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Airborne Infantry vs Armoured Reconnaissance


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Hey Everybody.

Im very strongly considering joining the Military, but I am torn between Airborne Infantry and Armoured Reconnaissance.

On the one hand, I've heard many times that Infantry is the most fun, physically demanding  trade, and I would definitely enjoy the parachuting.

But on the other, Reconnaissance has always seemed appealing, because I have always loved the idea of stealth and sneaking around, plus the driving component sounds fun.

So, if anybody here is in either of these trades (reg or res), would you mind sharing some of your knowledge about them? (What you like, what you dont, what a typical day is like, what training is like, ect...). Also, if anyone has an informed opinion about both, a comparison would be extremely appreciated.

Also, do you know any trades where is would get the best of both worlds. (pathfinder would probably meet this requirement, but I'm not going to enter on the hope of eventually being a pathfinder)

Thank You in advance for all replies, any information is helpful.
For Crewman one of the roles is Recce. Tank trg is always another facet of being a crewman. Generally there isn't much of a choice unless you want to be a RCD. Then to Recce you will go.
Just in case you are not aware there is no trade called "Airborne Infantry"  the trade is Infantry and Airborne is just one of the skill sets.  In the regular force there is about 27 rifle companies and of them 3 have the jump tasking.  So you can see no matter how bad you want to be Airborne you might not get selected.  If you do a search on these forums you will find a bunch of threads about Infantry and about Armoured.
TheAnnihilator said:
Im very strongly considering joining the Military, but I am torn between Airborne Infantry and Armoured Reconnaissance.


So, if anybody here is in either of these trades (reg or res),...
If you are thinking of joining the Reg Force, you will find neither trade exists and there is no certainty that you will end-up employed in the function you are joining for (parachute or reconnaissance).  You would be far better to take a step back and consider the actual occupations of Infantryman and Armoured Crewman.  This comparison is largely done for you here: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/23460.0.html

If you are in Toronto and thinking of joining the Primary Reserve, then you will want to investigate the QOR and QY Rang.  Here your choice will be between the two regiments as opposed to the occupations (though each regiment is a different occupation).  You should also note that you will not find reserve parachute tasked infantry anywhere else.
MCG said:
If you are thinking of joining the Reg Force, you will find neither trade exists and there is no certainty that you will end-up employed in the function you are joining for (parachute or reconnaissance).  You would be far better to take a step back and consider the actual occupations of Infantryman and Armoured Crewman.  This comparison is largely done for you here: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/23460.0.html

If you are in Toronto and thinking of joining the Primary Reserve, then you will want to investigate the QOR and QY Rang.  Here your choice will be between the two regiments as opposed to the occupations (though each regiment is a different occupation).  You should also note that you will not find reserve parachute tasked infantry anywhere else.

I understand their are no specific trades with the names I mentioned, and I probably should have clarified in the beginning. By Airborne Infantry I meant infantry with a parachute tasking, and by Armoured Reconnaissance I mean armoured crewman with a reconnaissance specialty. 

And you hit the nail right on the head with the two regiments, QOR and QYRANG are the two i'm considering.

Thanks for the links, however, I have already viewed them, and was looking for a more specific comparison of these two occupations. As such, my question was directed primarily at those who are in either of the specific occupations I mentioned, or anyone who has enough military knowledge to compare those two specifically, in the ways I mentioned. If anybody viewing this has this knowledge, or is in either occupation, please post, all information is helpful.

Thank you to everyone who has already replied, and I look forward to all future replies.

Those who answered you knew exactly what you meant, and they understood what your choices were.  What they are saying is that the first choice you need to make is Infantry or Armour.

However, after you make that choice there is no guarantee at all that you will end up in a Para role if you choose Infantry or a Reconnaissance role if you choose Armour.

As brought up above, only a fraction of each trade does the specialties you brought up, so there is no guarantee that you will end up doing either.

For example, you want to be in an Airborne role, so you choose Infantry to start.  However, say you want to go RCR and they give that to you, what are you going to do if you get posted to 1 RCR or 2 RCR that have no para capability?  Even if you win the 1/3 odds and get slotted for 3 RCR, there is still only 1/3 chance that you'll be in the Para Coy (Mike) once you make it there.

Better to make your decision on whether you'd rather be conventional Infantry or Armour than the sub-tasks of each.

*Note* The above is the Reg Force model.
TheAnnihilator said:
And you hit the nail right on the head with the two regiments, QOR and QYRANG are the two i'm considering.

I'll help you in your decision....Reserve Armour is Recce only. In GWagons.

TheAnnihilator said:
And you hit the nail right on the head with the two regiments, QOR and QYRANG are the two i'm considering.

