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Age Limits to Join

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So far in my life wasn't really exciting at all, and now at this paint I've realized that I could join the Canadian Forces Reserves. And was questioning on the status of how would a 17 year old be able to join. I'm looking to work into the Construction Management, and Civil Engineering as my career so I thought this would be a good way to benefit me.

What I would really like to know is how long would the waiting list be and as well as BMQ. School for me ends in July, and school starts in September, would that be enough time for BMQ?

To give you some stats about myself I'm:
5'9, 160-170 Pounds, and as well as Vietnamese. (The reason I say my ethic is that the majority is caucasian)

Thank you inadvance for those who reply!
I joined at 17, and I'm in the middle of BMQ right now. Are you going into grade 12, or into college in september? Either way, just make sure you can balance work with school. Age doesn't really make a difference, at least in my experience thus far. And ethnicity certainly doesn't either. I'd say go for it. Good luck.
I'm going into Grade 12, I'm on west coast. And how long was the waiting list for you may I ask? Because I've heard somewhat either on the Global and Mail or some local news that requirements were going to be shutdown for the military. Which seem outrageous, but also a concern for me since I'd like to join. And if you could give me a vague description of your physical build.
I'm in BC too. You might've heard that the combat arms aren't hiring for reg force right now, cuz they aren't. Its really hard to get in to. I don't think that applies to the reserves, though. For me, I applied in april and it took roughly 5 months for the whole process, which is pretty reasonable, compared to some stories I've heard. And sorry, mate, but I'm a female, so giving you a physical description wouldn't be very helpful hahah. I don't see how that would be an issue for you, though... 
Friendguy said:
So far in my life wasn't really exciting at all, and now at this paint I've realized that I could join the Canadian Forces Reserves. And was questioning on the status of how would a 17 year old be able to join. I'm looking to work into the Construction Management, and Civil Engineering as my career so I thought this would be a good way to benefit me.

What I would really like to know is how long would the waiting list be and as well as BMQ. School for me ends in July, and school starts in September, would that be enough time for BMQ?

To give you some stats about myself I'm:
5'9, 160-170 Pounds, and as well as Vietnamese. (The reason I say my ethic is that the majority is caucasian)

Thank you inadvance for those who reply!

Doing my BMQ right now, halfway through it. Half the people on my course are 17 year olds, not a single of the 17 year olds have quit so far.

I don't get why you stated your ethnicity, it has no bearing on anything at all. I'm chinese myself and yes the entire course and staff are caucasians, but they don't go any easier or harder on you just because you're a different race. The instructors are fair.
ivan1 said:
Doing my BMQ right now, halfway through it. Half the people on my course are 17 year olds, not a single of the 17 year olds have quit so far.

I don't get why you stated your ethnicity, it has no bearing on anything at all. I'm chinese myself and yes the entire course and staff are caucasians, but they don't go any easier or harder on you just because you're a different race. The instructors are fair.

Half your course is 17? All your instructors and candidates are caucasian? That suirprises me. Where are you doing your course?
I'm currently 16 years old and looking to apply as an Infantry Officer or a NCM Infantry Soldier.  I don't have the nerves as of yet to inform my parents on my decision.  So i am just wondering if you can go and talk to a recruiter at the age of 16 without a parent. 

Yes. You can talk to them.

No, you cannot do anything else without your parent's signature.
If you want to be an officer better start taking some academic classes. Now that im 19 my self i wish i can go back and focus on my education. I'm not a member of the cf as in now I applied recently but infantry is closed at the moment. If I was in your shoes I would focus on school maintain a good average apply for university then try to get into CF as an Infantry officer . My highschool offered military Co-op maybe thats something you would like to look into just to get a taste of the culture.
I take all university level courses and maintain an 82 average from my 1st semester.  I was thinking about applying to UofToronto and when I'm 18 (first year) i'll apply within ROTP and hopefully get the rest of my university paid and a job in the forces.

But if i were to apply for ROTP while in University, would they make me wait the usual 2-3 years for them to call me?
There are numerous threads on ROTP....and you have plenty of time to read them all...
Bringing your parents to ask the recruiter questions with you, may help sway them into giving their consent. The recruiter will be able to explain the benefits of being in the CF better than you. Rather then just bringing them when it is time for them to sign.
Hi everybody, I'm wondering about the specifics tied to joining the reserves at 16.

1)  If I were to join at my age, would I be going into cadets, or the same deal as everyone else in the reserves.

2) I live in Windsor, and I was wondering where, and how long, I would have to go for BMQ.

3) What differences are there in terms of the training, compared to non-reservists

4) How long, on average, does it take for an application to be accepted.  Say if I were to join now, could I possibly start my training by the time summer rolls around?

Thank you,

cfinnwindsor said:
1)  If I were to join at my age, would I be going into cadets, or the same deal as everyone else in the reserves.

Think about it... if you are joining the Canadian Forces Reserves..... you would be in the Reserves.. not the Cadets... entirely different things.  Also,  the age for reserve enlistment is now 17 according to the last CANFORGEN I saw about this.

cfinnwindsor said:
2) I live in Windsor, and I was wondering where, and how long, I would have to go for BMQ.

You would do BMQ during the weekends in your local area if you do it during the year,  or going away to X location for full time in the summer.  As for how long it is,  do some searching.  I won't spoon feed all answers.  Also,  talking to the Reserve unit you are interested in joining can get you this info too.

cfinnwindsor said:
3) What differences are there in terms of the training, compared to non-reservists

Non Reservists?  as in  Regular Force?  Difference in training would be length of courses,  some POs, etc 

cfinnwindsor said:
4) How long, on average, does it take for an application to be accepted.  Say if I were to join now, could I possibly start my training by the time summer rolls around?

Again.. do some searching.  Enlistment process can go quick for some,  but slow on others.  If you apply now, even if you were 17  you would not be doing basic this summer.