (thus avoiding a nice CF regulation and accoutremented tunic being ultilized by some squegee kid to mount an attack on your nearest CF establishment. ;)).  DEU items are retainable upon release and "fall-off" your individual clothing docs' charge after 5 years of CF service.

As for operational kit items such as obsolete OD combats - take them into clothing stores to return (they may very well still be on your charge, thus will have to be removed from your docs account). Even if not on your charge, the Sup Techs should take them back and bring onto their CLOT account charge via an MSO173 which enables their return to the "system" and onward redistribution to regional cadet camps (cadets now utilize our OG items).
Back in 2005, me and the misses are travelling for HHT to Kingston.  Security in Halifax and Toronto {changed planes} was adequate.  Seeing as my misses had previously gone thru Israeli security {NOW that is security-where do you think we get most of ours now from??} Get to Kingston, see house, change house, on way home to Greenwood. GO thru Kingston Airport {yes! they have one} security finds bomba incredients on wife's purse...me being military, start a little freak, trying to think of where she could've been in contact with the stuff. She gets a nice massage {actually wanted to hire the girl} I get a near heart attack to find out........that chemical is on 90% of new tanned  leather good...purse.
Happily sent on our merry way with having learned something new that day.
HFXCrow said:
How do I dispose of this uniforms (mostly DEU) and OD Combats?

1.  You can shred them.

2.  You can use them for yard work.

3.  While Training Coord in Aldershot, I had a Lt(N) who was soon getting out, that donated a Uniform a day to be used as targets on the Grenade Range.
I will donate them to the Value Village for the next village people revival.

George Wallace said:
1.  You can shred them.

2.  You can use them for yard work.

3.  While Training Coord in Aldershot, I had a Lt(N) who was soon getting out, that donated a Uniform a day to be used as targets on the Grenade Range.

Perhaps in the case of his DEUs, but with his OG (or any operational kit item) he should first check to see if it remains on his charge (if it is and he shreds or otherwise disposes of it -- he's paying for it via MLR upon release when he no longer has it to turn in  ;)).

OG is still required and used by the Cadet System - I discourage members from trashing it simply because it's not on their charge any more when the cadet system can still use it; just take it into clothing stores and they will bring it back onto B Sup's charge and re-distribute to those who do still utilize it.
HFXCrow said:
I will donate them to the Value Village for the next village people revival.

Thanks, I'm now getting visuals that I really DO NOT need this evening!!  >:(

My eyes!!  :-X

Where do audition for chris_the_mercs movies? Does he need a Naval Attache?

I could wear my size 30 white pants...wait thats Randy from the Trailer Park Boys!

I just saw a Tornado GMR fly over my house..WICKED. Here in Sackvegas!
I want to be the sly yet sophisticatedly funny Secret Asian Man. Muahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha...

"Do you expect me to talk?"

"No... I expect you to... Fry!!!!"

Get it? Asian? Fried rice? Oh... Never mind.