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Aircrew Selection/ACS (Merged)

Ours was Jan 27 - 29 (if you include the medical part) 
We got results for the testing around 11am on the second day. 

It was interesting to see that some of the people that passed weren't who you would expect.  A lot of the people with a bachelors degree did not pass, while there were some ROTP candidates who had either only finished high school or had a college diploma who did. 
I think part of the reason for this may be that it isn't testing the same abilities as normal academic work and a higher level of schooling does not automatically equate to success at this test.

Personally I hold a masters degree and found the entire experience much more challenging than I had expected.  To be honest it was the single most difficult thing I've ever done.  Part of that comes from not knowing how you are doing at any point until the end, the stress really gets to you.  I'm not saying this to try to show off or brag about my education, just as a warning to those who may feel 'I'm really educated this is going to be easy, if people who have just graduated high school can pass I'll have no trouble.'  The memory requirements, amount of information you need to store and rate at which calculations need to be done are not challenges you will be accustomed to in the academic world and preparation is key.
Yeah I completely agree, the test measures cognitive abilities that are independant of your academic achievements. In my case I'm an ROTP applicant still in grade 12 and we had a guy with a master's fail. I guess you either have it or you don't.

The testing was the hardest thing I've ever done as well. I went for a run the morning of the first day of testing and I found that it really helped control my nervous energy.

Congratulations on passing and good luck in getting an offer!
What are the apps that you guys used to practice? What is the level of mental math required on a scale from 1 to 10? (Let's say 1 being 1+1=2 and 10 being 3478100/345 * 0.15 = ...). Thanks!
All I'll really say on that one is the harder math you can do mentally and quickly the better. 
I just finished the aircrew selection process in Trenton and medicals in Toronto - anyone have what is next and the time frame?
I received a call today- they are planning to book me for Trenton early March, most probably March 3rd to 5th. I'm a bit nervous. :P
I got possible dates for Trenton for the period between March.05 and 12(3 days depending on which dates are available). I haven't received a call yet, but I'm a bit nervous.

Found the forum by google, which is a nice way to get more information. Don't know anyone in the AF, and never flew an airplane before. Barely used a simulator once! That's pretty sums up my experience.

Got a few questions for you. I read on this page someone mentioned there is no CAPPS anymore. What is CAPPS exactly? Is that good or bad?

Second thing I got interested in, is this mental math app. What is the exact one, because I found too many in the play store.

One last thing, Why is the whole stay in Trenton 3 days, when the email file says the aptitude test lasts for day only? I emailed the recruitment centre but they haven't replied to me yet.

Thanks and good luck to all!
stcv3 said:
I got possible dates for Trenton for the period between March.05 and 12(3 days depending on which dates are available). I haven't received a call yet, but I'm a bit nervous.

Found the forum by google, which is a nice way to get more information. Don't know anyone in the AF, and never flew an airplane before. Barely used a simulator once! That's pretty sums up my experience.

Got a few questions for you. I read on this page someone mentioned there is no CAPPS anymore. What is CAPPS exactly? Is that good or bad?

Second thing I got interested in, is this mental math app. What is the exact one, because I found too many in the play store.

One last thing, Why is the whole stay in Trenton 3 days, when the email file says the aptitude test lasts for day only? I emailed the recruitment centre but they haven't replied to me yet.

Thanks and good luck to all!

CAPPS was the old ACS system which was sort of like a modified version of a flight simulator. I've heard it's a good thing as the new testing system is better for selecting potential pilot candidates.

Mental math app I used was called Math Workout, practice it until you get to hard for all the different exercises. I found it really helped me during Air Crew Selection testing.

Stay in Trenton is 3 days; first day to relax, second day is first half of testing and third day is the second half of testing.

By the way take some time to go through the threads on this forum, search is your friend. All the information I just provided for you and more is out there!
Good luck!
EJAY said:
CAPPS was the old ACS system which was sort of like a modified version of a flight simulator. I've heard it's a good thing as the new testing system is better for selecting potential pilot candidates.

Mental math app I used was called Math Workout, practice it until you get to hard for all the different exercises. I found it really helped me during Air Crew Selection testing.

Stay in Trenton is 3 days; first day to relax, second day is first half of testing and third day is the second half of testing.

By the way take some time to go through the threads on this forum, search is your friend. All the information I just provided for you and more is out there!
Good luck!

Do they tell you how you scored after the first day, and only those who pass continue to day 2 of testing? Or do you only receive feedback after both days?
matthew1786 said:
Do they tell you how you scored after the first day, and only those who pass continue to day 2 of testing? Or do you only receive feedback after both days?

