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Age Limits to Join

  • Thread starter Thread starter max_francis
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whats the average age of the starting infantry?
just wondering
I'm 24 and lots of people are saying that I'm to old to go infantry
just wondering?
the latest you can join the infantry is 16 which is the reserves. 18 for regular force. If it were me I'd join  as soon as possible saying 18 because of the fact that raising your rank takes a lot of time and effort plus you would have to goto military college to raise to a higher rank which takes more then 10 years nah i dont know how long but ya its lengthy. at 24 starting at a private will take a long time to get to a high rank such as major or sumthing.
Seil said:
the latest you can join the infantry is 16 which is the reserves. 18 for regular force. If it were me I'd join   as soon as possible saying 18 because of the fact that raising your rank takes a lot of time and effort plus you would have to goto military college to raise to a higher rank which takes more then 10 years nah i dont know how long but ya its lengthy. at 24 starting at a private will take a long time to get to a high rank such as major or sumthing.

Where to begin?!  This post is complete NONSENSE!!!  :rage:  I don't know if you realize what you're saying in this post, or whether you're just rambling, or whether you've made a LOT of honest typos.

As for the original question, 24 is not too old.  Like anything else in life, some of your coursemates will be younger, and some will be older.  Don't worry about this crap about rank - go do it, work hard, and the results will come.
Seil said:
the latest you can join the infantry is 16 which is the reserves. 18 for regular force. If it were me I'd join   as soon as possible saying 18 because of the fact that raising your rank takes a lot of time and effort plus you would have to goto military college to raise to a higher rank which takes more then 10 years nah i dont know how long but ya its lengthy. at 24 starting at a private will take a long time to get to a high rank such as major or sumthing.

This is just plain beautiful.

As for being 24 you can expect to be given a leadership role in every course you take. You'll be the goto guy. You'll more than likely have a quicker progression if you are worth your salt.(I mean for your junior leaders course).
Seil said:
the latest you can join the infantry is 16 which is the reserves. 18 for regular force. If it were me I'd join   as soon as possible saying 18 because of the fact that raising your rank takes a lot of time and effort plus you would have to goto military college to raise to a higher rank which takes more then 10 years nah i dont know how long but ya its lengthy. at 24 starting at a private will take a long time to get to a high rank such as major or sumthing.

Don't go spouting of stuff you don't know about. I know some one who joined at 30 and is doing quite well for himself.
well thats good to know
so what most of you are saying is that being a littel older may infact help me move up rank faster (a littel )
because iv had more life experience and are a littel wiser then some 18year old fresh out of hightschool
and iv bin in supervisor positions in the civilyon world so thats might help to.

and to Seil
dont get to hard on your self late night post always look and sound bad
I'm 27 and am trying to join the Combat Engineers, reg force. I know it's not the infantry but it still is combat arms. 24 is definately not too old, as long as you are in decent shape.
According to this article http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/newsroom/view_news_e.asp?id=1405

In 1981, the average age of a CF recruit was 20; in 1999 it was 23; in 2002 it climbed to 24.5 As a result, as of April 30, 2004, only 802 of 8155 Regular Force members at the Private Recruit and Private Basic level, and only 403 of 1780 Regular Force Officer Cadets, were under the age of 20.

I don't have the specific numbers for infantry but it shouldn't been too far from this average, which makes you eligible for +35 years of service.
Joining the army isn't all about getting to the highest rank possible, as fast as you can.

Seil, your info is a little off dude.
banko said:
I'm 27 and am trying to join the Combat Engineers, reg force. I know it's not the infantry but it still is combat arms. 24 is definately not too old, as long as you are in decent shape.

The secondary role of the Combat Engineers is Infantry.

I know a guy who was 45 when he joined the Infantry an is doing well

No matter your age, aslong as your motivated etc, your do well.

Also, just cause your older than some of the younger guys doesn't mean your gonna get rank faster or anything like that.

An Seil, don't go talking about things you know nothing about.
I just notiched your in the process of joining the unit I'm in too.
Im 27 and going for reg force infantry.
After a shave and a haircut I look like any other 18 yr old kid, so im not sure being older will give you an advantage in getting higher in rank or be given a leadership role ( as since i look like a kid, i maybe passed up for someone with more facial hair  :P ;D ;D lolz)
It will all depend on what you can do and how good you can do it, plus the addage of you showing maturity and responsibility yada yada yada

If you keep up or surpass the required goals set out, it will say something about your potential.

age aint nothing but a number so chill out relax and enjoy 24 coz the world wont let you be 24 forever.

If you fell your strong and have the drive, then go for it, screw what  people say. who are these  people??

Its your Life, your decision, your call.
I'm a 46 year old woman and I'm leaving for St.Jean on Sunday!!!!! Going Supply Tech. I would say that I'm pretty motivated and in good health or else I would'nt be here.

Looking forward to it!

Cath :cdn:
Age does NOT matter.

Maturity, fitness, and the desire to succeed are the aspects that count. All sorts of people join the infantry (both RegF and ResF) at all different ages.

If you are worried that being older will automatically mean that you are not as fit as an 18 year-old, or that your body can't hack it, you are going to have to think again. I've seen some pretty old farts hump it through courses and do it twice as fast and three times as good as someone half his age.

If you want it bad enough, it will happen.

28 going sigs, hope to be in in january, otherwise, it might be 29!
Makes me feel young again mind you im only 17  :P jus jokin id rather have older wise people around me then young rambo wanna be's.
I hope when I start my training there isnt going to be a bunch of those rambo wannabes that get there and say "im gonna be a airborne sniper ninja JTF-2 h4x0rz" and then flake out of training because they realise it takes more time and effort then they thought to get those courses.

Has anyone ever seen that at BMQ/SQ/BIQ before?  (not just people dropping out, but people that think they're going to be airborne or a sniper and are all cocky about it?)
Hi. I'm a male in fairly good shape and just went for my medical.I am trying to enter into the NavTech(Comm) trade. I have over 10 years experience as an electronics guy. I am in my mid 30's.  If by some slim chance I get accepted what should expect?  What I am really wondering is if I will be an old man amongst a bunch of kids.  ;D