There is also the Governor General's Horse Guards, a Reserve armoured unit, in Toronto. May be worth a look, dependant on your location and availability.
I'll give you my view on the armoured recce side of things.  In case you're wondering I've been in the RCD's for about 3 years now and have made my way over to Afghanistan so I've spent a decent amount of time in the trade and field.

If sneaking around is the Recce you are looking into doing you generally won't find it in the Armoured Corps.  We roll in Coyotes that you can hear from KM's away and, at least in Afghanistan, conduct almost exclusively overt OP's.  Meaning we set up shop and make it known we are there.  I haven't done any "stealth" recce training since DP1.  The opportunity for cool courses like basic para etc. is almost nonexistent in the RCD"s these days too.  I can't count the number of memos myself and others have submitted to try and get on that course but to no avail.  I have pretty much been told that if I want to do anything like that I have to try and get into CSOR.  That being said, this fall they are running assault troop courses again with the intent of bringing it back so maybe the opportunity for courses like para, recce patrolman etc. will open up in a year or two.

I can't tell you what life in the infantry is like but I can tell you this.  If I could do things over again I would have signed up for the infantry.  Nothing wrong with the armoured corps.....I would just rather be the guy going through the door.....not the guy watching it from a hilltop.
Based on what i've heard, I think im going to go for infantry, and then try and get basic para. In general, the job seems more appealing to me. A huge Thanks to everybody who posted, you all gave me great information. A special thanks to RCDtpr. You answered all of my questions in a single post, and addressed all my concerns. I'd like to get a few more opinions, so once again, if you have any information on either of these trades, particularly infantry, please post your knowledge. Once again, huge thanks to everyone who posted, and I look forward to all future posts.
Keep in mind Infantry is most likely closed till April 2011 based on what most people on this site have said.
Pegcity said:
Keep in mind Infantry is most likely closed till April 2011 based on what most people on this site have said.

Very good point.  Pretty much the elephant in the room really, and the debate is moot if the trade is closed.
Pegcity said:
Keep in mind Infantry is most likely closed till April 2011 based on what most people on this site have said.

Yes, this is true. I applied back in Nov/09 for Infantry and was merit listed and waiting by end of January. Got a call saying that I had an offer for Armoured in April, but if I wanted infantry it would be a 7-8 month wait on top of the 5 month wait I have for Armoured. I took the Armoured soldier offer as I did not want to wait for an offer that may not even come in 2011.
REGULAR FORCE infantry is most likely closed to April 2011, RESERVE infantry will depend on available positions in individual units.  The original poster is inquiring about RESERVE Units.
Reserve trades in LFCA are restricted right now - very few openings currently planned for this fiscal year.
RCDtpr said:
I'll give you my view on the armoured recce side of things.  In case you're wondering I've been in the RCD's for about 3 years now and have made my way over to Afghanistan so I've spent a decent amount of time in the trade and field.

You've been in high readiness for tour and nothing more. Either training for, being on, or returning from tour.

If sneaking around is the Recce you are looking into doing you generally won't find it in the Armoured Corps. 

I can tell you from serving previously in Recce Sqn, RCD that your statement is wrong.

The Regiment has been deploying to Afghanistan since '03 and all our training has been geared to that theater. Prior to that we did everything from helo ops to occupying covert OPs and everything in between including most if not all the secondary tasks of a Recce Sqn along with having a full Assault Troop to do it with' all on a very regular basis. We've had guys go on their jump courses and also Mountain Ops as well.

Wait until Afghanistan is done and you will see what Recce really is.

I haven't done any "stealth" recce training since DP1. 

Please, that was the very basics and none too hard either. Wait until you have to actually go on ex and have to do the normal Recce tasks.

BTW, it's RCD...not RCD's. Never heard of anyone being called a Dragoons's.

Stacked said:
Anybody aware if armoured is open for 2010 still? If the Navy is completely closed, I am seriously considering it.. Talked to a few armoured guys recently, and I could see myself doing it.

Already checked on that awhile ago, it's a no-go.  :(
For those guys who have gone on tour in the last year, is the OrBat for Recce Sqn still with the Recce Pl from the Infantry Bn attached?

If so it would seem kind of silly to task the Armour guys with the sneaky tasks before the Infantry guys.

That's not to suggest it can't be done, anymore than to suggest an Infanteer couldn't be taught to man a Coyote/Leopard, but it wouldn't be putting the right troops to the task.
Petamocto said:
For those guys who have gone on tour in the last year, is the OrBat for Recce Sqn still with the Recce Pl from the Infantry Bn attached?

If so it would seem kind of silly to task the Armour guys with the sneaky tasks before the Infantry guys.

That's not to suggest it can't be done, anymore than to suggest an Infanteer couldn't be taught to man a Coyote/Leopard, but it wouldn't be putting the right troops to the task.

I wonder what you think Recce guys do; be they Armoured or Infantry?