No feedback until after both days of testing is complete as you can make up points on day 2 if you did poorly on the first day.
EJAY said:
CAPPS was the old ACS system which was sort of like a modified version of a flight simulator. I've heard it's a good thing as the new testing system is better for selecting potential pilot candidates.

Mental math app I used was called Math Workout, practice it until you get to hard for all the different exercises. I found it really helped me during Air Crew Selection testing.

Stay in Trenton is 3 days; first day to relax, second day is first half of testing and third day is the second half of testing.

By the way take some time to go through the threads on this forum, search is your friend. All the information I just provided for you and more is out there!
Good luck!

Thanks for your reply and the advice.

I'm doing my best to prepare and search for some tips. Getting more nervous though, which isn't so good.

Somehow I'm glad to hear about CAPPS. At one of the previous interviews they got me a little scared with  the simulator part. I'm using the same app for math. Seems good for training your brain and passing time faster. There are a few others that might be helpful. Unfortunately there seem to be too many tests for which you can't really prepare.

Any idea how early before the test they're actually supposed to get back to you? I sent them an email to confirm for the 10-12th, but they haven't called back.

So lets say you pass. How long does it take before they call you for a second medical?
The aircrew medical is at DRDC in Toronto the next day for those who pass.

stcv3 said:
Getting more nervous though, which isn't so good.

It's good to be nervous, it means you give a sh*t. I was nervous before ACS, before basic, before phase I, phase II, PhIII, I was nervous showing up to my first day on Sqn. Being nervous is normal, but don't let it affect your performance. If you can't perform when you are nervous, under pressure, you won't pass pilot training.
bradley247 said:
The aircrew medical is at DRDC in Toronto the next day for those who pass.

That would mean if I pass on my test on the 12th I have to go back to Toronto on the 13th for a medical? Good to prepared about such news in case it happens.

What is the next stage after the CFASC and the medical?
stcv3 said:
That would mean if I pass on my test on the 12th I have to go back to Toronto on the 13th for a medical? Good to prepared about such news in case it happens.

What is the next stage after the CFASC and the medical?

Yes, the aircrew medical is in Toronto the next day. Don't the joining instructions mention that? Should be a little blurb about what kind of underwear to bring and stuff.

If you fail, you go home. If you pass, you do the medical then you go home and wait for the phone call. When I went through, the doctor offered to email me if I passed the medical or not, found out about a month later that I had passed and which aircraft I didn't fit in. Some parts of it are uncomfortable, but most pass the medical, and most of those who don't are for things they didn't even know they had.
bradley247 said:
Yes, the aircrew medical is in Toronto the next day. Don't the joining instructions mention that? Should be a little blurb about what kind of underwear to bring and stuff.

If you fail, you go home. If you pass, you do the medical then you go home and wait for the phone call. When I went through, the doctor offered to email me if I passed the medical or not, found out about a month later that I had passed and which aircraft I didn't fit in. Some parts of it are uncomfortable, but most pass the medical, and most of those who don't are for things they didn't even know they had.

Actually nobody mentioned it to me. I found information that states the medical is on the last day(which in my case means 12th, if I pass).
What you say really makes me curious about the whole medical. Didn't even know they could determine which aircraft you can fit in. Too bad that it's up to the doctor to tell you whether you're medically fit or not. I mean if you're not they might never tell you why?

There's still a week until I'm supposed to go to Trenton, but I haven't received a call yet. That's not good.
You mean you weren't given the joining instructions? http://www.rcaf-arc.forces.gc.ca/en/cf-aircrew-selection-centre/joining-instructions.page

The medical isn't an arbitrary decision, you go through a barrage of tests to determine if you meet the set medical standards for pilot. If they find something wrong when, I'm sure they would tell you.

And yes, they do anthropomorphic testing to determine which (if any) airplanes you fit in, they basically take pictures of you in your underwear and a computer analyzes it. When I was tested, I was told I didn't fit in the Hawk, therefore I couldn't fly jets, thankfully that's not what I wanted to fly.
stcv3 said:
Too bad that it's up to the doctor to tell you whether you're medically fit or not.

You had someone else in mind?
ModlrMike said:
You had someone else in mind?

I probably didn't express myself the right way. I just thought that if the doctor doesn't tell you what is wrong with you, and you're not fit to fly, they might never let you know why.
You mean you weren't given the joining instructions? http://www.rcaf-arc.forces.gc.ca/en/cf-aircrew-selection-centre/joining-instructions.page
Nobody from the recruitment office mentioned it to me. I found this afterwards, and it's really useful. I actually emailed them to ask about the test, but got no reply.
When I was tested, I was told I didn't fit in the Hawk, therefore I couldn't fly jets, thankfully that's not what I wanted to fly.
Can't imagine how that one would go, but jets aren't my first priority as well.